The Most Disturbing Video on the Islamic Invasion of Europe You’ll Ever See

Verse of the Day
Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
It really does look like Europe is being turned into hell. Notice how the Europeans seem powerless to stop this Islamic invasion of the entire continent! This is because the LORD has turned them over to Islam for judgment. Without repentance and crying out to the LORD, the invasion will continue until Europe is turned into an Islamic hell on earth.
The Europeans mocked God, slaughtered their babies in the womb, and interfered with God’s prophetic plan for Israel, so now they are reaping the judgment for their rebellion.
We actually are watching a slow-motion, on-going judgment of Europe. This judgment has been slow but steady, with it starting to increase in intensity. Europe does not have much time left. The French and Swedes are leading way into this judgment so let’s watch these nations very closely.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Islam – Jihad
The Most Disturbing Video on the Islamic Invasion of Europe You’ll Ever See 04/28/16 This is an invasion by Islam of the West, but the Hard Left mind in its rebellion against God can’t see it or is going along with it.
“Various clips of the Islamic refugees from the Middle East and Africa that the media isn’t showing. This is an invasion and it must be stopped.”
The Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to overthrow your country 04/27/16 The warnings are all out there about how Muslims intend to take over the world. They are working day and night.
She lays out their plans to take over.
“Brigitte Gabriel, a Lebanese born Christian Arab, who suffered terribly at the hands of the Islamic militants as a child and teenager, explains what the Muslim Brotherhood is, where it came from, and what its goals are. It’s convenient that Gabriel knows Arabic since what she quotes from the Arab Brotherhood is only available to those who read and understand Arabic. Not a word appears on their English website, in the English Wikipedia entry or anywhere else.
There is a message here, far deeper than what Gabriel tells the audience about the intentions of this Islamic organization to control the Western world and impose Islam and the Sharia law in all countries. All this is clearly written, in Arabic. For those who speak English, French, Spanish, German etc. there are other words and messages. Do not allow yourself to be deceived. The real message appears in the language that Gabriel needs to translate.”
Islam – Rape of Non-Muslim Women
Disturbing reality: Muslim ‘sex-grooming gangs’ 04/24/16 I have warned for years about the dangers of bringing Muslims into the West as they are savages when it comes to Western women. This book goes beyond anything I even imagined how evil the Muslims are towards women.
You will from the reading the article that this is not a small fraction of Muslims men, the numbers of women raped in Great Britain might be as high as 350,000 and it has spread to other European countries.
The article also shows how the root of this mentality goes back to Muhammad and how he dealt with women. This is real Islam at its core.
This is a shocking article and shows the future for European women as millions of Muslims are now pouring into Europe.
I say this once more, that Islam is one of God’s judgments against a wicked nation in rebellion against His word!
““In seventh century Arabic tribal culture, women were seen as commodities to be bought, sold, or otherwise appropriated as one was able, an attitude that Islam has perpetuated,” writes Davis.
Davis cites the example of Muhammad granting permission to a fellow jihadist to take the slave girl Safiya following the massacre of the Jewish tribe Bani Nadir at a place called Khaibar, as documented by hadith narrator Abdul Aziz.
“We conquered Khaibar, took the captives and the booty was collected. Dihya came and said, ‘O Allah’s Prophet! Give me a slave girl from the captives.’ The Prophet said, ‘Go and take any slave girl.’ He took Safiya bin Huyai.”
As it turned out, Muhammad saw Safiya and decided he wanted her for himself.
“The hapless slave girl Safiya appears as little more than a prestigious trophy to be haggled over and traded at the will of the victors,” Davis writes. “It is the same mentality that gave rise to the Muslim rape epidemic that has plagued major cities in Sweden and Norway, in which Muslims routinely attack unveiled women.”
Muhammad’s treatment of the slave girl’s husband is even more disturbing — he was tortured with a hot iron on his chest until he told the location of his treasure, then beheaded.”
Christianity – Second Coming
‘Left Behind’: Only One-Third of Pastors Share Your End Times Theology 04/27/16 I was very surprised to find that 33 percent of the pastors still believe in the rapture of the church. This is plenty of pastors for prayer, intercession and crying out for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
The potential is there, but were is thefaith to stand with the Lord for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit?
This research found plenty of apostasy etc. It is a real mixed bag with the church in America.
Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
“A third of America’s Protestant pastors expect Christians to be raptured—or taken up in the sky to meet Jesus—as the end times begin. About half think a false messiah known as the Antichrist will appear sometime in the future.
A surprising number think the Antichrist has already been here, or isn’t on his way at all.
Those are among the findings of a new telephone survey of 1,000 Protestant senior pastors and their views on end-times theology from Nashville-based LifeWay Research, sponsored by Charisma House Book Group.
End-times theology remains popular with churchgoers, says Scott McConnell, vice president of LifeWay Research. But it’s not an easy topic to preach about.
“Most people want their pastor to preach about the Book of Revelation and the end of the world,” he says. “But that’s a complicated task. Pastors and the scholars they cite often disagree about how the end times will unfold.”
