Soros: European Union in mortal danger

Verse of the Day
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
I’ve posted a nice mix of articles to keep you on the cutting edge of events. An interesting one is about George Soros, who is of the most evil men on earth. He helped to create the European Muslim crisis, and now he wants to bleed Europe financially over it! This is so blatant that you can’t miss how the New World Order is working.
I will be posting more articles about the coming Financial Armageddon since the economic situation seems to be at critical mass.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Hebrews 11:9,10 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
Islam – Europe
Soros: European Union in mortal danger 04/12/16 I often post articles about Soros because I believe he is one of the most evil men on earth. I want you to see how this evil man operates. He is one of the major players bringing millions of Muslims into Europe to destabilize it.
Now that he was very successful with the destabilization, he is crying that Europe is in mortal danger unless huge amount of funds are poured into the Muslims! He helped create the situation and now he want Europe to go into massive debt! It really does look as if Soros and his ilk are trying to destroy Europe through the Muslims. The reason is so they can step in and take over after the collapse.
“Billionaire financier George Soros has warned that the European Union is in mortal danger of collapse if it doesn’t agree a massive cash injection to fix the refugee crisis.
In an essay written for the New York Review of Books, Soros also claimed that a humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in Greece.
“The asylum seekers are desperate. Legitimate refugees must be offered a reasonable chance to reach their destinations in Europe,” the investor wrote in the publication.
“EU leaders need to embrace the idea that effectively addressing the crisis will require “surge” funding, rather than scraping together insufficient funds year after year. Spending a large amount at the outset would allow the EU to respond more effectively to some of the most dangerous consequences of the refugee crisis.”
Victory! The Arch From The Temple Of Baal Planned For New York City Has Been CANCELED 04/12/16 I am not sure why it was canceled for NYC, but it’s great news that a pagan temple is not being built in the USA at this time.
“The Temple of Baal is NOT coming to Times Square in New York City next month. This is great news, and it represents an incredible victory for Christians in the United States. As you will see below, the New York Times, Snopes and a whole host of other mainstream news sources reported last month that everything was on track for reproductions of the giant 48-foot-tall arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria to be put up simultaneously in Times Square in New York City and Trafalgar Square in London during the month of April. But now that will not be happening.
The only arch that will be going up will be in Trafalgar Square, and it won’t be the one from the Temple of Baal. Instead, the Institute for Digital Archaeology has changed plans and will be putting up a reproduction of the Arch of Triumph which the Romans originally built in Palmyra and that has nothing to do with Baal. So why has there been such a dramatic change in plans?”
Hard Left – Military

Defense Secretary Ray Mabus
Navy Secretary Mabus to Marines: Women in Combat Is Irreversible 04/13/16 The Hard Left mind is now a national security threat. After evidence that females can’t function in combat units, the military went ahead and forced them in.
They are destroying the military right before out eyes. They are putting the lives of the women in danger along with all the males in the units. They are weakening the combat units in the face of any enemy whom they may face.
This the reprobate mind in action since everything it touches it destroys.
This mind is worse than Islam because at some point Islam bottoms out, but the reprobate mind NEVER bottoms out. It destroys and destroys until nothing is left.
It is the mind of Romans 1.
Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
“Navy Secretary Ray Mabus had a simple message for 1,500 Marines and sailors: The decision to let women compete for all military combat positions is as irreversible as earlier edicts to integrate blacks and allow gays and lesbians to openly serve.
It was Mabus’ third visit to a major Marine Corps base to explain the issue to rank-and-file audiences since Defense Secretary Ash Carter said in December that all combat positions would be open to women.
Mabus repeatedly emphasized that standards won’t be lowered.
“Marines, we’re past the decision now. The secretary of defense has made the decision. Now we’re into implementing,” he said Tuesday at Camp Pendleton in California.
Marine Corps leaders had sought to keep certain infantry and combat jobs closed to women, citing studies showing combined-gender units are not as effective as male-only units. Carter, backed by Mabus, overruled them.”
Hard Left – Reprobates
The Corporate Support for the LGBT Agenda is a UN War on Christianity and Morality 04/12/16 Look what is behind the homosexual agenda. It is the UN! What is coming is the federal government and the UN against the states and the people to promote this agenda. They are going to crush anyone who stands against them.
“Flashback to the Spring of 2015, in the lead up to the Supreme Court decision that legalized gay-marriage in the U.S., we saw corporations by the droves began to air LGBT friendly television, radio and print ads all aimed at pushing the supreme court to support gay-marriage.
You can see a small snapshot of just some of the numerous gay-friendly ads that were produced during this time in support of the decision that happened in late July of 2015. In what was undoubtedly a coordinated Obama Admin propaganda campaign hundreds of corporations all “came out” of the political closet in support of gay-marriage.
The Obama administration’s involvement in this propaganda push was well documented pointing to Valerie Jarret as the corporate handler and operative behind this push last year.
“Three weeks ago, Jarrett’s aide Aditi Hardikar, the LGBT liaison in the White House Office of Public Engagement, suggested they illuminate the White House with a rainbow if the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. Working with the first lady’s chief of staff, Tina Tchen, Jarrett and her aides consulted with the National Park Service and U.S. Secret Service and got gay rights organizations to underwrite it so it did not cost the taxpayers money.
The president accepted the idea matter-of-factly when Jarrett raised it. “It’s a great idea if you can get it to work,” she recalled him saying.”
Senators ask NBA to pull All-Star game from North Carolina 04/13/16 Please note the senators who want to allow men into women’s rest rooms, and if you live in these states, please contact them and stand for the Lord and for women and children.
