Verse of the Day
1 Peter 1:15-16 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
There is a huge battle going on now in America about homosexuality. Islam calls for the death of homosexuals, while under the New Testament, the Bible calls for them to repent of the sin and turn to Jesus Christ as their Savior. Homosexuals can be forgiven and freed just like anyone else. We preach the gospel of reconciliation with God, and this is the only way because He is holy.
See my teaching: Homosexuality vs God’s Holiness
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. (3) And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
Islam/ Homosexuality

Shafayat Mohamed
FLORIDA ANTI-GAY IMAMS AND ANTI-GAY TERROR 06/15/16 This is a really good article showing how Islam calls for the death of homosexuals.
The Hard Left is in a real bind as they “love” both the homosexuals and the Muslims, and which side are they going to choose? In the end, I think that they will go with the homosexuals, but this remains to be seen.
The Hard Left alliance of sin and rebellion could soon start to unravel.
“In Florida, there are a number of examples of Islamic Fundamentalism targeting homosexuals with bigotry and/or death.
One that has been widely reported on deals with the case of Farrokh Sekaleshfar, a British-born doctor and Muslim scholar who lives in Iran and has made a strong presence in North America, where he is invited to give lectures.
In April 2013, Sekaleshfar gave a speech at the University of Michigan, where he called for the execution of homosexuals. He stated, “Death is the sentence. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about this. Death is the sentence. We have to have that compassion for people. With homosexuals, it’s the same. Out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now.”
This past March, a little over two months prior to the Orlando attack, Sekaleshfar was in Florida to speak at the Husseini Islamic Center, an institution which is located less than a half-hour from the Pulse. His speech was titled, ‘How to deal with the phenomenon of homosexuality.’
Another case is that of Maulana Shafayat Mohamed, the Trinidad-born founder and imam of the Darul Uloom mosque, located in Pembroke Pines, Florida.
A number of terrorists have passed through Darul Uloom. They include “Dirty Bomber” Jose Padilla, who was a student at Darul Uloom; now-deceased al-Qaeda Global Operations Chief Adnan el-Shukrijumah, who was a prayer leader there; and Darul Uloom Arabic teacher Imran Mandhai and mosque goers Hakki Aksoy and Shueyb Mossa Jokhan, who hatched an operation at the mosque to blow up different South Florida structures, including area power stations, Jewish businesses, and a National Guard armory.
Shafayat Mohamed, himself, has been thrown off many Broward County boards for preaching against homosexuals. He said it was a matter of “sitting in Paradise [sitting on the boards] or going to Hell.” In February 2005, an article written by him was/is published on the Darul Uloom website, entitled ‘Tsunami: Wrath of God.’ In it, he claims that gay sex caused the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. Besides homosexuals, the article also attacks Jews and Christians, whom he refers to as “People of the Book,” claiming that most are “perverted transgressors.”
One final case [final only within the bounds of this article as there are potentially many more unreported cases] deals with the Tampa chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS). In November 2014, the government of United Arab Emirates (UAE) labeled MAS a terrorist organization, placing the group on a list which included al-Qaeda and ISIS. MAS has, a number of times, used the internet to propagate material that is bigoted against Jews, Christians, women and homosexuals.”
Islam – Conquering Europe
Experts: Action needed now to save Europe from Islam 06/14/16 Europe is lost. There is no hope for the continent. It is my opinion that God has judged Europe, for rejecting Him, killing untold numbers of babies, promoting the sexual sin agenda and interfering with God’s prophetic plan for Israel and the Jews.
Europe has passed the point of no return with the amount of Muslims that are in Europe. The only way to stop it will be a civil war which will bring enormous bloodshed. I think that the death of Europe is accelerating as the number of Muslims rapidly grows.
Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
“Sporadic acts of jihadist terrorism will still be carried out by apparent ‘lone wolves.’ As the total Muslim population rises toward 5 percent, Islamic activists will become increasingly vocal about having their particular religious demands met, which, in areas of greater population density, will entail the effective implementation of Shariah law over resident Muslims and open hostility against native citizens and law enforcement – think parts of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Paris, London, Luton, Cologne and Malmo.
“As the Muslim population moves toward 10 percent and above, the situation on the ground will depend more and more on the strength of the native culture into which the Muslim minority is pushing as well as the speed with which it is being overtaken by the expanding Muslim minority,” Davis said.
“The weaker the native culture and the faster the Muslim minority is growing, the sooner the situation is likely to degenerate into widespread violence, the early stages of which we have begun to see in the major cities of Western Europe in the form of riots and increased crime against native Europeans.
On the other hand, Russia, with a Muslim population of nearly 20 percent, enjoys relative peace and freedom of action because her Muslim population is growing relatively slowly and she has regained a robust sense of her native culture, Orthodox Christianity, which Western Europe utterly lacks.”
Islam – American Government

