Author: JohnMcTernan

John McTernans Insights Blog: January 15, 2021

I will continue to post key articles with information you need to know. I’ll post article through the day as I find them, so check a few times. If the blog is taken down, you can go to my conference room where I will keep you updated.

ELECTION 2020: January 5, 2021

The latest update regarding the election. Because of time, I can’t comment on most, but I want you to see them. This is an exciting time, and I’m convinced in the end the President is going to win.

ELECTION 2020: January 4, 2020

The latest update regarding the election. Because of time, I can’t comment on most, but I want you to see them. This is an exciting time, and I’m convinced in the end the President is going to win.

Republican RINOS

In the 1850s the Whig Party was just like the Republicans of today. The people were feed up and out of the dead Whig’s came the Republican Party; thus putting an end to the Whigs. Today we need to come out of the Republican/Whig Party and create the American Party. McConnell and his ilk make me want to vomit.

ELECTION 2020: January 3, 2021

The latest update regarding the election. Because of time, I can’t comment on most, but I want you to see them. This is an exciting time, and I’m convinced in the end the President is going to win.