COVID-19 & the War on Cash: What Is Behind the Push for a Cashless Society?

Verse of the Day
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
This is a power grab by the NWO and Hard Left to end cash. The reason for this is the use of cash means freedom; however, a cashless economy means ALL power rests with the banks and government. If you don’t go along with the government, they can crush and destroy you! America will be exactly like China and India.
We are on edge of such a system. The technology is there. All that is needed is for the people to submit to it. This is where a crisis like the Chinese virus fits into NWO plans.
Wow, are we every so close to the foundation of the 666 Surveillance System! Maybe the next crisis will bring it.
Looking for the Blessed Hope, the coming of Jesus Christ for his church!
Revelation 13:16,17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
“COVID-19 & the War on Cash: What Is Behind the Push for a Cashless Society?”
“Cash may well become a casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic. As these COVID-19 lockdowns drag out, more and more individuals and businesses are going cashless (for convenience and in a so-called effort to avoid spreading coronavirus germs), engaging in online commerce or using digital forms of currency (bank cards, digital wallets, etc.). As a result, physical cash is no longer king.
Yet there are other, more devious, reasons for this re-engineering of society away from physical cash: a cashless society—easily monitored, controlled, manipulated, weaponized and locked down—would play right into the hands of the government (and its corporate partners).
To this end, the government and its corporate partners-in-crime have been waging a subtle war on cash for some time now. What is this war on cash? It’s a concerted campaign to shift consumers towards a digital mode of commerce that can easily be monitored, tracked, tabulated, mined for data, hacked, hijacked and confiscated when convenient.”
“‘Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine’ Explodes On Facebook As Protests Rage”
This is great news. The people in Michigan are rising up against the Hard Left governor. They now see what happens when you elect people like this governor. This is wonderful because we have to break the back of the Hard Left.
Also, today there was a great protest that the State Capitol building. I hope the protest grow large enough to confront this evil in power. We need the same in other states where the tyrants are trying to destroy America from within.
“After Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued new oppressive regulations, even barring private gatherings “of any size,” Garrett Soldano started a Facebook page called “Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine.” “I was like, ‘I’m going to reach out to 500 people, hopefully there are 500 people like me,’” he told FOX-2 in Detroit. The page now has 334,000 subscribers.
“When you are taking away our basic freedoms, when you are telling us what we can, and can’t buy, that is where I have a problem. That is where I have decided to stand tall,” Soldano told the station. “Michiganders are hurting right now. And people are hurting to provide for their own family. And that’s where I have a problem. That is where this virus does not have the teeth to support that.”
“Microsoft Publishes, Then Takes Down Commercial with ‘Spirit Cooker’ Marina Abramović” She is a disciple of Alister Crowley who was one of the most evil men that ever lived. He is the one who invented spirit cooking. I’d love to know what is the real meaning of “nightmare dreams” and “earthquake nights” that she writes about.
This move by Microsoft shows just how deep they are into the occult and devil worship. They will try again soon to see if the public has softened.
“Microsoft released and then deleted an ad for its VR technology featuring Marina Abramović, the performance artist infamous for hosting a “spirit cooking” dinner at her house in 2015, to which Clinton campaign manager Tony Podesta and his brother were invited. The ad originally went live on Good Friday.
Abramović, the daughter of high-ranking officials in Yugoslavia’s communist dictatorship, authored a book in 1996 called “Spirit Cooking with Essential Aphrodisiac Recipes.” The ingredients include “fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk” to be eaten on “earthquake nights.”
In a Spirit Cooking themed performance in 1997, Abramović wrote for “fresh morning urine” to be “sprinkled over nightmare dreams.”
“Welcome to the Trumpocalypse” If you read through it, I couldn’t”, you’ll get tremendous insight to the mocking of Trump and Christians. They simply can’t restrain themselves when it comes to President Trump and Christians. Always remember, they hate us as much as the Nazis did the Jews.
“Donald Trump had such high hopes for Easter. So high, in fact, that when he burst forth on Fox News a couple of weeks ago with his idea of “re-opening” the country wide this coming Sunday, he gave it an exemplary rating of three “beautifuls”: “I just thought that it was a beautiful time … a beautiful timeline. It’s a beautiful day.”
You could close your eyes and easily imagine what the president was envisioning: At a time of his appointing, on Easter Sunday, shop doors would be flung open simultaneously across America to great cheers. The people singing hymns in “packed churches” would turn their minds and hearts toward Trump and the miracle he’d wrought. Next morning, the stock market would rise like Jesus. And so it would come to pass that this Easter — Trump’s Easter — would be even bigger than the original.”
“Virginia Governor Signs Law Ordering ‘All Places’ Open to Public to Let Transgenders Use Ladies’ Rooms” The Old Dominion is dying a slow painful death. The demon-dems are in full control and they pushing every evil agenda they can think of. They will be after the church real soon because the hate God and loath the believers.
Virginia, you need a revival for survival! Where are the pastors with fire in their belly for the Lord. The religious game is over for Virginia as the monsters are now in control of this state.
“Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia, a Democrat, signed a law on Good Friday prohibiting “all places or businesses offering or holding out to the general public goods, services, privileges, facilities, advantages, or accommodations” from denying access to those things to people 18 years and older based on what the law calls “gender identity.”
The law goes on to define “gender identity” as follows: “The term ‘gender identity,’ when used in reference to discrimination in the Code and acts of the General Assembly, means the gender-related identity, appearance, or other gender-related characteristics of an individual with or without regard to the individual’s designated sex at birth.”
“Federal Judge Rules on Easter Sunday That Alabama Can’t Halt Abortions as Demand For Them Rises During Pandemic” To the Hard Left the killing must continue, as it is sacred right to them.
