Satanism in America
Verse of the Day
Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
I hope to be back posting on a regular basis. Hopefully, I worked out a schedule were I can post regularly. The blog takes a lot of time, so I have to fit it into my schedule. Georgann, who helped me, is sick, and she might not be able to come back and help. She checked for the spelling and grammar, so if you see errors please overlook them.
Both world and USA events now are happening so fast that something earth shaking has to happen and soon. I will try and help you on the cutting edge of what is happening. I posted many key articles that are very important. One of the big ones is the corruption of Democrat Party lead by Hillary is really coming to the light. I think this is going break open and really start to drain the DC Swamp. We want all of the swamp drain along with Hollywood to come down!
These are very exciting times we are living in. Above all keep you eyes on the coming of the Lord Jesus for his bride!
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.

From the news: “The Michelle Obama Public Library in Long Beach, California hosted a satanic looking drag queen on Saturday who read books to young children as part of the library’s celebration LGBTQ History Month.The shocking photo of a man dressed as a female demon with giant horns on his head reading to little children at a public library was posted to Twitter and Facebook by the Long Beach Library but taken down after a huge outpouring of critical replies, including from GOP Congressional candidate Omar Navarro. It also got the approval of the Church of Satan.”
“Former Islamic State ‘Capital’ Raqqa Has Fallen, U.S.-Backed Forces Say” 10/18/17 This is very important because ISIS was blocking Iran from moving its army through Iraq and Syria to Israel. With the fall of ISIS, Iran is now free to move its army. Israel has stated many times that Iran moving its army into Syria is a red line which will start a war.
I believe that Iran will move its army and start the war. This war will involve Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas and Iraq against Israel. In the end, President Trump will back Israel. At this point, it is not known how far Russia will go to back Syria and Iran.
This is very tense just as North Korea also is.
Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
From the article: “US-backed Syrian forces liberated the city of Raqqa from Islamic State militants on Tuesday, a senior commander for the force said, adding that clearing operations were underway to remove land mines left behind and search for the extremist group’s sleeper cells. Brig. Gen. Talal Sillo told The Associated Press that there are no longer clashes in the city, which had served as the extremist group’s headquarters and self-proclaimed capital of their so-called “caliphate” for more than three years. A formal declaration will be made from the city soon, after the clearing operations end. Raqqa is still full of land mines, Sillo added, but fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces are now in control of the former “capital of terrorism.”
“DEEP STATE SWAMP: Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Are Linked to Clinton Uranium One Deal – MOST CORRUPT OFFICIALS EVER!” 10/18/17 This article is tremendously

A major DC Swamp Critter!
The swamp is totally corrupt and these denizens of the deep are still in power at the FBI and Justice Department. Mueller who is the Special prosecutor going after Trump was a head of the FBI at time this all happened!
Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
From the article: “Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show. They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill. The racketeering scheme was conducted “with the consent of higher level officials” in Russia who “shared the proceeds” from the kickbacks, one agent declared in an affidavit years later.”
“Abortionist Caught with Aborted Baby Parts in His Car Pleads ‘No Contest’” 01/ 17 Abortionists are in a special class of reprobates. There are some that repented and come to the