This is nothing more than social anarchy and, and the overthrow of the functions of male and female.
I can tell you right now that the reprobate mind we now see rising is heading directly towards pedophilia. They want to legalize it because there is no restraint in the reprobate mind. Because Muhammad was a pedophile, the Muslims would also want it legalized.
It is clear to me that next on the reprobate train are the children. Not too long ago the idea of men in women’s public restrooms was unthinkable, but just look how far society has degenerated in a very short time.
They have their eyes on the children. These are lust-driven reprobates who are energized by hell, and they are now in control and are legalizing their sin.
“A bipartisan group of senators has asked NBA Commissioner Adam Silver to pull the league’s 2017 All-Star game from North Carolina because of a law in that state that many say discriminates against gay and transgender people.
The letter asks Silver to “take a stand against this latest form discrimination and move the 2017 NBA All Star Game away from Charlotte, N.C.,” following the passage of a new state law last month that prevents local governments from, for example, allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice.Sens. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.; Pat Leahy, D-Vt.; Cory Booker, D-N.J.; Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.; Patty Murray, D-Wash.; and Mark Kirk, R-Ill., signed the letter sent Tuesday. Kirk is the only Republican signed onto the letter and is running for re-election this year.
“We hold no ill-will towards the people of Charlotte, who passed an antidiscrimination measure that HB2 overturned, or towards the people of North Carolina,” the senators wrote in the letter. “However, we cannot condone nor stand idly by as North Carolina moves to legalize and institutionalize discrimination against the LGBT community. Nor should the NBA allow its premier annual event to be hosted in such a state.”
Islam – Jihad
ISIS OR ISLAM: WHICH BREEDS TERRORISM? 04/12/16 It is Islam which breed ISIS along with all of the other Islamic terrorist groups.
The Hard Left mind is linked at its core with Islam. They both reject the authority of Bible and both hate the LORD and anyone who believes in Him.
“A lie conceals the truth. And ugly but hidden truths never have a chance of being acknowledged, addressed, and ultimately ameliorated.
Because of this simple truism, one of the greatest lies of our age—that violence committed in the name of Islam has nothing to do with Islam—has made an intrinsically weak Islam the scourge of the modern world, with no signs of relief on the horizon.
One of the latest manifestations of this lie took place in Pakistan. On Easter Sunday, March 27, a suicide bombing took place near the children rides of a public park, where Christians were congregated and celebrating the resurrection of their Lord.
At least 74 people—mostly Christian women and children—were killed and nearly 400 injured. “There was human flesh on the walls of our house,” recalled a witness.
Who—or what—was responsible for this assault? “We claim responsibility for the attack on Christians as they were celebrating Easter,” said Jamaatul Ahraar, a splinter group of the Taliban. In a media statement, the group said it had “deliberately targeted the Christian community,” adding that “we had been waiting for this occasion.”
The Taliban and its affiliates are not alone. Click here, here, here, here, and here, for numerous examples of similarly lethal attacks on Christians celebrating Christmas or Easter by other Islamic groups and individuals around the world who also “had been waiting for this occasion.”
Even “the terror cell that struck in Brussels [last month, killing 34] was planning to massacre worshippers at Easter church services across Europe, including Britain, intelligence chiefs believe.”
Still, connecting the dots and understanding what binds all Islamic terrorist groups is a big no-no for the so-called mainstream media. The problem, we will be told, is the “Taliban,” which “has nothing to do with Islam.” Rather, it’s a finite, temporal, localized problem: defeat it, and the problem vanishes.”
Financial Armageddon
Global Leaders Begin To Panic Over “Economic Collapse” 04/12/16 There is a continual stream of articles warning coming about the coming economic meltdown. This is more cutting edge information about the world economy.
“Mainstream news outlets are already starting to use the phrase “economic collapse” to describe what is going on in some areas of our world right now.
For many Americans this may seem a bit strange, but the truth is that the worldwide economic slowdown that began during the second half of last year is starting to get a lot worse. In this article, we are going to examine evidence of this from South America, Europe, Asia and North America.
Once we are done, it should be obvious that there is absolutely no reason to be optimistic about the direction of the global economy right now. The warnings of so many prominent experts are now becoming a reality, and what we have witnessed so far are just the early chapters of a crushing economic crisis that will affect every man, woman and child in the entire world.
Let’s start with Brazil. It has the 7th largest economy on the entire planet, and it is already enduring its worst recession in 25 years. In fact, at the end of last year Goldman Sachs said that what was going on down there was actually a “depression”.
But now the crisis in Brazil has escalated significantly.
I want to share with you an excerpt from a recent article entitled “Brazil: Economic collapse worse than feared”. I know, that title sounds like it comes directly from The Economic Collapse Blog, but I didn’t write it.
It actually comes from CNN…
Amid political chaos, Brazil’s economic collapse is worse than its government once believed.
In the midst of rising calls to impeach President Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s central bank announced Thursday that it now expects the country’s economy to shrink 3.5% this year.
That’s worse than the central bank’s previous estimate for a 1.9% contraction. The darker forecast matches what the International Monetary Fund projected for Brazil — Latin America’s largest country — and what many independent economists have suspected.
It is one thing for Michael Snyder to tell you that Brazil is in the midst of “economic collapse”, but it is another thing entirely for CNN to say it.
And of course I have been warning about the crisis down in Brazil for quite some time now. For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled “The Economic Collapse Of South America Is Well Underway”.
Zephaniah 1:18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord’s wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.
He should know,he helped kill it!