Trump Goes There: ‘The Missiles Fired Last Night at Us Were Paid For by the Funds Given to Iran by the Obama Administration

4 Responses

  1. dan.w says:

    I love the testimonies from Kenya.God is at work there.As re; the daughter of the islamic general who Trump ‘took care of’…His daughter should be glad.Martyrdom is their highest goal…Seem’s to me to she’s not happy that her father ‘made it all the way’.Islam..the religion of death.I honestly believe Trump is a small window of hope for us in America..and other part’s of the world.He has the……. excuse my wording’gonad’s’…to be executive in chief.He will NOT sell us out like the last how many president’s have done going back decade’s.Trump is a street fighter.He is one of my hero’s.I thank God daily for him…and for John.I believe the ‘shadow world government’ is trying EVERYTHING in their wicked playbook to get rid of Mr.President..because they hope that if they do..America will fall without remedy…and then satan can then focus on taking out Israel and the Jew’s.Just as ‘The Church’ stand’s in the way,before the Great Tribulation start’ Trump stand’s in the way of the globalist occultist elite. One day,perhap’s soon..We will be ‘removed’ by God…and the clock will begin ticking again.

  2. Kirsten says:

    Such an interesting newsletter! Praise God for all the work He’s doing through you in this vital ministry!