Constitutional Crisis Ahead: What Happens If Hillary Dies In The Next Two Months?

Verse of the Day
Job 36:17 But thou hast fulfilled the judgment of the wicked: judgment and justice take hold on thee.
There are fewer articles than usual in this post because it focuses on Hillary, her health crisis and what the legal ramifications of that crisis may be. There appears to be a huge storm brewing of which few in the public are aware, because the possibilities are so foreign to anything we’ve ever seen in the past. Apart from that, the legal complications are such that even scholars are divided over how it may play out because there are no clear constitutional guidelines or legal precedents for how to handle it.
We may be heading into the perfect political storm, where all the marbles literally are up for grabs, and the electorate potentially could have no say in what happens, or who is in charge of the country for the next few years. Did you ever imagine that your vote wouldn’t count or might be discarded? Or that you wouldn’t have the opportunity to vote at all?
But that’s not impossible, and the article below describes why. Although it covers the legal ramifications, it’s written with the general public in mind so you’ll know what’s happening should things quickly go south. We’d urge you to read the entire thing, not just the synopsis because the stakes are so high And then we’d urge you to pray that the Lord intervenes and prevents the coming chaos from occurring because he’s still sovereign.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Psalm 37:28 For the Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off.
American Politics
Constitutional Crisis Ahead: What Happens If Hillary Dies In The Next Two Months? By Georgann Ryan, Esq. 09/16/16 This article covers a critical issue that most are missing in all of the uproar about Hillary’s health, and it’s something to watch closely and to pray about. This is a VERY important topic, and we’re on the cutting edge with this information. The linked article is an analysis of the legal ramifications of Hillary’s withdrawal or death, written with the general public in mind. It’s information you NEED TO KNOW about.
This is the first post on a new website (with linked YouTube channel) and is a joint project by two of us working with John, and a third person from the Hagmann Report. We hope you’ll check back and bookmark the site as it develops with a news feed and video reports. Thanks and blessings to John for his assistance and support in this new venture.
“Most people look at the crisis in Hillary’s health and either want to downplay it, or are delighted that she finally seems to be exposed as karma kicks in. But there’s a constitutional crisis looming and our country is heading toward the biggest morass of all time. With Trump pulling farther ahead daily, this situation is custom-made to fulfill plans of the Washington establishment and the global elites to keep the status quo alive, no matter how. Short of his death, it seems clear that given a fair election, he’ll win.
And that means the level of trickery is about to go over the top, and our system isn’t designed to handle what’s ahead. Hillary’s death or total inability to continue could constitute the greatest opportunity for a scam that the electorate ever has seen. A massive shell game appears ready to take place. At a minimum, a large part of the country is about to cry, “Foul!” Did party elites know that when they nominated her? Surely.
It appears that they thought they could keep her failing health under wraps until after the election, at least. But that isn’t happening. Never fear though, say elites, we have a back-up that might be even better. Ever heard of a bait-and-switch scheme? That’s about to become a very familiar term to Americans.
With all of the uproar over Hillary’s health, especially after her very public collapse at the 9/11 memorial service, questions about what will happen should she withdraw or die now are being asked. Few in the public seem to understand what’s really at stake, and what we could be in for should that possibility occur – though crisis seems almost certain should she win the election. While that goal seems to be disappearing rapidly for her and appears more unlikely with each passing day, talk of voter fraud and election theft is increasing dramatically, so the possible scenarios have to be considered.
The Washington establishment and the global elites who control them won’t relinquish power easily so we must prepare, if only so we can be ready for them and head them off. Believe it or not, what follows is a very general and brief overview. If it gives you any indication of the complexity of this topic, you’re getting the picture. And you probably should begin praying.”
RED ALERT: See The Video of Hillary Collapsing That Is Being Censored 09/11/16 This is crucial information! Hillary collapsed during the 9/11 memorial service and hundreds of YouTube videos have been taken down showing the event, because of “Copyright Infringement” – even though the videos were from private citizens with their own phones and cameras.
This is total censorship, and an effort on the part of elites and mainstream media to hide the truth about her health until after the election. So far, the short Breitbart version of the collapse still is on YouTube and we’ll post the article about that above. But this Inforwars video is critical because it addresses not only her failing health but the censorship taking place.
“Hillary Clinton fainted and suffered a medical emergency today, but the Clinton campaign and the media immediately launched a cover-up. Videos of the incident are being censored across the Internet, and are not being covered by the mainstream media.
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family…”
Left-Wing Reporter: Democrats Considering Meeting to Discuss Replacing Hillary Clinton on Ticket 09/11/16 This article also contains the video mentioned in the post above, about Hillary collapsing, one of the few remaining copies still on YouTube at this moment. There is a mainstream media blackout on this information however so see it and download it quickly, while it’s still available somewhere.