“A federal judge ruled on Easter Sunday that Alabama cannot halt abortions during the coronavirus pandemic. There has been a rise in the demand for abortions nationwide during the crisis.
A preliminary injunction against the Alabama’s decision to deem abortions “non-essential” was issued by U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson.”
“Trump accuses governors of ‘mutiny’ as tensions mount over reopening” Because we are under a national emergency, the President has complete control. If they buck the President, it is sedition and like rebellion.
Wow, what I time we live! We might have to rise up against these criminals and defend the President and the Union. We might be heading towards 1861 when the Democrats started the Civil War. If these demon-dems push it, we will have a confrontation. Let’s hope they back down.
“President Donald Trump compared strain between himself and a group of governors to the film “Mutiny on the Bounty,” as tensions mounted over when and how to reopen economies amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“A good old fashioned mutiny every now and then is an exciting and invigorating thing to watch,” Trump said in a tweet. “Especially when the mutineers need so much from the Captain,” he added.”
Bible Teaching
Abba Father’s International Fellowship
Dearest in the Lord Dave and John,
Greetings. I pray that God has sustain you and the Ministry. We are fine in the Lord and we thank God for the New Year. My Mission was good and so blessings i just reached to many people as i can and distributed newsletters to them. as the results of your teachings and Prophecies 21 people came to Christ. I have attached pictures for to share testimonies to encourage others. I will appreciates so much if you may ship another Box to us soon as i prepare myself to go another mission ahead of me.
I will be glad to read from you soon.
In Christ.
Pastor W
Bless you.
Unless America re-opens..and doe’s so will be over.Many businesses and many individuals are backed into a corner…work or fail and die.This is no laughing matter.The demonrats think this is all good fun..but satan and his little ‘pukers’ always mock what is true,lovely pure and right.Steal,kill and destroy are the mode of operations of the evil one.I pray president Trump kicks it into high gear..along with us Christians and patriots..and makes it ‘business as usual’.This IS a planned failure event’…The virus is real,just like all the ‘other ones’ why is this different???BECAUSE….’they’ are using it to bring us down.Lets flip it on them and make this false flag event vanish as though it never happened..and lets get rid of the marxist/communist/Godhaters from any sphere of influence.Christian..STAND UP for crying out loud.Now is your time to shine.Pray first.
We can see it all coming together!
Whats behind the push for a cashless society?Control.
While we are waiting for the rapture…we need a triple shot of discernment.Father God,America is reaping her rewards for all the evil we let get by us.The murder of the innocent children, name a few of the many sins we have piled high to Heaven.Make us real Christian soldiers..taking Your Word out into the streets,and where ever we go.Let fear fall by the wayside.You will not use cowards.Use us Lord…In Jesus Name,Amen.
The scamdemic will go down as the biggest trick by the evil one and his minions in history.This affected the whole world..brought it to a screeching halt.Will we repeat this failure in the fall as this ‘virus’ could re-emerge as all viruses do.How have we been brought to ‘hiding under our beds’?…Just like an orwell novel…just keep repeating the lie….people will begin to believe it.I pray that Trump see’s ALL the enemies..even some related to him has a soros tie…He needs to cut loose and identify and remove all deep state players..get us out of the U.N…and WE need to pray like never before……because the other shoe is waiting to drop….[in my opinion].We have no shortage of enemies on our own soil who would and have locked arms to see our destruction realized.To many names and groups to name.Only the Lord can fix this……
Every time someone steps up to do the right thing,like any one of our statesmen,i.e. Jefferson,Jackson,Kennedy,Trump..all trying to keep us honest,being backed by gold which are ‘just weights and measures’ as found in the Bible..the deep state of that age sabotages the whole thing.We were thrown for a loop by China..and now this tiny virus took down the entire world economy.Then,Russia gluts the market with excess oil as we are FINALLY acting somewhat independant from the saudi’s,and making our own…so..when we went off the gold standard in 1973,[thanks Nixon],that set us up for this.The ‘petrol dollar’ became our gold standard.We just got [one/two’d] by China and Russia.I believe the next shoe to drop will be..any nation,[China]…who has in the past bought our debt..will soon flood us with our own worthless dollars and go to another currency.So..we have no manufacturing,are told stay home/don’t work..The ‘checks’ that are coming are in reality Universal basic income…FOR NOT WORKING. Can you see where we are going folks?Planned murderhood is open for business,as is liquor stores and wallyworld…..considered needed businesses…but churches are not.Anyone see the big boot of communism/marxism on our throats??Let’s see how the protests go?Remember how the story line is going so far….Never ending lockdown,manufactured crisis.I do not like what I see now,or in the future for America…Liberal governors and socialist doctors are the ‘New President…calling the shots and weilding the power.I’m not an alarmist..just telling you what many won’t.This is the time,unlike any other for us to ‘call them out’..and WE THE PEOPLE stand up according to our constitution and God given rights and responsibilties.Why are we waiting for the shackles to be placed on our hands?..Is it because our minds are already shackled?We can die under our beds or we can at least die fighting back.Doe’s anyone else see or sense Trump has been ‘neutralized by the deep state?..sure looks like it from here.You can’t spend your way out of a fix when your money is totally worthless.Not a smart businessman move to me…..
Every time I ‘crunch’ the numbers…This is what I get..In wisconsin..[.05 %] of positive cases results in death.Every time………..That said…Please Father God…work on Trump and us to get serious about full on repentance to You.This is bigger than any mere man or collection of them I know You put Trump in office for such a time as this.I just want to believe You are not through with him in Your plans.He has done so much good for all of us.Please don’t let him be conquered by evil men/women/satan and left twisting in the wind.Be his defender,Father God.I ask this in Jesus Name,Amen.