New 666 Surveillance Post – New “Listening” Movie: Entering the world of surveillance and mind control

The 666 Surveillance System
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).
See blog:
New “Listening” Movie: Entering the world of surveillance and mind control
There are 9 articles in this 666 Surveillance System post; the first two are below and feature extraordinary film clips that we’d strongly urge everyone to watch. They’re both evidence of the predictive programming and mind control covered this time – and both are very powerful, giving you an idea of what’s coming in much stronger terms than any article could.
We’ve long been aware that media is used as predictive programming, to prepare us for what the elite have planned for our future. In the film that we’re highlighting in this post, he name of the game is surveillance and control. This clip may be from a science fiction film, but it shows what’s really occurring behind the scenes. We’re being led into a 666 Surveillance System which will be totally controlling. As we’ve often noted before, there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide once it’s fully implemented.
What you’ll also see is that there is beginning to be a merger of these surveillance/mind control technologies with transhumanism. If you’re familiar with our Image of the Beast blog, you’ll notice how all of this is coming together rapidly, and how the end game is not merely control but also the transformation of all creation.
Also featured below is a video that analyzes the latest Jagermeister aperitif (a German liqueur) ad. We’ve run videos analyzing ads before, but this one is over-the-top in terms of what it conveys, not only through symbolism but also through subliminal messaging. It’s something we’d strongly urge you to watch because it deals with someone gladly accepting an electronic mark of the beast. Predictive programming? This is far beyond that and demonstrates just how close we are to the Antichrist system which will envelope the whole world.
2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
Again we’d remind you though, don’t despair from all of this. While the Beast system will come to fruition because biblical prophecy warns us of that eventuality, it also will be short-lived, because Jesus Christ will destroy it when he returns. So what does all of this mean? It means we’d better get busy in working for his kingdom, and in drawing close to Him because there isn’t much time left.
2 Peter 1:16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Media/ Movies/ Total Surveillance/ Transhumanism/ Mind Control
Transhumanism & new (surveillance) world order in “Listening” movie
WARNING: This clip is violent and troubling, but so is the 666 System into which we’re being pushed. Yet it appears to be a very realistic dramatization of what actually is occurring in research labs around the world and what they have planned for us all. Spoiler for those who might fear being traumatized – the dog is not killed.
For reviews of many different movies and their relation to the occult or the coming 666 System, see True free Thinker’s movie pages: Movies and Transhuman Hollywood
Media/ Ads/ Mark of the Beast/ E-Tattoos
MARK OF THE BEAST IS COMING (R$E) This is an EXCELLENT video analysis of the “Release the Beast” commercial for Jagermeister aperitif, done by R$E in London, whose work we frequently have highlighted. It is stunning – and chilling, showing a man taking an electronic mark of evil in order to live forever. We’d highly recommend you watch it since it details all of the occult symbolism and subliminals being fed to the public to promote acceptance of the 666 Beast system. It’s the most blatant use of symbolism I’ve seen in an ad, and it will leave you with no doubt about the lateness of the hour.
Wow……!Both video’s are very telling.I could only watch the first one until the order was given to take care of the dog.The second one was very informative,the narrator know’s his stuff,and seems well grounded.A side note.The swastika symbol is really 4 bent arm’s,just like the destroyer goddess Shiva,who oddly enough has,yes……four arms.Shiva,the destroyer is also a ‘protector’statue in from of the CERN office headquarters,Cern was dedicated to lucifer,by some of the ‘scientist’s’.They await and encourage [someone/thing to pass through the matrix].The vatican also has the world’s best/largest telescope out west,sharing it with NASA,that has an infrared telescope called lucifer,which looks for things out of our normal light spectrum.They await ‘visitors’and would forgive them if asked,or may even change catholic doctrine completely by their higher conscienced ‘space progenitors’.WE ARE there folks.Come Lord Jesus.
Thanks for reading and commenting. I posted a “spoiler” notice with the “Listening” clip that you may have missed, that the dog is not harmed because John had the same reaction – he could not watch any further after seeing that order. If you notice, in many posts I include pictures of my own best friend, Audie, and would be horrified if they shot the dog. I wouldn’t have used the video had that occurred, so you can safely go back and watch the rest if you choose (although there is other violence that occurs). You obviously have a good heart – anyone who loves dogs is okay! Both of the YouTube channels from which these came have good videos and linked websites to learn more about these types of topics.
As to Shiva, yes, you’re clearly one of the few on top of what’s going on lately. I pray more people will have their eyes opened and begin to seek God about all of this; darkness is overtaking the land and most people don’t seem to notice. You might be interested in the 2 posts we did on CERN, available here: CERN: In the Year of Light, a Door to Darkness. Comments are welcome on them also – thanks again for reading (and hopefully sharing with others who need to know this)!
God bless you and you pet friends IP.You are a welcome addition to the ministry.Keep up the good work and love the stuffin out of your pet/friends.They do really love back and appreciate us humans.