Tucker Carlson: Chinese Researchers Confirm Coronavirus Linked to Horseshoe Bat Studies at Wuhan Research Institutes

Verse of the Day
Luke 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
I said this from the very beginning that the virus came from a bio warfare lab in Wuhan. There was no reason for the Chinese to hide this outbreak and lie about it. They then tried to say the virus was US bio warfare against China!
Notice how the Hard Left runs to cover and protect China, yet, they continue to try and destroy President Trump! These are loathsome evil people who would fit much better in China with the Communists.
1 Thess 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“Tucker Carlson: Chinese Researchers Confirm Coronavirus Linked to Horseshoe Bat Studies at One of Two Wuhan Research Institutes (VIDEO)”
“On Tuesday night FOX News host Tucker Carlson reopened the case using information from a CHINESE study on the origin of the novel coronavirus.
The coronavirus came from either the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention or Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.The study concluded the deadly virus came out of local laboratories in Hubei Province. The smoking gun in the study is the link to horseshoe bats which are not sold in local markets and not native to Wuhan. In fact the closest colony is 900 kilometers away. There is no evidence horseshoe bats were sold in the Wuhan wet markets. The local labs used this bat specimen and the virus came from a lab in Wuhan.”
“America Going to War?” There are three events that happened last week, when they are put together, creates an ominous sign something huge is coming. I thought it was martial law, but the author’s thoughts on it are strong for war.
The three events are:
1) President Trump 100 thousand reserves, saying he needed all medical reserves which amounted to 20,000. Why are all the rest needed?
2) Key military people like generals where just placed in a 2000 feet deep war bunker.
3) All US citizens overseas were told to come home.
We will see where this all is all leading.
“This is worth mentioning because today we have a new warning about where things are headed. There have been three unmistakable signs that war is coming to the United States very soon. Those signs have all emerged in the past week, all with a sense of urgency that goes far beyond any concern about a pandemic:”
“Federal Judges: Elective Abortions a ‘Constitutional Right’ During Coronavirus Pandemic” These “judges” need to be reminded when the time comes that the 2nd Amendment is a Constitutional Right and not to be tampered with. The Hard Left will do all they can to keep the killing going. They love to kill.
“Federal judges in three states have blocked orders suspending elective abortions in order to preserve medical essentials such as personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare professionals who are treating victims of the infection caused by the coronavirus.
“The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects a woman’s right to choose an abortion,” Judge Lee Yeakel of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, a George W. Bush appointee, wrote, reported the Dallas News.”
“The NYT Blame Throwers: Coronavirus Edition” I posted on this already, but this is a good article.
“If Chinese officials weren’t fans of the American media before, they are now. After weeks of taking all the heat for the coronavirus, the communist regime will be relieved to know that, according to the New York Times, they aren’t to blame for this global pandemic. Evangelicals are.
In a column so outrageous editors ultimately rushed to change the headline, opinion writer Katherine Stewart makes it her personal mission to pin the entire plague on the country’s faithful. “The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals,” the block type insisted — until the paper was forced to turn Stewart’s vitriol down a notch to “The Religious Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Response to the Coronavirus.” If the new header was supposed to tamp down the controversy the column started, it didn’t.
It isn’t that Christians aren’t used to this sort of scapegoating. Honestly, there isn’t a problem in the world the far-Left hasn’t tried to frame believers for. But this, a hate-filled piece of editorial garbage, is exactly why Americans have turned their backs on the media. Too many outlets are more interested in attacking the president than containing the virus. And amazingly, the New York Times — from the city most ravaged by the catastrophe — is leading the way.”
“Large M6.5 Earthquake in Pacific Northwest / Idaho – expect a spread this week” This is an update from Dutchsinse: “A large M6.5 earthquake has struck in Central Idaho , across the Challis region , above the center of the magma chamber for Yellowstone supervolcano.
Be ready for a spread of activity this week to occur across the edge of the North American Craton , a marked increase should take place in the areas mentioned in this video including Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Mississippi , Virginia , New York, Maine, New Brunswick, and Southeast Quebec.”
