RADIO SHOW TONIGHT: Uncovering Corruption in Perry County, Pennsylvania Part 1 (The Monster)

Tonight: Radio Show, What’s Right – What’s Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Starts 10:00 PM EST with Bible teaching for 30 minutes. The subject will be the abuse of the elderly in Pennsylvania and especially Perry County.

The show will be about corruption in Perry County, PA, which is my home county, and the state regarding abuse of the elderly.
I along with John Holman will produce law and evidence that will shock you how this county and the state allow the elderly to be abused leading up the governor just murdering 1000s with Covid-19 in the nursing homes!
I am a retired federal agent and investigated this matter as if it was a criminal investigation, which it really should be. I wrote a five part series about this corruption. I highly suggest you read the series, because we can’t cover all the information in tonight’s show.
If you are unable to listen, I will post a link to the archives.
I strongly suggest you to listen to this show because information will be shared which is quite shocking, and we need and a politically uprising to stop the abuse of the elderly. They are not being protected.
This is the first installment in a series about corruption in Perry County, PA.
Luke 12:2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. (3) Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
The Monster in the Closet
What began in 2015 as a simple problem in Perry County, PA, eventually revealed a national monster that abuses the elderly’s rights and devours their money. “The Monster” is an organized mob that operates under the color of law to isolate the elderly from family and friends and deprive them of their rights and legal assistance in order to steal their assets.
When my wife and I were barred without explanation from visiting our friends at Kinkora Pythian Nursing home in Duncannon, PA, I attempted to file a complaint with the Perry County Area Office of Aging. Their refusal to even listen to our complaint began a journey that revealed “The Monster”.

Location of the Battle: Perry County, PA
I uncovered a criminal enterprise composed of, Pennsylvania State officials, unethical District Attorneys, lying township supervisors, incompetent and lying employees at Perry County Area Agency on Aging, incompetent and unethical county and township solicitors, lying police, lying and unethical nursing home employees, unethical state and federal representatives, unethical judges and a complacent local media who was advised of the problem and did nothing.
The effort to stop this monster resulted in an investigation lead by retired federal criminal investigator John McTernan. The investigation caught the attention of national organizations that defend the rights of the elderly. These organizations include Kerri Kasem’s foundation Kasem Cares, Rick Black’s organization CEAR (Center for Estate Administration Reform).
I represented Kasem Cares in a court hearing in Chester County Pennsylvania as an expert witness. This was a visitation hearing for an elderly woman who is being isolated from her family and her large estate being eaten by the “Monster”. Even though I was able to provide the law that proved the elderly woman’s rights were violated my testimony was ignored by the court. I continue to work closely with these national organizations to put and end to this crime against the “Greatest Generation”.
In upcoming installments, I will provide overwhelming evidence that proves our case of corruption by State and Perry County officials. The evidence includes official documents, right to know requests, videos of public meetings, signed requests for legal assistance by the victims, audio and transcripts of abuse of the victims and various interviews. This information was provided to FBI in a three hour interview and to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Middle District of Pennsylvania.

Ground Zero for the Battle of Elderly Rights!
There is an all out assault on the elderly and the preborn.Both are seen as weak and conquerable by evil people.They want to depopulate the earth..because to the true God is their mother.Remember,if they kill off the elderly,conservative values and votes/Godly teaching and instruction become lost to the next generation.The ‘elite’..want drone like robot people who are yes men and brownshirts for their wicked plans.We as Christians must stand now at every turn against them and for Christ…no matter the cost.
Some how I have fallen off of your auto post to my email??
Have followed for years .Even donated 2 months ago.
Great stuff !!
scott G.
They are tampering with my posts and sites. Nothing I can do about it.