U.S. Army Message: ‘Make America Great Again,’ Columbus Day Signs ‘White Supremacy

Verse of the Day
Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
I was very concerned about the Hard Left reprobates in the military. If they are in key positions, it could be the death knell for the military in America. This is my worst nightmare. They are in the military and will turn it into Seattle and the enemy of the people!
Looking for the Blessed Hope and glorious coming of Jesus Christ for his believers.
Philippians 3:20 For our (citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
“A U.S. Army email, sent after the Fourth of July to its military and civilian members, included a graphic which claimed saying the phrase “Make America Great Again” is evidence of “white supremacy.”
The graphic listed other behaviors it deemed evidence of white supremacy, including, “Celebration of Columbus Day,” the “Denial of White Privilege,” “Talking about ‘American Exceptionalism,’” and saying “There’s Only One Human Race.”The email invited “all soldiers and (Department of the Army) Civilian Personnel” to attend the U.S. Army’s “Operation Inclusion” seminars on July 8 and 9 at the Redstone Arsenal Army Base in Alabama. The email was sent by Chaney P. Pickard from the U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Center using an official government email.”

“A major battle is brewing over how military chaplains are attempting to do their jobs in a pandemic world. Since social distancing guidelines have closed chapels and other meeting places, chaplains like many pastors have moved online to help meet spiritual needs. This has led to complaints about the nature of the posts and where they’re appearing.
CBN News recently spoke with the Chief Chaplain of the US Army about how those in his command have adapted to virtual ministry.”

“New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio and his wife Chirlane McCray joined activists on Thursday to paint Black Lives Matter on the street in front of Trump Tower. De Blasio does this as violence soars in his city and businesses are still locked down.
Later Thursday afternoon, the Commie mayor told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that he is banning all large gatherings such as parades, fairs and concerts except for Black Lives Matter riots through September. Summer is cancelled in New York City.”

“Liberal writer Peter Beinart’s latest oped published in the New York Times Wednesday has sparked outrage among U.S. Jewish leaders for calling for the end of Israel.
The opinion article, entitled “I No Longer Believe in a Jewish State,” calls for Israel to be replaced with a binational, unitary state called “Israel-Palestine.”
“Israel-Palestine can be a Jewish home that is also, equally, a Palestinian home,” writes Beinart in the July 8 piece.”

“Former NBA player Stephen Jackson defended DeSean Jackson on Tuesday night, saying the Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver was “speaking the truth” with his controversial social media posts, including an anti-Semitic message that he attributed to Adolf Hitler.
The Eagles called DeSean Jackson’s posts “offensive, harmful and absolutely appalling,” and the wide receiver later issued two separate statements of apology with “a promise to do better.”

(She is from India. Sawant is a member of the Marxist Socialist Alternative party, the United States section of the British-based Trotskyist international organization the International Socialist Alternative, formerly the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI).
“Communist Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant (Socialist Alternative) gave a victory speech Tuesday night after passage by the city council of the so-called Amazon Tax in which she vowed to overthrow the United States, replacing the government and society with a “socialist world”.
Sawant, 46, immigrated from India as an adult with a B.S. in computer science from the University of Mumbai received in 1994. Once in the U.S., Sawant earned a Ph.D in economics from North Carolina State University and became a U.S. citizen in 2010. Sawant has served on the Seattle City Council since 2014.”

““Broken heart syndrome,” used to describe a group of symptoms that present themselves similarly to a heart attack, has increased during the coronavirus pandemic in at least two Ohio hospitals, according to a Cleveland Clinic study.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, “broken heart syndrome” — also referred to as Takotusubo cardiomyopathy and stress-induced cardiomyopathy — describes a “group of symptoms similar to those of a heart attack, occurring in response to a physical or emotional stress.” Symptoms can include chest pain and shortness of breath — neither of which, in the case of “broken heart syndrome,” are caused by blocked coronary arteries.”

It is too cheap for medical establishment to promote.
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Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
I believe the hand of God is against America.I see it everywhere.Evil triumphs because good men do/did nothing.
You are 100% correct. This is why we must pray and intercede before the Lord for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Brother John..I heard from a non-believing Jew today that the Jewish people are going back to Israel…I wonder why?,and it dosn’t bode well for the U.S.
Yes, this is happening real fast. The entire demon-dem party is turning against the Jews.
If they win in November, it is all over between America and Israel. These monsters will turn
against both the American Jews and Christians. There are special demons behind the dems.
They really are the enemies of God and hate him. If they could, they would enter heaven to war with the Lord!!!
My personal belief is the Jews leaving ‘enmass’..from the U.S…is a prophetic sign that America has run out of time.Like a bird who heeds the seasons call,so it is with the Jew.
Amen, wonderful you prayed like this
I couldn’t sleep too good last night..so I used it to cry out to the Lord for a third great awakening in America.I prayed for us all..saved and unsaved.
Father God..bring down the entrenched deep state within our government/military/and all area’s of influence.Grease Soro’s/Gate’s steps and all who hate You.Let them slip on their way to Hell.Amen.
If Sawant wants a civil war to overthrow the USA, some of us ARE ready, seeing this as possibly coming looong ago, and are prepped for it. Just saying,
Psalm 1
Many of us are prepared and recommend everyone prepare as the Lord leads you.
God has blessed Americans with the ability to protect ourselves which nations have.
I try to get people to see the ‘seriousness’ of the situation..When statues are toppled,it signals a regime change.I dare someone to show me any country where that has not worked out.Freedom of speech,[for us]is almost gone.They wil burn the churches if not stopped..and come for your weapons of self defense.I just want all of you to have a heads up so you can pre-plan and have a fair shot at making it through this insurrection.Pray up,everyone..its our best hope.