Ted Cruz threatens Yale Law School with lawsuit over blacklisting of Christian groups

Verse of the Day
1 John 3:13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
Almost everyday there are reports like this that the Hard Left wants to block and discriminate against the rights of real Christians. They are at war with us, and every way possible they are trying to marginalize us. Their goal is complete rejection of the Bible and real Christians to the point of violence heading towards extermination. These are ruthless dangerous people. It is wonderful that people in position of power like Senator Cruz will stand up for us.
We need revival for survival.
Proverbs 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
The Hardening of the Hard Left Against Christians
“Ted Cruz threatens Yale Law School with lawsuit over blacklisting of Christian groups”
““Public news reports indicate that Yale Law School has recently adopted a transparently discriminatory policy: namely, that Yale will no longer provide any stipends or loan repayments for students serving in organizations professing traditional Christian views or adhering to traditional sexual ethics,” Cruz wrote in a letter to Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken last Thursday.
Cruz, who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, argued that the policy appeared to be in violation of the First Amendment.
“The First Amendment protects both free speech and the Free Exercise of religion. Yale’s new policy does neither. Instead, it appears that the policy arose from unconstitutional animus and a specific discriminatory intent both to blacklist Christian organizations like the Alliance Defending Freedom and to punish Yale students whose values or religious faith lead them to work there,” he said.”
Draining the DC Swamp
“Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI” This is great news and finally it appears that the wheels of justice is grinding towards the dems and let’s hope all the way to B. Hussein!.
I will keep you posted when important information breaks into draining the swamp.
Proverbs 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
“Prominent Democrats lined up to hammer Attorney General Bill Barr for testifying Wednesday that federal authorities had spied on the Trump campaign in 2016, with one top House Democrat charging that Barr is not acting “in the best interest of the DOJ or the country.”
“I think spying did occur,” Barr said during the explosive hearing before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. “The question is whether it was adequately predicated. …Spying on a political campaign is a big deal.”
Barr later clarified in the hearing: “I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred; I’m saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it, that’s all.”
Hard Left DC Swamp
“DC’s Swamp Rats Cling to Their Hoax” This is a good article about the demon-dems and their attack on President Trump.
“For the Democrats it’s still all about the collusion narrative. They don’t care that the Mueller Report concluded that Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russians did not cooperate to steal the 2016 election. President Trump’s crazed enemies in Congress and in the liberal media will never believe Trump won fair and square.”
Target: Roe V Wade
“Near-total abortion bans seek to overturn Roe v. Wade” This is wonderful news. The pro life movement in America never gave up trying to save the babies and help the mothers along with trying to overturn Roe v Wade.
It is very possible the Lord will move with all the prayer to overturn Roe v Wade and end this mass murdering of babies.
“Emboldened by the new conservative majority on the Supreme Court, anti-abortion lawmakers and activists in numerous states are pushing near-total bans on the procedure in a deliberate frontal attack on Roe v. Wade.
Mississippi and Kentucky have passed laws that would ban most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected – which means as early as six weeks, when many women don’t even know they’re pregnant. Georgia could join them if Republican Gov. Brian Kemp signs a measure that has been sent to him, and a bill in Ohio is nearing final passage.
Similar bills have been filed in at least seven other states with anti-abortion GOP majorities in their legislatures.”
Abba Father’s International Fellowship
The pastors who Agreed to Join Abba Father international Ministry to preach the Message of Broken Hearted to Muslims. Most Pastors are coming from coastal Region of Tanzania & Kenya.
In the Pictures The pastors holding Broken hearted Brochures and Last Trumpet Magazines.Pastor A.
If you like our ministry, please consider making a donation to keep us going. May the Holy God of Israel bless you!
Pelosi looks like she’s trying to put a hex on us with that pic…sorry Nan…it won’t work.Thank You Father God for bringing light to the swamp-thang’s….Pull the lid off the garbage can and tip it over so whatever is in there can crawl out.We need bold pastor’s and bold believer’s in Jesus…no matter if you are a housewife,the man next door,a young person who love’s Christ…it is our time to stand strong in the truth of God.The occult,false religion’s and pretty little package’s filled with the world’s good’s that will pass away vie for our time and attention.Let us not look back to former thing’s but look ahead..march on with direct purpose in our heart’s and step’s..bringing the Gospel to bear on all thing’s..with kindness and all sureness…Because we know in whom we believe…C’mon men..[women too]..let’s march on for Jesus…holding out the Word of Life……The real gift is also the giver…Jesus.
It’s something everyday. Unbelievable how fast evil takes hold of a person and they turn into lunatics …. This guy didn’t have far to turn.
Wow, they are really fascists!!!
Wow..what a nut farm that mayor is.The only thing he own’s is judgment from the Living God.
The mayor of New York has the I.Q. of a used candy wrapper..and unfortunately also so has gone half the country.Who with a real brain in their head would ‘vote’ democrat or socialist…No one I know of.He need’s med’s..because I think his fate is already sealed.
I love how Trump gives the demonrats fits…He is just giving them what they want.They can’t win because their diapers are so full of liberal poo,it slows them down.God bless you MY president…and no…you don’t have to change their diaper..thats their ‘professors job.
I cannot understand how this is even allowed! Why would a parent be allowed to have this done to their child? I would think this would be child abuse. You certainly don’t hear about this on the nightly news.
There are days when I just wonder, what and when did we lose our ever loving minds!!
I am so so ready for Jesus to return
In reality…it doesn’t take a lot of us to be salt and light. Just one Christian surrendered to Christ in a room full of people can do it..Or,..one to one.For me,people seem more open to receiving truth when talking one to one.The Lord never fail’s to give just the right word for them.In at least 95% of the time,the Gospel outreach to them is appreciated.They receive it with great joy because they sense the heart behind it.Ask Jesus to ‘give you His eye’s’ when reaching a lost person.It will seem to open up before you..and in reality what you will see is Jesus working…For the other 5%…still pray for them Perhap’s you just planted a seed that may take a while to grow….but God’s seed is never wasted. We get to be God’s ambassador for Christ……..take that in for a while.Just think..God is trusting YOU….with His eternal plan to be offered to someone…….What an honor.