Seddique Mateen
Orlando Shooter’s Father Visited DC, Met Congressmen 06/13/16 This is incredible! The killer’s father has a FaceBook page in which he shows his clear support for the Taliban, while we are at war with the Taliban – and he has meetings with three members of Congress in Washington!
What kind of a government do with have?
Isaiah 3:4 And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.
“Last year, Mateen apparently took another trip to Washington and met three members of Congress: Reps. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., and Ed Royce, R-Calif.. Royce serves as the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
The elder Mateen has also posted graphic images of war injuries from the Middle East on his Facebook page, along with several written messages that show he is sympathetic to the Taliban.
On Sunday, Mateen said his son’s alleged killing rampage was not because of his Islam faith but because he saw two two men kissing in Miami and got angry.”
Hard Left – UN Gun Regulations

U.N. human rights commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein
U.N. Human Rights Chief Says U.S. Needs ‘Robust Gun Regulations 06/15/16 It is easy to see the Hard Left in America join with the Hard Left in the UN to attack us. Americans are either going to rise up or lose the nation. This is all coming so fast.
On one side are the homosexuals and how their agenda is turning us into Sodom and on the other the mass terrorism of the Muslims who the Hard Left protects.
America is starting to look more like Alice in Wonderland than a viable nation and culture.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“The United Nations’ human rights chief called on the United States Tuesday to enforce more effective gun control measures in the aftermath of the Orlando terrorist attack, dismissing as “irresponsible pro-gun propaganda” the notion that firearms make societies safer.
U.N. human rights commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein urged the U.S. government to live up to its obligations to protect citizens from the “horrifyingly commonplace but preventable violent attacks that are the direct result of insufficient gun control.”
“Examples from many countries clearly show that a legal framework to control the acquisition and use of firearms has led to a dramatic reduction in violent crime,” said Zeid.
“In the United States, however, there are hundreds of millions of guns in circulation, and every year thousands of people are killed or injured by them.”
Zeid deplored what he called the ease with which individuals can buy firearms in America – “in spite of prior criminal backgrounds, drug use, histories of domestic violence and mental illness, or direct contact with extremists – both domestic and foreign.”
Hard Left/ Christianity

Bernard Steyaert
Video Released of Graduation Prayer That Caused Complaint, Ban 06/15/16 Please sure that you watch the video as the prayer was excellent.
“The Pottstown Mercury News is reporting that a video of a 2015 graduation prayer that triggered a complaint and ban has been released.
The prayer was delivered by student Bernard Steyaert and took place at the Pottsgrove High School in Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania.
According to the Mercury, the complaint about the prayer was lodged by Rick Rabinowitz, the president of Pottsgrove School Board. After hearing the prayer Rabinowitz wrote in an email to School Superintendent Shellie Feola:
As a person who was raised in the Jewish faith, I am very sensitive to efforts by Christians to veil their expressions of religious belief in “non-denominational” prayer. Last year, the invocation and benediction did, at best, a poor job of doing this and I was mightily annoyed. But I did not want to rain on the parade of good feeling, and thus, said nothing directly after the ceremony, and then the issue dropped out of my consciousness until today when the subject came up during dinner…And, that was before the OBNOXIOUS invocation by Bernard Steyaert.”
Israel and the Middle East War

Gaza tunnel
Senior Hamas Member Reportedly Defects to Israel 06/15/16 This is great news and hopefully will allow Israel to destroy all of the tunnels, and Hamas.
“Websites affiliated with Fatah have reported over the past two days that a senior member of the Hamas military wing, Bassam Mahmoud Baraka, from Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip, has fled to Israel, and is in possession of a great deal of information about Gaza tunnel operations.
According to the reports, Baraka, who is the son of a Muslim religious judge affiliated with Hamas, told his family that he was going on errands, and hasn’t been seen by them since.
Baraka reportedly went to the border fence and gave himself up to soldiers who were waiting for him. According to the reports, he was carrying a laptop.”
Jerusalem – Temple Mount
Knesset members to resume Temple Mount visits 06/14/16 This needs watching because Jews on top of the Temple Mount can trigger riots and fighting. This is ground zero for Bible prophecy.
Zechariah 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
“An eight-month ban on political leaders visiting the Temple Mount is likely to be lifted by the end of June.
The Knesset Ethics Committee is set to vote Tuesday on ending the restriction it imposed on lawmakers last October amid escalating violence over the flashpoint Jerusalem holy site, including Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis and violent confrontations between security forces and Palestinians in the West Bank.
The move also follows a declaration last month by several MKs from the Arab Joint List that they would visit the Temple Mount during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which began June 6, whether or not the ban remained in force.
The announcement led to a meeting two weeks ago in Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein’s office, attended by Israel Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich and Jerusalem Police chief Yoram Halevy, at which the police officials said they no longer opposed such visits, citing an updated intelligence assessment indicating that politicians’ visits to the holy sites on the Mount were not likely to result in renewed violence.”
World War 3