“Democrats are reportedly considering an emergency meeting to discuss the possibility of replacing Hillary Clinton on the ticket.
Left-wing journalist David Shuster reported the news based on conversations with Democratic operatives…
Shuster’s tweets gave hope to some Bernie Sanders supporters, but it is not clear at this time what activists could do to challenge Clinton’s nomination.
Hillary Clinton is seen as the last candidate standing who can keep the establishment in Washington D.C. from existential ruin, but she’s having trouble standing.
Hillary Clinton’s near fall at a 9/11 tribute ceremony, and her aides’ struggle to get her into her vehicle, will live in infamy:”
When Hillary collapsed this weekend so did her credibility. Her inability to just be straight with America is what’s truly Deplorable 09/12/16 The way Clinton is going down both politically and physically, I see the hand of God on it. She is being destroyed publicly with no end to what is happening to her.
I can see the Lord also pulling down this corrupt federal government and breaking its choke-hold over America. It is very possible that she will not make it to the election because her health is rapidly falling
What a time this is, as the Lord is starting to turn this nation upside down!
Proverbs 8:16 By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth.
“That was a deliberate falsehood designed to downplay her condition.
Just as it was when they had blamed her coughing fit earlier in the week on ‘allergies’.
Hours more later they finally admitted that Mrs Clinton was in fact suffering from pneumonia, which her aides had all known since Friday.
Why lie?
Why not just be honest?
Hillary’s fork-tongued response to this medical episode is one of the main reasons she is not storming to inevitably victory in this race as many assumed she would.
She seems to find it impossible to just be straight with the American people.
Everything has to be spun, twisted, ‘made better’.
Protection of Brand Hillary supersedes the truth time and again, whether it’s Benghazi and her emails, or now her health.
If she’d just said she had pneumonia on Friday and gone to bed, it would have made a few headlines but everyone would have moved on from it pretty quickly. Politicians get sick like the rest of us.
Instead, she staggered onto a fund-raiser where she dropped her worst gaffe of the campaign. Who knows what effect her illness had her on thought process that night?”
The[re] was something hideous – the word is used advisedly – about the Hillary Show on Sunday 09/13/16 It really does appear that Hillary is being judged by the Lord for all of the world to see. On top of her health problem, there are several more massive document dumps coming which could further damage her. I would be surprised if she makes it to the election because her health is failing rapidly.
She has brought this on herself with Benghazi, the emails, and her Foundation, combined with all of the lying. She knew of her failing health condition, yet went forward. God is going to use all of this for his glory.
He is about to do something huge in American politics. I can feel it. His judgment is in the air!
“As the SUV arrives, Hillary tries to shuffle forward off the stanchion on which she has been leaning. She moves, attempting a stiff-legged shuffle, which she cannot do by herself. She is assisted by the man on her left, and then after one or two steps, collapses utterly, with the man on her right coming in to hold her up on that side. If you look closely at one of the zoomed-in videos, her feet as in a cartoon, with her toes pointing backwards and the top of her feet dragging along the ground.
Then, like a thunderclap, something doesn’t happen. They don’t go to the hospital; they don’t go to the ER. Presumably, if Chelsea weren’t living in New York, they would have gotten a hotel room.
And then, like a second thunderclap, Hillary reappears!! Now, she is perky, smiling, and waving to the crowd, practically like Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music. All that was missing was a dirndl.
This reappearance gave the episode something of the character of a horror movie, one that we are now living in along with Hillary, rather than watching as entertainment with the horror taking place somewhere else.
What is going on? Is Hillary essentially on death’s door inside, but able to have the appearance of being alive on the outside by virtue of drugs that she must have continuously? There really is no other explanation. That is what makes it so disorienting. Hillary has dragged us into a horror movie with her.
Who believes that diagnosis of “pneumonia” “on Friday?”

Vice-presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Tim Kaine and U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton greet well-wishers in Cleveland
‘Devout’ Roman Catholic Tim Kaine Butchers the Bible and Embraces Gay Radicalism 09/13/16 In my view, according to the word of God, Tim Kaine the vice presidential candidate is a full-blown, Hard Left-minded reprobate.
All the reprobates will flock to him and Hillary because they are like-minded God haters.
Romans 1:26-28 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
“Speaking at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual Washington, DC dinner, Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine butchered the Bible and made one of the most twisted arguments for same-sex “marriage” you’ll ever hear. Yet the very article laying out his arguments described him as a “devout” Roman Catholic. How can this be?
Putting aside the obvious question of how Kaine could serve on a presidential ticket with the radically pro-abortion candidate Hillary Clinton—indeed, he has already been challenged for “saying he is both a ‘traditional Catholic’ and a strong supporter of abortion”—Kaine raised further eyebrows when suggesting that the Catholic Church could one day change its position on same-sex “marriage,” just as he has done.