God used me to save this baby from abortion center
Lord, but most are sealed into a reprobate mind for God’s judgment.
When I was a pro life leader, I had direct contact with abortionists. Abortionist McLeod had two woman die in his mill and numbers were butchered, but he kept going even after his license was suspended. The state eventually closed him down.
Abortionist Thweat failed the board test four times: the IRS got him for $750,000 and he had numerous judgments against him. Abortionist Stein settled out of court with the four women he butchered. Abortionist Train worked delivering d babies at Harrisburg Hospital and would walk across the street to the abortion center and kill babies while he was in the hospital garb! He delivering and killing at the same time!
I preached the gospel to everyone of them. They all heard along with all the workers and abortion center escorts. There was no church support. There was just a few of us, but the Lord blessed and many babies were saved and mothers helped.
I also won a huge case in Federal Court against the City of York for violating my Constitutional rights. We made a video of the battles at the Planned Parenthood abortion center:
I can tell you that the battles to save the babies are fierce, but it is well worth it for the babies that were saved and the mothers that were helped.
Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
From the article: “Michigan Abortionist Michael Arthur Roth, who was caught by police with 14 containers of aborted baby remains in his car, has entered a plea of “No Contest” to three felony counts of Larceny in a Building. The 75-year-old appeared in a Macomb County Circuit Court Monday in the latest episode of a saga dating back to October, 2015, when police discovered stolen drugs, abortion equipment, and aborted baby remains in the trunk of his car. According to reports at the time, police in West Bloomfield, Michigan, found “14 containers of human tissue, possibly fetuses, medical equipment and large amounts of Fentanyl, a drug used for pain and sedation,” leading to the suspicion that Roth had been secretly carrying out illegal home abortions.
The discovery of the cache came about as the result of an automobile accident in which Roth hit a child with special needs, critically injuring him. Police investigators obtained a warrant to search Roth’s impounded car and found the human tissue in containers along with the other contraband during the search.”
“Death Star: George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to Open Society Foundations” 10/18/17 I see him as pure evil. Whatever is evil and against God, her promotes! He is a Jew who hates Israel. He
supports Islam, abortion and homosexuality. He does everything he can to try and destroy America. He is now transferring all this money so it can be used to corrupt the world!
May the Lord curse all his money and he dies poor!
2Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
From the article: “Left-wing billionaire George Soros has transferred $18 billion to his Open Society Foundations, the primary vehicle for his global political activism and philanthropy. The transfer, according to the Wall Street Journal, accounts for most of Soros’s foundation, which he accrued through a controversial career as an investor. The Journal notes: “Open Society has vaulted to the top ranks of philanthropic organizations, appearing to become the second largest in the U.S. by assets after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, based on 2014 figures from the National Philanthropic Trust.”
Soros, who is 87, transferred the funds as part of a plan to make sure his activism continues after he retires or passes away. $18 billion is roughly three times the amount of money spent by all parties, in all races, during the 2016 election cycle, according to Open Secrets. Though not all of the Open Society Foundations’ activities will be focused on the United States, Soros’ grant easily makes his organization the biggest player on the American political scene. Globally, Soros is involved in efforts to make Ireland pro-abortion, to demonize the Israeli government, and to promote migration from the Muslim world into Europe across open borders.
Though Soros’s foundation was originally aimed at fostering “open societies” as opposed to authoritarian systems, in recent years the foundation’s work has supported dogmatic, aggressive left-wing groups that disrupt liberal democracy and stifle opposing voices. Soros has funded the Black Lives Matter movement and is considering bankrolling the so-called “resistance” to President Donald Trump. He also backs Media Matters, a so-called “watchdog” group that spends most of its energy trying to eliminate conservatives from the media.”
“FLASHBACK: WHEN HARVEY WEINSTEIN BROUGHT AN ANTI-ISRAEL FILM TO THE UN” 10/17/17 Weinstein is a Hard Left Jew who hates Israel. The real Hard Left whether
they are Jews or not hate Israel. It looks like his hating Israel has caught up with him. The Lord has judged Weinstein for the entire world to see. He used his position to mock Israel before the entire world at the United Nations, so now he is mocked before the entire world.
Obadiah 1:15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done (to Israel), it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.
From the article: “Harvey Weinstein, a sopping bag of grease and evil, has done many terrible things in his life. Here’s one of those things that most people have forgotten about. In 2011, Weinstein brought Miral, an anti-Israel flick for a special screening at the United Nations General Assembly Hall. (Because the UN just isn’t anti-Israel enough.) Phyllis Chesler wrote up the disgusting spectacle at the time.
Scenes that depict Israeli life (e.g., classic footage from Israel’s declaration of independence and the celebrations that followed, etc.) are in black and white. All of the scenes depicting Palestinian life of any era are in lush and living color. Both Israeli soldiers and Israeli civilians are depicted as despicable, including an Israeli buffoon who drunkenly accosts Miral’s mother in a bar and an Israeli woman who calls her an “Arab whore.” All of the Palestinian characters are warm and physically beautiful. The American Jewish Congress, hardly a right-wing group, condemned it. In response, Harvey Weinstein rolled out his usual sleazy bag of media smear tricks. The ones that his victims feared.”
“Federal court rules World War I memorial cross must be torn down” 10/18/17 This is the continual destruction of American history. The Hard Left judges are using “separation of
church and state” for a search and destroy weapon to strip the nation of Christianity.
Then the Hard Left claims there never was a Christian influence in America, and yet decisions like this proves there was. They hate God and they hate America because of connection as a nation to God. They are ruthless and will anything to advance their God hating agenda.
From the article: “Writing separately, Chief Judge Gregory wrote, “This Memorial stands in witness to the VALOR, ENDURANCE, COURAGE, and DEVOTION of the forty-nine residents of Prince George’s County, Maryland ‘who lost their lives in the Great War for the liberty of the world.’ I cannot agree that a monument so conceived and dedicated and that bears such witness violates the letter or spirit of the very Constitution these heroes died to defend.”
Back in 1925, the American Legion erected a memorial in Bladensburg, Md., to honor the memory of 49 men who perished during World War I. The 40-foot tall memorial became known as the “Peace Cross.” In 2014, the American Humanist Association — a group that believes in “being good without a god” — filed a lawsuit alleging the cross-shaped memorial is unconstitutional and demanding it be demolished, altered, or removed. They alleged the cross carries “an inherently religious message and creates the unmistakable appearance of honoring only Christian servicemen.”
On Wednesday, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed and ruled the historic memorial must be torn down — all because the Bladensburg Memorial is in the shape of a cross. The Fourth Circuit said the memorial excessively entangles the government in religion because the cross is the “core symbol of Christianity” and “breaches” the wall separating church and state.”
“Liberal Gov. Jerry Brown Vetos Pro-Abortion, Anti-Religious Freedom Bill” 01/18/17 This is really amazing that a Hard Left Governor of California would veto a bill that helps pro life.
From the article: “California Governor Jerry Brown has vetoed a bill that critics say would have curbed the rights of pro-life religious groups regarding employment and hiring practices over abortion. Passed earlier this year, Assembly Bill 569 would have prohibited employers, including most religious ones, from taking punitive action against an employee or from hiring a possible employee over having an abortion. Although staunchly pro-choice, Governor Brown opted to veto AB 569, explaining in a memo sent back to the legislation on Sunday that he felt the measure was too overreaching.
Our prayers and hearts go out to her. Lord comfort Georgann and bring her peace and love to her. We pray for courage and strength to fill her and we pray for her family. Thank you Lord for her!
Father God,please be with Georgann,in the midst of what she is enduring.Give her your strength,and peace,with hope that all is for your Christ’s name,Amen.
I am agreeing with Jennifer and Dan’s prayers for you, Georgann. You are such a blessing to us, and I’m sure John feels the same.
John, you said above, “Both world and USA events now are happening so fast that something earth shaking has to happen and soon.” Just the other day I commented to two dear prayer partners that I felt like something is about to happen and that I am trying to trust the Lord and not fear, but sometimes I can’t shake the feeling of dread. (But I know that is Satan’s “game,” so I won’t fall for it!) Blessings, Denise