Europe Is Abolishing Itself Through Mass Immigration

Verse of the Day
Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Europe is self-destructing right before our eyes. The more Europe turned from God the faster the destruction. Right now it is terminal with no way to stop it. The Europeans rejected the Holy God of Israel, so now they are getting millions of Muslims with many who want to destroy all the countries they are coming into!
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.
Hard Left – Europe
Swiss Magazine: Europe Is Abolishing Itself Through Mass Immigration 04/08/16 It really does look as if God has completely pulled out of Europe and turned the Europeans over to their reprobate minds. Under the control this mind they are committing continental suicide.
This is suicide by Muslims. America is next on-line for national suicide. Just watch what is happening in Europe; it is coming here shortly afterward.
“Europe is abolishing itself and “it is an illusion” to think the continent can cope with the recent wave of mass migration, the editor of a Swiss magazine has warned.
In an editorial in Die Weltwoche, Roger Köppel argues that the terrorist attacks in France and Brussels are “acute symptoms” of Europe’s ill-conceived immigration policies and “just a taste” of things to come.
Many of the observations by the Swiss People’s Party (SVP) MP will shock liberals, as Köppel condemns the mass movement of people entering Europe “under the guise of asylum” as “shock therapy” and “a human experiment” on European societies by politicians with no mandate.
He also points out that attempts by European countries to integrate Muslim populations have failed and cautions that the more “refugees” Europe accepts the more likely terrorist attacks on the continent become.”
World War 3
Top Iranian general: Iran preparing for all-out war with the US 04/06/16 Since 1979 Iran views America as the “great satan”, and its number one enemy. They feel that for Shiite Islam to take over the world, the US has to be destroyed, and once that the US is destroyed Israel will soon follow.
Iran has been at war with the US since 1979.
“Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari has said Iran is preparing for all-out war with the US and its allies, and has vowed Iran will continue advancing and testing its ballistic missile program.
Speaking at a gathering of senior IRGC commanders in Tehran Tuesday, Jafari declared that the US “would not be able to do a damned thing” in the face of Iranian advances, according to official Tasnim news agency.
“For years, we have been building power on the presumption of a widespread war with the US and its allies, and have developed all our capacities and capabilities for decisive victories over such enemies,” Jafari said.
The top Iranian general also blasted neighboring Arab states for what he termed as “stupid behavior,” in opting to align with Israel and the United States against Iran.”
Israel and the Middle East War
Media Monitor: Abbas Tells Palestinians Entire State of Israel ‘Occupied,’ Calls for Peace When Addressing Foreign Audiences (VIDEO) 04/07/16 The Palestinians have been saying this since the PLO started in 1964. They speak about peace to the West, but in Arabic it is talk about destroying Israel.
I believe that the next war between Israel and the PLO will be the last.
Genesis 17:7,8 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.
“Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas speaks in “two languages” when articulating his policies on Israel, a Jerusalem-based research institute reported on Wednesday.
According to the Palestinian Media Watch report, when Abbas addresses Palestinians – and through his PA-controlled media — he consistently refers to the entire state of Israel as “occupied” territory.
When talking to foreign audiences, however, PMW said, “Abbas implies acceptance of Israel’s legitimacy, pledging that he is in favor of the two-state solution, with Israelis and Palestinians living side by side in peace.”
Floods, Famines, Fires, Etc.
The Exodus Of People Moving Away From California Is Becoming An Avalanche 04/08/16
Psalm 107:33,34 He turneth rivers into a wilderness, and the watersprings into dry ground; A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein.
I believe that God is going to destroy California on a day of state wickedness and rebellion against His word. Also, I believe the connection will be clear to see for all who have spiritual eyes.
This state has led the way in taking the nation into sin, and God is going to make an example of this state for the entire world to see, by the connection to His judgment.
God gave many warnings of the coming judgment.
“Over the past ten years, approximately five million people have moved away from the state of California, and as you will see in this article this mass exodus appears to be accelerating. So exactly why is this happening?
Once upon a time, it seemed like almost everyone wanted to live in California. The nearly endless sunshine, the incredible weather, the pristine beaches and a booming economy motivated millions of young Americans to move out there to pursue “the California Dream”. In fact, in the early nineties I actually explored the idea of moving out there myself. But now the California Dream has become a nightmare.
Californians are being taxed to death, traffic in the major cities is absolutely horrific, violent crime and gang activity are on the rise, millions of illegal immigrants are putting an incredible strain on social support systems, and the ultra-liberal government in Sacramento seems to have gone completely insane.