A machine gun is mounted on U.S. Destroyer USS Momsen
U.S. Third Fleet expands East Asia role as tensions rise with China 06/15/16 Last week it was NATO preparing for war against Russia, and now this week it is the US getting ready for war against China. The preparations for war are never-ending. World War 3 is coming, but the question remains, what will trigger it?
“The U.S. Navy’s Third Fleet will send more ships to East Asia to operate outside its normal theater alongside the Japan-based Seventh Fleet, a U.S. official said on Tuesday, a move that comes at a time of heightened tensions with China.
The Third Fleet’s Pacific Surface Action Group, which includes the guided-missile destroyers USS Spruance and USS Momsen, was deployed to East Asia in April.
More Third Fleet vessels will be deployed in the region in the future, said a U.S. official who requested anonymity. He and a second official said the vessels would conduct a range of operations, but gave no details.
China claims most of the South China Sea, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei have overlapping claims, as well as close military ties with the United States.
China has been angered by what it views as provocative U.S. military patrols close to islands that China controls in the South China Sea. The United States says the patrols are to protect freedom of navigation.”
Financial Armageddon
US bond yields could soon go negative 06/15/16 I have not posted about the economy for a while, but as you can see, it continues to deteriorate. There is no stopping the final meltdown because the enormous size of the world debt is going to bring it down, just like we see happening in Venezuela!
“It’s an inevitable question: Could U.S. 10-year yields turn negative now that German 10-year yields have fallen below zero for the first time ever and Japanese 10-year yields have dipped to record lows of negative 0.17 percent?
According to Dennis Davitt, partner at Harvest Volatility Management and a noted options market veteran, it may well happen.
“I think you could see negative rates in the U.S. If Germany and other countries in the world go even further negative, it turns into a number line game. So where zero lies on the number line, who knows?” Davitt said Tuesday on CNBC’s “Trading Nation.”
He sees rates being driven lower by two factors in addition to overall slow global growth: Stimulative central bank policies and regulations.
“The European banks under their Basel regulations, much like our Dodd-Frank, are forced to hold a certain amount of assets on their balance sheet [and] those assets have to be government-issued debt. So they’re forced to own those assets.”
For that reason, no matter how low yields fall, “there’s a buyer in the marketplace,” he said.”
Psalm 75:6 Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment.
Maybe it is not that incredible that the elder Mateen met with our government, after hearing some of the speculations of Theodore Shoebat on why the government apparently didn’t act on his warnings, after he gave advance warning to the FBI that the attack was coming ( http://shoebat.com/2016/06/09/major-muslim-terrorists-makes-this-declaration-to-all-americans-we-are-coming-after-you-we-will-attack-florida-and-slaughter-americans-there/ ). What I find really curious about the left seizing on this attack as a pretext for pushing gun control is that this terrorist was not a mere citizen, but was authorized to be armed as a contractor to Obama’s own Homeland Security! From a logical point of view, that would seem to make the mass shooting more of an argument for arming the citizenry and disarming Obama and his crowd as the real threat!
By the way I do not agree with Shoebat’s stance on homosexuals, as the death penalty prescribed in the Bible was due to Yahweh choosing to tabernacle with Israel, which meant special measures to keep a holy God from consuming the entire congregation of Israel, and the different situation of the Church taking the gospel into the gentile nations unto the ends of the earth. That is not to say the New Testament does not make it clear that homosexuality is characteristic of the final stages of descent into total depravity (Romans), and that no one engaging in such can enter the kingdom of God. However, Paul makes it clear that people have come out homosexual practice after being presented with the gospel. Again, though, I believe there is a distinction between homosexual (a person battling against those tendencies) and gay (totaling embracing the practice). I think that society has the right to protect itself from any violence and totalitarian oppression that arises out of the latter (anyone reading http://freedomoutpost.com/lgbt-islamophilia-explained/ and all of its connecting links will gain valuable insight not only into the mindset of LGBT, but also of its parallels to other totalitarian movements like Islam and Communism, and of the nature of totalitarianism itself.