John McTernan’s Insights Posted: June 9,10, 2021
Verse of the Day
1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
The truth is very clear that the American people are under a biological warfare attack from a totally malevolent medical institutions who lied, block and tried to intimidate anyone that promoted the cure for Covid-19, while at the same time promoting a dangerous genetic experiment as a vaccine! This action fits a Nazi war crime.
There is something diabolical about their fanatic zeal to get masses of people vaccinated and ignoring the cure! The death rate is very low for Covid-19, yet they use political pressure to force vaccinations on the people. Already severe side affects are manifesting, yet the Babylonians are actually trying to suppress this. What is going to happen one year from now to people who were vaccinated? The American people just can’t believe the medical institutions, politicians and media could be so evil, but they are.
I want to make sure everyone watches this video about what the government did to hide research about the cure for cancer. Please watch this documentary: you will never be the same after viewing it; but everyone needs to know this information: Episode 1 “The Sordid History of the Cancer Cartel: A Century of Suppression & Censorship”
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats and moving against us. I may post articles through the day as I find them, so check a few times. The articles which I can’t post on FaceBook are here: cutting edge information you need to know.
Above all, no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, and this can get you through all trouble.
James 5:8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.
Posts and Commentary
There just so much great information to keep you on the cutting edge of what is happening both the Covid 19 manmade bio weapon and “vaccine” which also is a bio weapon and the breaking events regarding the fraud of the 2020 election. The fraud is being uncovered and President Trump is going to be reinstated!
China Is Paying US Mainstream Media Outlets to Promote Chicom Propaganda The MSM media acts by hating America and lying about President Trump it is easy to China owned them! What remains of America?
Scientists Used CRISPR to Engineer a New ‘Superbug’ That’s Invincible to All Viruses With a genetic weapon like CRISPER, these mad scientists who think they are god are out of control. With knowledge like this, man is able to make bio weapons which can kill billions, and I think they will.
Unvaccinated Students ‘Numbered’ with Sharpie and Tracked at High School Prom This shows just how insane these high school administrators are with power and the fear of Covid 19. Because of sin, their minds can no longer function, and they are now very easy to manipulate. There are now millions just like them.

The Future Cyborg Gates
A Declaration Of War Against The Deep State – Video This is speech by President Trump
Trudeau Implements Full Scale ChiCom Style Takeover of Canada I don’t closely follow what his happening in Canada, and this article is shocking. Canada is a long way down the road to turning into Communist China right before our eyes.
Cyber Polygon: Will The Next Globalist War Game Lead To Another Convenient Catastrophe? This is a really good article showing how the NWO advertises ahead of time what they are going to do. They have a big event planned in July!
From article:”My biggest concern right now is the upcoming ‘Cyberpolygon’ exercise being headed by the WEF this July. The war game is meant to “simulate” a cyberattack on vital infrastructure that would lead to a shutdown of the global supply chain, or at least the supply chains within certain nations. As I warned in April, the timing of Cyberpolygon is suspicious. As the covid lockdown agenda is breaking down in the US and the vaccine passports are not winning favor among a large percentage of Americans, the globalists will need another crisis even if they hope to achieve their goals for their Great Reset.
Only weeks after I published my initial concerns about Cyberpolygon, a massive cyberattack was reported which struck the 5,500 mile Colonial Pipeline. The pipeline supplies gasoline to most of the eastern seaboard and after a week of being shut down numerous states were reporting gas shortages. The story has since quietly faded from mainstream news cycles.
In the past few days, yet another major cyberattack has been reported against JBS, a meat company that supplies around 23% of all US beef and pork. Production at JBS has shut down, and now there is the possibility of meat shortages across the country if the problems are not solved soon.
Again, is it just coincidence that these large scale cyberattacks are happening with greater frequency in the lead-up to a WEF’s Cyberpolygon simulation? Or, is Cyberpolygon another Event 201? Is it a beta test for a disaster that is planned for the near future? The WEF is openly comparing future cyber attacks to covid outbreaks, so I’m inclined to suspect the latter:”
Was the Whole Pandemic About the Vaccine? The answer is YES!!! This is an excellent article because he shows how diabolical is everything surrounding the Covid-19 “vaccine”. the
The United Nations & the Origins of “The Great Reset” This is all tied in to world control and ultimately the 666 Surveillance System. One are one massive event from tying this world system together.
Dr. Anthony Fauci Tied to Scandal Involving Human-Animal Hybrid Experiments with Aborted Fetal PartsMore and more evidence is come out about just what a monster this man is. He truly is in the mold of Nazi doctors and should be treated as one.
COVID Doctor: Big-Gov/Big-Pharma Suppression of Ivermectin Cost 500,000 Lives All crimes these modern Nazi doctors committed against the sick and elderly are now being fully exposed. We need trials and justice for these criminals.
Weight-Adjusted Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin Boosted Survival of Ventilated COVID-19 Patients by 200 Percent: Study Untold numbers of people died because Fauci lied about how effective Hydroxychloroquine was as a cure of Covid 19. He needs to be tried and executed just like the Nazi doctors were.
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Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
So much evil I can’t even wrap my head around it
Most Americans don’t know and wouldn’t believe it
Yes, I agree 100% with you. God is revealing all the evil to us. It is unfolding like raw sewerage!
I have said in a few past posts that we [America] didn’t really ‘win’ the 2nd world war.That may anger some but first face facts.Do we or do we not follow the mold of ww2 nazi Germany in every respect?We gave the past war criminals a pass if they were scientists,mathematicians,etc.We WANTED their tech,which was demon tech.The scientists all went to highest bidder countries.We got Von Braun for our space program.The torture and demonic experiments,like twinning,operating on someone without any painkiller whatsoever just to study them like rats.Hitler got his final solution from our universities.Henry Ford and Hitler admired each other and had trade agreements and shared tech even during the war.Mr.Ford was an anti-semite.Many of our G.I’s went against American made equipment in Germany.Hitler and Ford had picture and likenesses of each other in their offices.All of big business became weaponized against their own citzens to spy on,control and to crush any opposition..just like now.Gov. gives the order and it is done.Like I’ve said before…most nations kill more of their own citizens in supposed peace time,than in foreign wars.We are really at war with God,and mad men and reprobates run the circus.Good is called evil,and the wicked get a trophy.There is a ‘payday’ coming for all the wicked.She’s a hot,eternal fire…where the worm is always hungry.So for all you wicked out there…good luck with that……
Dr.Fakey,bill GatesofHell..all the illuminati NWO’s types are satans spawn.Born to be the ever burning Hades logs.We are near the ‘home stretch’ Christian.The evil ones cannot stop until they are stopped by God.They want to ‘jab’ every living person on earth because [The life of the body is in the blood]…and they not only know this,but the satanmeister always does a 180 from what the Lord does.Toadmaster wants death in the blood.He,or it can only steal,kill,destroy and lie.Any of this sound familiar? is the narrative we’ve been force fed daily from the lyin sack media.Free doughnut,get the death shot.Free beer,get a shot,free tickets to the overgrown babies game,get a ticket to deadsville.WIN,WIN,WIN a gazzillion worthless Godforsaken dollars in a lottery…just be a stupid brain challenged lemming..and get da shot.C’mon it for the gipper….Ya know,if granny was alive and she could find her teeth..she’d tell ya!… Lord Jesus….we are ready for You…sooooo ready.