In addition, the state faces constant threats from earthquakes, wildfires, droughts and mudslides, so it is quite understandable why so many people feel motivated to leave and never come back.
The number one destination for people leaving the state of California in recent years has been the state of Texas. And according to Ali Meyer of the Washington Free Beacon, the number of people leaving California for Texas has reached “its highest level in nearly a decade”…
The number of Californians leaving the state and moving to Texas is at its highest level in nearly a decade, according to data from the Internal Revenue Service.
According to IRS migration data, which uses individual income tax returns to record year-to-year address changes, over 250,000 California residents moved out of the state between 2013 and 2014, the latest period for which data was available. The tax returns reported more than $21 billion in adjusted gross income to the IRS.
Of the returns, 33,626 reported address changes from California to Texas, which has been the top destination for individuals leaving California since 2007.”
A mag 6.0 – 68km SSW of Bunisari, Indonesia is the sixth major quake of April in six day’s! 04/07/16 I just want you to know that there is a huge amount of large earthquakes hitting the Pacific. I don’t know if these means the quakes are going to intensify or spread. If this continues, I will keep you posted.
“A mag 6.0 – 68km SSW of Bunisari, Indonesia is the sixth major quake of April,
We had five major quakes in the whole month of March and now we have had six in the first six day’s of April!
April is traditionally a busy month for major quakes, I don’t know why.
This evening’s quake is the 34th of 2016.”Zephaniah 1:10 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and an howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills.
I believe from my perspective,that isis and the mass influx of aliens into every country,[this one included],is in fact intentional.The ‘leaders’ are not concerned about committing political/national suicide,because they have already been bought and paid for by the illuminati.This is an orchestrsted event, meant to bring all the nations to their knee’s,because the ‘order out of chao’s’ is right out of the lucifer’s play book.He will then produce draconian measures to ‘protect’/enslave the people.We ALWAYS lose rights and freedoms because of the fear of something.After 911,the world never was the same.If people would research and not just follow the liberal narratives puked out on the liar news networks,but find real sources of info,they would see the gauntlet we are being led to.There really is a shadow every world govt.It sounds so ridiculous on it’s face,that most people laugh it off as a fairy tale of a deluded mind……….just what they want us to think.Yes,..there really were giants in the Bible.literal,not figurative.We are now doing what the world was judged for the first time……messing with God’s seed,DNA.I look forward to Christ coming for His own,/US.
Hello to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I just recently made a big move and have not even read John’s posts for several months. I am now pretty well settled in my new home very near my daughter and loving it. God is so good to put us where we need to be if we listen to His leading and guiding.
The world is falling apart–no doubt about it; and there is one subject in particular that has really been bothering me. I’ve detailed my concern in a few sentences below:
I have been somewhat disturbed at the increase in the use of Matthew 24:36. People keep pounding away with that verse. If you rightly divide the Word, then you do not take verses out of context the way this one has been done and use it for a purpose for what was not intended. I sincerely believe Satan has been at work in this so as to keep Christians from realizing just how close it may be to the time of the return of Jesus for His bride. This verse needs to be read with the preceding verse in order to correctly interpret it:
Matthew 24:35-36 (KJV)
35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Unless my ability to understand what I am reading is totally skewed, what Jesus is saying here is that no man will know the day and hour that heaven and earth shall pass away. There is no mention of the day of his appearing for his bride!
We also need to be reminded of what Jesus said in Matthew 24:44
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. (KJV)
Shalom and blessings!
Great to have you back!
Barbara, how is your son doing?
Denise. Thank you so much for asking. He is about the same–no big improvement, but he knows the Lord and has kept his faith. Shalom!
Saudi journalist tells the truth about Islam and terrorism. Pray for her safety.
There is a real great risk that the terrorists will target her as an apostate.
I like reading your commentaries, John , plus the responses. I’ve been battling cancer ( osteo sarcoma ) and appreciate any prayers… Terry
I am delighted that the blog is a blessing to you.
Please call the radio show Tuesday or Thursday 9:00 PM EST for prayer.
I will pray for you Terry B.
John, I’m sure you are aware of the UN vote re: Israel on April 22, which is Passover. Obama is the deciding vote. In regard to Gen. 12:3 and your book, As America Has Done to Israel, I think this might be a time where we could expect a judgment here, should O vote against her. I’m quite anxious for your take on it, as I really respect your insight (pun, lol). Thank you.
Here’s an article from today: