Distinguishing Civil War from Social Anarchy

1 Response

  1. danw says:

    Just like wheat and tares growing up together…Biblical Christianity and churchianity have grown up together as well.What’s the difference?We have churches,[building’s] filled with lost people who don’t know that they are lost,don’t know the true definition of sin,because they were never told..think everybody is going to heaven because God is soooo loving.Hell don’t exist in most mind’s.Seeker friendly has replaced fire and brimstone.When you ask..are you saved…the standard reply is either YES,without really knowing from what,or,saved from what,because they were never told that they are at odd’s with God because our sin’s have separated us from Him and need to be aware of our sin’s and repented of.The true message of Scripture is watered down,or left out..so as to not offend anyone.We must be born again.A spiritual rebirth meaning taking God at His word with Christ as our all sufficient sacrifice for our past,present ,future sin’s.I point out to people,I would rather you not like me if it must be,but I have to tell you the truth.One day I will stand before the Lord,He is my audience…so I will only tell you the truth..as any good and caring doctor would.Us believers are fishermen for the souls of men.Just like Jesus example,I refuse to put stumbling blocks in the way of people.I will knock down any I find so the simple truth of Jesus came to save you comes through. God bless all of you who take Christ at His word,then apply it.