Tagged: Islam

‘Beyond Tolerance’: The Delusional Ideologies of Obama, Clinton and Trudeau

Ben Stein, in the featured image quote above, is correct. We cannot declare peace when an enemy unilaterally is attacking us – it is delusional, at best, and ultimately, it is surrender. Yet that seems to be exactly what the Hard Left is doing with political correctness, surrendering to Islam, with its pretense that Islam isn’t at war with the world.
There is only one article in this post and because it’s so important, it’s reproduced in full, below. It’s focus is on how delusional Western leaders seem to be when it comes to Islam. But is it really delusion, or is it a calculated plan to destroy Christian civilization? Remember, these people have evil hearts and calculating motives. They are following an agenda which we’ve seen spelled out in the Bible for the final days, because their ultimate goal is to bring in the one-world rule of the antichrist. And Christian civilization stands in their way.

Israel girds for Golan war with Iran, Hezbollah

For a while now events involving Israel and Jerusalem have slowed down. Behind the scenes, Israel and Iran are preparing for war. If Iran can get the war in Syria under control, there is no doubt that war with Israel will be next. The good thing is that Israel has lots of time to prepare for the war, and it appears that Israel is using this time wisely.
In the coming war with Iran, I would not be surprised with Saudi Arabia and other Sunni nations with aligned with Israel!

Porn Use in Church Continues to Escalate

I think one of the reasons, and maybe the main reason, for the powerless modern American church is the sin of pornography in the camp. How many powerless pastors have their minds soaked in pornography? This sin grieves the Holy Spirit and renders the believers powerless with a feeling of condemnation. What pornography does is create sexual idolatry in the mind which deadens one’s emotions. A person lives in a sexual fantasy land rather than in reality. In the end, it can rule a person’s life just as crack cocaine can do.
I have prayed with great results for many males and females to be set free from the bondage of this sin. If you would like prayer, please email me at [email protected], and I can arrange a time for prayer. With females I always have a female prayer partner with me.

Europe: The Substitution of a Population

This is a fantastic article that you must read. It shows how Europe’s sin is destroying the culture. Europe has been under the direct judgment of the Lord for decades but few could see it. Since the vast amount of Europeans reject the Bible, kill their babies, promote the homosexual agenda, reject the Jews and want to divide both Israel and Jerusalem, according to God’s word He must judge them.

Half of Americans suddenly support Muslim immigration ban

The hatred within Islam is being fully exposed, splitting apart the Hard Left and causing more Americans to call for a halt to Muslim immigration. Islam is truly a judgment on any society that embraces it. Will America be brought down and torn apart by it or will the nation return to God and reject the agenda of those leading the nation?
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Orlando Terrorist Attack Is Deadly Threat to Left’s Agenda

Real Islam is showing its colors in America. The Hard Left loves Islam and homosexuality so what are those under a reprobate mind going to do? This had to come as the two are incompatible. I think that they will eventually side with the homosexuals but it will be too late. There are millions of Muslims in America and they can do serious damage to the nation.
No matter happens, we must keep our eyes focused on the Lord Jesus coming for us!

Bible reading by Republican spurs GOP walkout Lawmakers hurl F-bomb, flee meeting when scripture quoted in LGBT vote

There is little hope for America with politics. The foundation of the nation comes from God and his people in prayer. There can be a short-term victory through politics, but in the long run, the wickedness of America will make the nation like Sodom and bring judgment on it. America needs God’s people on their knees in revival for survival! The future of the nation can be foreseen by the prayer and life of the Church.

University of London Panel Calls for Annihilation of Israel as Solution to Global Antisemitism

I’ve reported here on the judgment of the Lord hitting both Great Britain and Venezuela for coming against Israel. Great Britain wants Israel to create a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. What is so interesting is that London now has a Muslim mayor, while 40 percent of the city is Muslim! What the British have tried to force on Israel has happened to them! God is turning Britain over to Islam for judgment.
Venezuela supports Iran against Israel, and now look at the condition of this nation! I’ve reported how this country has descended into utter poverty and now it has mass starvation with food riots! The curse of the Lord is coming upon all the nations that come against his prophetic plan for Israel.

Son of Satan – Sarmat RS-28 AKA Satan-2 Missile – The Most Destructive Missile Ever Made

The specter of war is falling over Europe. The Russian military is getting stronger by the month, while Europe is melting away in its sin. Putin is angry against the newly enacted European missile shield and he mentioned nuclear war! God’s judgment of Europe is really manifesting; internally the Muslims are destroying the continent, while the Russian bear has all the military power to destroy Europe. And under Obama, America is powerless to stop it. The sin of Europe has reached the throne of God.