Hard Left – Military

Sgt 1st Class Charles Martland
Army retains decorated Green Beret it planned to kick out over confronting Afghan child rapist 04/28/16 This is really stunning and even shocking. With the current leaders of the military, I thought he would be court martialed, but the charges were dropped!
This is the soldier who tried to protect young Afghan boys from being raped on the military base and blew the lid off how the officers were covering for the rapists! This is the modern military and not the one my dad served in when he fought the Nazis and was wounded.
I believe this only happened because the public stood up to the Hard Left in the military, and it was the public that stopped this.
Now this soldier should be recognized as a hero, and the despicable officers should be dismissed.
“In a stunning reversal, the U.S. Army decided late Thursday to retain a decorated Green Beret it had planned to kick out after he physically confronted a local Afghan commander accused of raping a boy over the course of many days.
Sgt 1st Class Charles Martland, confirmed the Army’s decision to retain him when reached by Fox News, who has been covering the story in depth for the past eight months and first broke the story of the Army’s decision in August to kick out Martland over the incident, which occurred in northern Afghanistan in 2011.
“I am real thankful for being able to continue to serve,” said Martland when reached on the telephone by Fox News. “I appreciate everything Congressman Duncan Hunter and his Chief of Staff, Joe Kasper did for me.”
World War 3
Pentagon Warns of Conflict Over Chinese Buildup on Disputed Island 04/29/16 China continues its expansion in the South China Sea. This has warning bells sounding all over Asia. China has no fear of either the US nor Obama, and now is doing what it wants. Obama’s weakness just has invited them to challenge America’s power in Asia.
China is getting ready for war with America, just as Russia is getting ready. World War 3 is on the way.
“China’s plans to build up a disputed island near the Philippines could lead to a regional conflict, Defense Secretary Ash Carter told Congress on Thursday.
Carter was asked about the strategic significance of China’s plan to add military facilities to a disputed island known as Scarborough Shoal located about 120 miles—within missile range—of Subic Bay, Philippines, where U.S. warships will be based.
The defense secretary said Scarborough is “a piece of disputed territory that, like other disputes in that region, has the potential to lead to military conflict.”
“That’s particularly concerning to us, given its proximity to the Philippines,” Carter told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on efforts to counter the Islamic State terrorist group.”
Israel and the Middle East War
Iran touts Israel invasion to recruit teenage boys to fight in Syria 04/29/16 Once again, this shows how determined Iran is to attack Israel. They are enticing young boys into Syria to fight Israel. They also used young boys to fight the war with Iraq in the 1980s. The boys were promised heaven if they died, and many did die.
“Iran has begun to ask its teenage boys to volunteer to fight in Syria in a sign the hard-line Islamic regime’s military is suffering rising casualties in the five-year war and needs a morale boost, an opposition group says.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) released a translated video it says was produced by the Tehran’s Bassij Music House and was shown over several days on state-run television this month.
The selling pitch to youngsters: You will be defending sacred Shiite shrines in Syria and will position yourselves to invade Israel, whose destruction is an Iranian regime priority.
The four-minute clip shows a group of boys in a courtyard, with three of them singing to another boy they are trying to recruit as he watches from a window. The singers are dressed in camouflage and combat boots. On camera, they tie on a cloth headband to complete the warrior look.”
Tokyo Races Against Quake That Will Shake World on `X’ Day 04/28/16 It really does appear that a sense of doom and gloom has settled over Japan. Its economy is collapsing and power earthquakes are hitting with regularity.
Japan totally supports the agenda against Israel. The Fukushima earthquake hit at the exact time Japan was coming against Israel.
The “big one” just might hit on a day when Japan is coming against Israel again.
“It’s a race between us and the earthquake. And if we don’t win it we won’t be able to protect the capital,” said Professor Satoshi Fujii of Kyoto University, a special adviser on disaster preparation to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s cabinet.
Preparations for the Big One in Tokyo have taken on more urgency this month after two devastating temblors struck in southern Japan, exposing weaknesses in the nation’s readiness for such disasters. Lying on the so-called “Ring of Fire,” an arc of volcanoes and fault lines crisscrossing the Pacific Basin, Japan is a nation of quakes, up to 2,000 per year, with densely populated cities. This combination puts thousands of people at risk of losing their lives in a major calamity that could strike at any time.”
Vanuatu tsunami threat over after big earthquake hits islands 04/29/16 Yet another major earthquake rocks the Pacific! There is no letup to these huge earthquakes striking.
Could it be that all of these earthquakes are leading to a monstrous event? I always watch things like this to see if it could be leading up to the world coming against Israel.
“A major earthquake hit the Pacific nation of Vanuatu early on Friday, briefly prompting a tsunami warning that was cancelled after locals reported no significant damage.
The United States Geological Survey said the 7.0-magnitude quake – originally reported as 7.3 – struck at a relatively shallow depth of 35 kilometres (21 miles) some 209 kilometres from the capital Port Vila.”
Habakkuk 1:12 Art thou not from everlasting, O Lord my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O Lord, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.
I’m so thankful to have faithful watchmen,such as you here,brother John.For all that you do,I appreciate it.Dan.w