Scientists put human gene into monkeys to make them smarter, human-like

Verse of the Day
Genesis 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
There is no stopping the insane minds of these mad scientists. They are tampering with God’s creation by crossing the genes. It is only a matter of time until the mad scientists tamper with man’s DNA to break our connection to Adam and redemption by Jesus Christ.
In the day of Noah, there also was tampering with man’s DNA that was part for the cause for Noah’s flood.
Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
As in the Days of Noah
“Scientists put human gene into monkeys to make them smarter, human-like”
“Making monkeys more smart and human-like, scientists have used gene-editing to insert human brain gene in a monkey.
For the first time, a team of Chinese scientists made use of gene-editing techniques to make monkey brains more human-like. By the end, the monkeys, rhesus macaques, got smarter and had superior memories as compared to the unaltered monkeys.
Researchers edited the human version of a gene known as ‘MCPH1’ into the macaques. The gene made the monkeys’ brain develop along a more human-like timeline. The gene-hacked monkeys showed better reaction times and improved short-term memories in comparison to their unaltered peers, as per China Daily.”
Trump on the Offense
“Trump doubles down on plan to ship migrants to sanctuary cities, says ‘Radical Left’ should be happy” This is a wonderful idea, and I so hope he does it. President Trump just openly talking about it is brilliant.
“President Trump responded to reports Friday that his administration proposed releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities by not only confirming the plan but saying it remains under “strong” consideration.
Further, the president tweeted that relocating illegal immigrants to these districts should make the “Radical Left” happy.
The comments came after The Washington Post first reported that the White House proposed sending the detainees to sanctuary cities twice in the last six months. The proposal was first floated in November amid reports of a large migrant caravan from Central America making its way to the southern border. The idea was again considered in February, amid the standoff with Congress over a border wall.”
Hard Left and French Revolution
“David Limbaugh: Leftists Whipping Themselves Into a Jacobin Frenzy”
This is a great article showing how the Hard Left is heading towards a French Revolution in America. There is no doubt unless God intervenes this is exactly what is going to happen in America.
We need a revival for survival.
Proverbs 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
“There’s no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?
It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.
But what concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded. Instead of encouraging people to appeal to the better angels of their nature, they are beckoning them to summon their demons and become part of a mob mentality — as if we’re witnessing a replay of events that preceded the French Revolution.”
Hard Left Violence
“Violent Masked Leftist Attacks Conservative Speaker Knowles at MO Speech — Cops Take Him Down — Leftists Chant “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” When the Hard Left sees President Trump on the offensive and many of Criminal Crime Cartel going to jail, I expect violence. They are an out of control mob that must be defeated at all costs.
“A violet leftist attacked Republican Michael Knowles during his speech on Thursday at UMKC in Missouri on Thursday. The masked attacker sprayed an unknown substance at him during the attack on stage. Police quickly moved in and took down the far left criminal.
So the leftists in the crowd stood up and screamed, “Hands up, don’t shoot!” at the police officers in reference to Ferguson’s Micheal Brown who DID NOT have his hands up when he was gunned down in 2014. This is the thought process on the American left today.”
Hard Left Hatred for America
“New York Democrats Kill Bill for Tuition for Gold Star Families, Pass Tuition for Illegals Instead” The demon-dems are getting worse by the day. They just hate America and this is a perfect example. Just think of what the demon-dems will be like in a few years!
They are so hateful, the dems will take the fight to us.
“Democrats in New York killed a proposal for tuition assistance for children of veterans killed in battle and instead approved a bill to give illegals free tuition.
The New York Republican Party slammed the Democrats on Twitter saying, “Democrats just rejected tuition assistance for Gold Star families but approved it for illegal immigrants. Would these Democrats dare to look into the eyes of the children of fallen servicemen and women and say they matter less than those here illegally?”
Awesome Pro Life Victory
“Ohio Governor Signs Heartbeat Abortion Ban, Says ‘Most Vulnerable’ Need Protecting” This is wonderful news. May the Lord bless the Governor and the State of Ohio.
Notice how the nation is breaking up between pro life and pro infanticide states! It is just like before the Civil War. There were pro slavery, democrat states and non dem free states. The dems started the war, and this is exactly what is happening today. The demon-dems are taking the fight to us!
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
“Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed a bill into law Thursday that bans abortion when an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detected, although he acknowledged legal challenges will decide its fate. “It is the right thing to do,” DeWine, a Republican, said at the signing ceremony.
