Tagged: European civilization collapsing

Governments to Christians: Don’t You Dare Speak Out Against the Sexual Sin in Society

I’ve posted many articles about the attacks on Christians. The attacks are increasing and they are heading to a climax, which is the destruction of Christianity in America. This destruction has a pattern which I have been charting for years. It is being lead by Hard Left reprobates who hate both God and us because we stand for Him.
Always, always remember that they hate us as much as the Nazis hated the Jews. The Left’s goal is the same as the Nazis, which is the elimination of the enemy they loathe.
God is waiting for his Church to call out to Him in repentance and an for outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Even if the Church does not call out to the Lord, we must keep focused on the Groom coming for his bride. We must stay focused on the Blessed Hope, otherwise we could get fearful and depressed seeing what is coming upon the earth.