“My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell at the White House: Read Bible, Spend Time with Family” You must listen to Lindell’s message. It is really good. The MSM cut away when he spoke about the Bible.
“My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell spoke at the White House on Monday, explaining to the American people what his company was doing to help during the coronavirus crisis, but he also had some words of spiritual advice for the country.
“I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the word, read our Bibles, and spend time with our families,” he said. Lindell said that America benefited after President Trump was elected and began turning back to God. He urged all Americans to join and pray for the country.
“With our great president, vice president, and this administration, and all the great people in this country praying daily, we will get through this and get back to a place that is stronger than ever,” he said.”
I believe Trump is doing all he can with the ‘tools’ he has at his disposal.This ‘event’…was engineered by satan,put into motion by the NWO deep state globalist cabal..and in my opinion,lining up with Scripture,[God allowed].We are at a place where things will never be the same.No more normal,ever here again.The economy will tank because the outcome was predetermined and the timing was sure.America is in for the fight of her life.Food will become scarcer,people are already like strangers in many ways.Most people sense we are at ‘critical mass’ in many ways.The devil has to ‘deep six’ our dollar to get us to take a digital or other currency so we can be I.D.ed and tracked.All our freedoms are now to become a memory.God gave us a window of time.Question…Did we ,excuse my expression……pee it away….or did we reach others for Jesus with that time.Our time is almost up.I’m pre trib…but that won’t mean many Christian lives won’t be lost because it’s happening elsewhere..and now we see the virulent hatred for Christ and His followers even here.Even so…..Lord Jesus,come.
I agree with you, Dan w.! And would like to add, that I have never seen a time where more people are open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ than right now. The fields are white unto harvest. I’m praying that the Lord gives people all over the world dreams and visions and that many are saved…I truly believe that we are very, very close to seeing the Lord Jesus face to face! Be Salt and Light, Saints, we’re almost HOME!
I like that, White unto Harvest!
Along with ‘The virus’…which was engineered for such a time as this…this is a Psy-Ops operation to break down the will of the people….I will give credit where it is due..Brannon Howse mentioned it on his show today,worldviewweekend.This IS a war,and Trump has to say against a virus..but he knows who he really is up against.He has to walk a soft line with our population so they don’t get spooked.One wrong word and you can see people emptying shelves out of fear.He is smart with keeping people home,and off the streets and home from school.In case of an attack from ‘the outside’ or rogue plants..it will be easier to fight back and hopefully less innocent people getting caught up in it.I’m really saddened and disappointed at how blind most of ‘the church’ is.They simple are disconnected spiritually and don’t see,[for the most part],the spiritual battle we are in.There are some great ministries out there as well..this being one of them.We need to be plugged in and busy.Sitting this one out is foolish at best,a sin at worst.It seems burying there heads in the sand,or sick of hearing it,or not interested seems to be where most people are.The NWO is real..and operating at full strength wanting to take the reigns of our country and enslave you and I.If someone tries to ‘chip’ me,or vaccinate me against my will…someone will stop breathing,and it won’t be me.We ARE rushing headlong into the final days…and people are being ‘conditioned’ to love their slave owners…..Sorry satan…Jesus owns me…buzz off.
One of the many blessings of being a born again Christian is the wisdom and spiritual intuition God pours upon us freely, if you have Gods spiritual discernment than you can see the evil forced lined up against America and the entire Christian west, every curse upon us is significant no matter how small, without wisdom evil can creep up on us, it truly amazes me how Lucifer can hide his true intentions by sugar coating everything, like trying to convince us godlessness is a good thing and should be tolerated because that makes us all better people.
Look where our tolerance for evil has gotten us, we have an enemy openly mocking us and threatening war because we dare to question their motives, China is hoping we all lay down and die like good little sheep before the slaughter, yes, we are at the brink of war, Christians fought and died during the II World War and it looks like we’ll have to again, only this time the enemy has us in a stranglehold, physically and financially, may God grant us strength and the courage needed to defeat our foes…’God Bless America and May God Bless President Trump’!
Thanks, this is a real good post.