Satanist Leads Invocation at Alaska Assembly Meeting

Verse of the Day
Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
The darkness continues to grow in America as the Holy Spirit leaves the nation. So now we have the homosexual movement, satanism and Muslims all filling the void of the Holy Spirit. America needs an outpouring of the Holy Spirit because darkness is closing in on all sides.
I’ve posted several articles about World War 3. The rhetoric continues for war and especially from China. Russia continues its massive military buildup which is all pointed at Europe. Will China or Russia move before Obama leaves office? His weakness is a temptation for them to act.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Zechariah 14:9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
One World Pagan Revival
Satanist Leads Invocation at Alaska Assembly Meeting 08/12/16 Once the nation has denied the Lord, this is what happens. I do believe that the end time religion will not be Islam but a form of satanic paganism.
Exodus 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
“A debate over religious freedom has led to a Satanist leading an invocation at one Alaska borough’s assembly meeting.
Following a discussion over whether to do away with invocations entirely, the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly decided to open invocations up to all religions.
According to Assembly President Blaine Gilman, a group of pastors used to previously lead the assembly’s invocation. Under the new rules, however, anyone can choose to lead an invocation in the name of his or her religion.
During Tuesday’s assembly meeting, Iris Fontana led an invocation in the name of Satan on behalf of the Satanic Temple.”
Hard Left in the Military

Marine Lance Cpl. Monifa Sterling was court-martialed for posting a Bible verse in her work station
Judge Plays God to Ban ‘Unimportant’ Bible Verse 08/12/16 In a court conflict between the Hard Left and Christianity, the Hard Left always seems to win. The law and First Amendment mean nothing to the reprobate mind. What is important is to crush anything to do with the Lord.
Romans 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
“This is a real-life example of why judges shouldn’t play theologians,” said Daniel Blomberg, legal counsel of the Becket Fund, which filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting the Lance Corporal. “Here, a few judges concluded that keeping Scripture nearby isn’t ‘important,’ even though more than half of the world’s population belong to religions that teach the exact opposite. Avoiding obvious errors like this is why RFRA protects all religious beliefs, not just beliefs that government officials deem ‘important.'”

A scene from the Arch of Titus in Rome depicting the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD
Ancient Jewish Jerusalem is a fact 08/13/16 This is important information because the Muslims insist that the Jews never built a temple in Jerusalem. This is all part of their claim that Jerusalem belongs to the Muslims.
Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
“Jerusalem has been the focus of Jewish life for thousands of years, and will remain central to us even if an international organization votes in favor of distorting reality. The facts are simple, but facing attempts to rewrite history we must restate them: our ties to the Temple Mount were recorded by the Romans after they pillaged Jerusalem, centuries before Islam existed.
Not long ago, I visited the Arch of Titus in Rome’s pantheon. While surrounded by other structures, for us Jews this monument has a special significance. It was constructed by the Romans to celebrate their achievements, including the suppression of the Revolt in Judea, and displays the famous image of Jews forcefully marched to exile – an event we remember and mourn 2,000 years later.”
Islam/ American Politics
HOW HILLARY & OBAMA BROUGHT US ISIS 08/12/16 Obama and Hillary enable evil at every opportunity. They are 100 percent behind the abortion agenda and the Muslim Brotherhood.
He has done everything through his policies to allow ISIS come into power. The both are either totally incompetent or diabolical.
“What we do know for sure is that there was no serious threat posed by any organized ISIS fighting force when Obama took office in 2009. It was President Obama’s decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq in 2011, rather than follow the military’s advice to leave a residual force behind, which turned the smoldering embers of the once defeated al Qaeda-backed insurgency into the raging out-of-control conflagration that the newly constituted ISIS, under al Baghdadi’s leadership, created in the entire region.
In that sense, ISIS became a newly spun off start-up under Obama’s watch, which launched successfully and expanded because of the power vacuum that Obama’s misguided policies created.
Just as entrenched dominant companies have often ignored upstart challengers until it was too late, Obama indulged in the idea that ISIS’s expansion posed no serious threat. In early 2014, as ISIS was racking up military victories, Obama said, “If a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.”
Hillary Clinton was no longer Secretary of State in 2014. But looking back at Obama’s JV comment in November 2015 as she campaigned for the Democratic presidential nomination, she rejected any suggestion that Obama’s trivialization of the ISIS threat was ill-advised, “from the perspective of what they had accomplished at the time.”
American History
“Sea to Shining Sea” – God in 50 State Constitutions 08/14/16 I found this article interesting, about American Christian history.
At the end is the preamble to each Constitution from the 50 states. I thought that you might like seeing yours.
Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.
“From Sea to Shining Sea,” did the founders of America’s fifty states intend to separate God and State?
A study of the past Constitutions of all 50 States reveal that a some time in their history, each State did acknowledge God:
For example:Alabama 1901, Preamble. We the people of the State of Alabama … invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution …”
World War 3
Russia announces war games after accusing Ukraine of terrorist plot 08/12/16 Now Putin is threatening the Ukraine with war games! Who knows what event will trigger WW3.
“Vladimir Putin summoned his security council and the Russian Navy announced war games in the Black Sea a day after the Russian president accused Ukraine of trying to provoke a conflict over Crimea, which Moscow seized and annexed in 2014.
The belligerent posture heightened worries in Ukraine that Russia may plan to ramp up fighting in a war between Kiev and pro-Russian eastern separatists that had been de-escalated by a shaky peace process.
Using some of his most aggressive rhetoric against Kiev since the height of the war two years ago, Putin has pledged to take counter-measures against Ukraine, which he accused of sending saboteurs into Crimea to carry out terrorist acts.”
US Nuclear-Bomber Triad in Pacific for First Time as China Reaches Boiling Point 08/13/16 As the Chinese war rhetoric increases and tensions grow, the US has sent heavy bombers to the Pacific region, which is a direct sign to China that the US is preparing for war.
The problem is that Obama is President, and I don’t believe this puts much fear in the heart of the Chinese.
“With tensions in the South China Sea and throughout the Pacific Rim at increasing levels, the Obama Administration adds fuel to the fire by dispatching enough nuclear weaponry to kill everyone in the region.
The United States has dispatched its three strategic bomber types to the Pacific region for the first time, in a bid to reassure allies amid growing aggression from China in the wake of the Hague-based Court of Arbitration ruling against Beijing’s claim to territories in the South China Sea, and the deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system.
Announced Wednesday, the US Air Force will dispatch a Boeing B-52H Stratofortress, a Rockwell B-1B Lancer, and a Northrup Grumman B-2A Spirit bomber to operate concurrently in the US Pacific Command region in support of the Continuous Bomber Presence (CBP) and Bomber Assurance and Deterrence (BAAD) missions.”
The most dangerous nuclear bomb ever? US finishes testing ‘smart’ precision-guided nuke that experts says is so accurate presidents will be tempted to use it 08/14/16 This article gives good background information about the US nuclear program. I do believe that nukes will be used in the coming WW3.
“Department of Energy says it has completed testing phase of B61-12 nuclear bomb
Critics say that the weapon is part of the government’s massively expensive modernization drive of its nuclear arsenal
The upgraded bombs are expected to enter the production phase by 2020
Weapon is outfitted with tail kit that allows for greater precision as well as an adjusted explosion force
Bomb can be carried by a stealth fighter jet
US will spend $1trillion over the next 30 years to modernize its nuclear stockpiles”
The Coming Middle East War

Nour al-Din al-Zenki fighters training in the north Aleppo countryside, June 2016
War of attrition: The Syrian rebellion grinds on into its 6th year, with no end in sight 08/13/16 Syria has no hope now; all that’s coming is its final destruction in war with Israel.
At one time every Muslim terrorist group was headquartered in Damascus. Their goal was to destroy Israel. Now what they tried to do to Israel is happening to Syria. This nation has become hell on earth.
Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
“It is now five years since the outbreak of the Syrian armed rebellion against the regime of Bashar Assad, and up to 400,000 people have been killed in the civil war that has ravaged and destroyed the country. In addition, 13.5 million people have lost their homes and of those, around 6.6 million have left the country.
Yet an end to the war seems nowhere near, as a half-decade on, the revolt finds itself at an impasse. Any hopes for a democratic transformation of the country are long gone.”Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.
President Reagan said, “If we ever forget we are one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under.” It appears that this nation is on a collision course with total destruction.
I think that because of all of the extreme corruption in this nation and the Satanist media in full swing, we are headed to a certain end result. Just because the USA is not in the Bible, we still have the Word of God to guide and encourage us.
I keep hearing how ‘good’ people will go to heaven. Hell is going to be full of ‘good’ people. Erasing our Savior from public education has brought us to the point of a country that is running out of time.
Come soon Lord Jesus. Come soon Lord Jesus!!!!!
I live in milwaukee,where all the ‘stuff’ is going on.Yes,we are the most racially divided city in America..and No,it was not mostly ‘outsiders’ who burned businesses,torched cop cars and ‘bricked them’ and,threatened cops who by this point backed down so as not to escalate the situation even more.This was engineered by outsiders,but this undercurrent of seething anger is just under the surface waiting to go off in any city.The one worlders,by design,have had this plan for a couple of generations,now it is coming to fruition.They want to implode our society,replace it with ‘their plan’.One more socialistic chess move,with them holding all the cards.Because almost no one studies Bible prophecy or history anymore,resistance is futile because the powers that be fear the angry mob more than want to enforce law.I feel bad for the rank and file officers,not too much for our liberal,[progressive mayor],or our police chief who lost credibility long ago in a scandal.We have lost our moorings because Christ,[the true Head],is excluded in this society.Now,city leaders and pastors scramble to make sense of it all,and try to ‘heal’ the ‘hood’.Midnight basketball and busywork are not answers,but a waste of time.Absentee parents made this mess.You can bet no one who torched this city will have to repay what they have done.They think its a joke,and wait for another chance to ‘break the system’ that they have already broken by making others work for them so they live for free.They needed a spanking,but no one was there.They needed love,but all they got was,I got no time for you.They needed hope,but welfare isn’t hope,its a trap.Pray for them,that God would open their eyes.Thanks.
Is information available to tally how many Americans have been DISPLACED by natural disasters (floods, fires, tornadoes, etc.) in the calendar year 2016? I certainly do not have such info, but would like to know. I believe it gives another perspective on how God is currently judging our nation.
I am not aware of any.