In support of his viewpoint, he cited Pope Francis’s oft-quoted comment about gay Catholics (“Who am I to judge?”), failing to realize that the Pope was not sanctioning homosexual acts and relationships but rather saying, “If someone is same-sex attracted and wants to be part of the church, who am I to judge?”
American Politics/ Miscellaneous
The following poem was sent to me; it’s a play on the Johnny Cash song, “Folsom Prison Blues.” I thought it was really good and very wishful. I have no idea who the author is.
“I hear that train a comin’
It’s rollin’ round the bend.
Gonna pick up Mrs. Clinton
And take her to the pen.
They’ll have her coronation
Make her cell block queen
Hillary for prison
two thousand and sixteenThey’ve got an orange pants suit
Hangin’ on the wall
And a cell for Bubba Willie
Just a little down the hall.We’ll put ‘em in the big house
Lock them up inside.
Unless a whole lot of witnesses
Commit suicide.Remember James McDougal
And 20 or 30 more
About to testify, they found ‘em dead upon the floor.Now they’re pilin’ up the bodies
Like they did back then
They want back in the White House
Here we go again.Glue the china to the table
Nail the table to the floor
Lock up all the silver
‘fore they haul it out the doorWhite trash in the White House
Beats all I’ve ever seen.
Hillary for prison
two thousand and sixteen.”
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Yes,we must pray hard.The ‘elites’ do not take to losing very easily.Father God,I pray you are glorified and the name of Christ exalted.Expose the lies fraud and evil and set it back in their faces.Crush the liestream media’s hold on information and let truth prevail.Make every plan of the serpent be a deadly wieght around it’s slithery neck.Bring down evil stronghold’s everywhere and embolden your saint’ Christ name I ask….Amen.
CNN bought the copyright to the Hilly mishap for 50,000 from a man who had already released the short snip on twitter.. Possibly this is why they are blocking them on you tube.. There is a government group that will begin editing all news in the media.. they claim it is to stamp out “fake news” that hits social media outlets.. so they will be in charge soon.. any news considered “fake” will be blacked out.. but who decides?
God Bless..
How in the world is she going to do in the debates, if seizures are triggered by overstimulation and stress?
From all I’ve seen,though I’m not a doctor,Hillary has all the signs of subcortical vascular dementia,and that appears to be fast and fatal.She must have a medical person at her side at all times,drugged up,so she can ‘appear normal,and ‘appear to function’.I believe she is a goner.Question is;who or what is going to take her place..we have to realize there is alot going on behind the scenes to continue [at break neck speed],the continued deconstruction of our country.God is in this as ,I believe,a serious wake up call to the real church and nation,and be very sure the libs,marxists,socialists,false religionists,occultists,new agers,muslims,homosexual and sexual deviants feel this is their time,and are emboldened and up to the task of taking us Christians down.Every body…pray hard.Real hard.
Yes Dan – we have to pray fervently – and please spread the article far and wide because people need to know what may be as stake.
I try to reach people,only some Christians care,many are cultural in nature and hide there heads like nothing is happening.Most of my,yours as well I’m sure, relatives are very far left,hate the real God,His Christ,Israel,etc.I sense a ramping up,if you will of spiritual warfare as we are in their crosshairs.I don’t fear,and hopefully I don’t spread fear,but we must be fully informed of truth in order to make sound decisions.I see the Lord moving forward with His program,and He will use good men or evil men to perform His work.We are safe in the Lord Jesus.
John is on the road preaching again, so you’re stuck with my Comments & replies, Dan. I have no living relatives except a cousin – maybe the first person I led to the Lord in the 70’s and he’s a senior editor at a Christian publishing house today. Audie shares my opinions, as you know (except for catching geese & bunnies – chasing is fine though) so there’s no conflict at home to distract me! But I shouldn’t joke about this really; people are lost and our country is all but lost because people don’t want the unpleasantness of pulling their heads out of the sand. We have to repent on their behalf and beseech the Lord for more time to reach them, then get back to waking & warning. John & I were talking the other day about what else is more important to do with the time we have left in this reality, when only what we do for the Kingdom & how close we draw to Christ will matter eventually. But you obviously feel the same. Thanks for your comments & keep going, no matter how stiff-necked those around you may be. God bless.
Very recently I was at a 1 year olds birthday party,a relative in-law who hates God quipped in front of other relatives..’Yeah,God talked to me and He said’….Before I could even think,my serious reply was…..oh,He talks to you too?….Everybody shut up.Somehow the subject changed. God bless you all,Dan.w
Well you’ve got me for a brother so I guess you have one more living relative,I think..let me check my pulse…yeah,I’m here.
Thanks, Dan.