Tagged: “White March”

PIZZAGATE and the Worldwide Elite Pedophile Network

This is one of the most horrific subjects ever covered, pedophilia. What has been exposed in Wikileaks emails is not new in terms of activities, but the explicit and growing nature of them is dreadful. Elites around the world are reveling in the abuse and in some cases, the torture and death of children. The videos below are not easy to watch but they are VERY important to see so that you understand just what is occurring among high level politicians in America and around the world – and how long it has been going on.
Much of it is tied to satanic ritual abuse, which goes hand-in-hand with pedophilia in many of the exposed emails. This evil is spreading and by the grace of God is being more widely exposed – although for those interested in the subject, what has been occurring has been being exposed at some level and by some sources for years.