The bill says “no person shall knowingly and purposefully perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman before determining… whether the unborn human individual the pregnant woman is carrying has a detectable heartbeat.” Ohio Right to Life says an abdominal ultrasound can detect a heartbeat between eight and 12 weeks of a pregnancy.”
Abba Father’s International Fellowship – Asia
These are older pictures from Pakistan that at the time we couldn’t post because of the persecution. Last week we had a huge meeting here and the pastor has sent us a ton of pictures, but we are waiting on the explanation of the photos to post them. God is really moving in Pakistan, so
keep our pastors there in your prayers.
Greetings man of God,
here i am sending you, More Pictures of baptize people, My friend Pastor L send me this report, he say you Love you in Christ, and thanks for the material and they have need bibles, God Bless you … Pastor J
If you like our ministry, please consider making a donation to keep us going. May the Holy God of Israel bless you!
I used to think how bad the world will be ‘after’the rapture,because our influence is removed…Well, our influence is AWOL for the most I guess we don’t have to’s here.I just want to put out a big ‘shout out’ for all the ‘Christians’ who refused to heed Christ’s call.Thank you…for nothing.If you are sitting on your hand’s…what will come to your door in the spiritual realm will be the ‘fruit’ of your disobedience…and it won’t be pretty.I commend those who ARE standing for Jesus in the way He has shown you.Thank you very,very much..and I mean that.I know it isn’t alway’s easy to do so…but for the head in the sand crowd…..shade’s of Laodecea..if I spelled it incorrectly,I won’t be ashamed at HIS return…I see church building’s on fire..but where is the ‘fire’ in the Christian believer???I know where…It’s in those of other countrie’s who are not fat and sleek like us…who may really die at a moment’s notice for just trusting Jesus.We don’t know what hard is….Father God…Please don’t let me be one of those You want to vomit out of Your mouth.Do whatever it take’s so I don’t become lukewarm.There I go…pleasing the crowd again.
The ‘old guard’,meaning pelosi,uncle Joe..and the other misfit’s are the rotten wood the ‘New regressive’s’ will walk on to get to us.They are,to the ‘New left’,old,dead,decaying,and irrelevant.They ,[the new guard] will go for the jugular…[US].If I have to defend myself and family,[which is Biblical],I will and ask God to put on my lip’s,the ‘bretheren’ who helped the enemy by not showing up for duty..and for each God hater that may have to be [reincarnated] because they bowed to satan rather than God,and don’t have an ‘off’switch…I will mention my long lost ‘bretheren ‘by name as a memorial to their’honor’….I pray God that there will be a way God turn’s these goon’s around cause I would rather bless them than fit them for toetag’s…The rapture could come now…and I’d be o.k. with it.The devil is pulling out all stop’s…we may have to as well.Pray up people…We are in the most serious of time’s…..
The Dem party is almost dead and new one is right before our eyes.
They are name only…Excuse my french…but they are hell bent,[no exaggeration] on our a country,as a free people.When you see the DNA tampering ala shade’s of God’s first judgment in the flood’it’s a seed war’,God’s seed VS satan’s seed.Gen 3;15 and Daniel with the statue having part iron[demon seed],part clay[man’s seed]…’They seek to mingle with the seed of men’..though they don’t cleave..[God prohibit’s it] is still attempted with the ensueing monstrocitie’s made…like frankenstein on steroid’s.The evil one has his foot soldier’s working double time..while a lot of churche’s..sad to ‘bingo’ with the world.I personally believe CERN will play a huge role in the near future as it appear’s to me to be the ‘gate of Apollyon’,[the destroyer].Though Jesus has those key’s to ‘The Pit’they are trying to open…I believe Jesus may someday ‘oblige’them and ‘let them open it’…only to have all REAL HELL break loose with no way to close pandora’s box again.Cern may also become the super weapon the world,energized by satan use’s to try to kill Christ and us at our glorious ‘re-entry’ in the cloud’s….unsuccessful,of course…We,as Christian’s…need to be on our [A] game.
Father God…please wake the sleepy Christian.We need all hand’s on deck.I know You don’t need number’s,and more often than not..You whittle down the count.I believe the sleepy one’s would want to help if they knew the seriousness of the situation we are in,morally in America.I want to stand in the gap for them,give them the benefit of the doubt as maybe their pastor may be ‘soft’ on Bible.Bring us all closer to You so we can be about the work You left us here for.The evil one is running full bore and many believer’s won’t know what hit them until it is too late.Now is not the time for sleep,but to be awake in the Spirit of God.Amen.