Senate Republicans Block So-Called ‘Equality Act’ That ‘Guts’ Religious Freedom

Verse of the Day
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
America is one election away from the destruction of the church as we know it. The Hard Left reprobates hate us and will use laws like this to end our freedoms. Remember, they hate you as much as the Nazis did the Jews.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
“Senate Democrats were emboldened by Monday’s Supreme Court decision protecting LGBTQ rights in the workplace, so they pushed for a controversial bill that would elevate those rights above religious freedom.
Every Senate Democrat, joined by two independents and Republican Susan Collins of Maine, called for a vote on the so-called Equality Act.”

“In what is now known as Juneteenth, on June 19, 1865, Union soldiers arrive in Galveston, Texas with news that the Civil War is over and slavery in the United States is abolished.
A mix of June and 19th, Juneteenth has become a day to commemorate the end of slavery in America. Despite the fact that President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was issued more than two years earlier on January 1, 1863, a lack of Union troops in the rebel state of Texas made the order difficult to enforce.”

Always remember, they hate us as much as the Nazis did the Jews.
“Rep. Gaetz: This is no longer about policing, it is precisely about what the Black Vision’s Minnesota Group attempted to accomplish. Defund the police. Defund border patrol. Eliminate borders altogether. Get rid of the military and get rid of the United States of America. That’s their vision for the country. (laughter) Matt Gaetz, it’s what you’re raising money for Mr. Chairman. It’s what your colleagues are raising money for. I showed this in the last committee hearing, members can check it out that a member of this committee, members of the Democratic caucus, were raising money for an organization that wants to destroy the United States of America.
They want to dismantle the state. How dare you! How dare any of you question our motives when we are trying to preserve what is special about this country… Winning does not mean for all of you getting a bill. You’d rather sit here and smear us, smear our families, smear our motives than actually legislate.”

“Today, the prelude to the next major war is underway. While the events are different, the parallels are striking.
China’s dictator, Xi Jinping, has over-extended himself. Squandering his nation’s wealth on weapons, and on ideological policies, his communist system has created an unsustainable economy. The communist bureaucrats and the Chinese army must be fed and supplied. Their need for lebensraum is increasing and will prove insatiable.
As the United States begins to counter the Chinese strategic moves, Xi finds himself pressured into what for him personally will be a no-win situation. On the one side, he is faced with the United States, which now belatedly recognizes that China is an implacable enemy. On the other side, inside China, the parasitic officialdom and the career military officers will not accept retreat. They can’t. Their lives depend on fending off the wrath of their exploited people.”

Revelation 13:16,17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).
“Technocrats operating within the U.S. government are stampeding to impose total surveillance networks in America, similar to those seen in China but with one twist: The race to dominance requires us to leapfrog over China’s AI and do it even better.
A FOIA request by the Electronic Privacy Information Center revealed how excited the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) is about using CCTV cameras to create a national surveillance network.”

“China has used stolen U.S. technology to build three types of weapons that could be used to destroy America’s power grid in a “surprise Pearl Harbor” attack that could kill millions, according to a report from the independent EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security.
The report warns China now has a “network of satellites, high-speed missiles and ‘super-electromagnetic pulse’ weapons that could melt down the U.S. electric network, fry critical communications and stifle aircraft carrier groups,” , reports Paul Bedard in his “Washington Secrets” column.
The EMP report was written by Peter Pry, the task force’s executive director and a longtime expert on the threat. EMP, or electromagnetic pulse, is a high energy, short duration discharge of radiofrequency energy that can disable electromechanical devices.”

“Dr. Anthony Fauci is finally admitting that the U.S. no longer to be in full-scale lockdowns to stem the spread of coronavirus.
Fauci, an immunologist and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who serves on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, has long urged lockdowns (and he was for masks after he was vehemently against them). But he told Agence France-Presse on Thursday that lockdowns should end — and likely won’t come back.
“I don’t think we’re going to be talking about going back to lockdown,” Fauci said. “I think we’re going to be talking about trying to better control those areas of the country that seem to be having a surge of cases.”
MEME: Dem rioting and terrorism free from Coronavirus!
What nonsense from these “health experts” Does anyone believe them after all the lies they told us? I hope not because they are nothing more than Hard Left activists!

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Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
We actually are in the midst of a civil war..except ours is unique in the fact that we don’t know we are.The dems know it.Antifa knows it.Homosexuals know it.Atheists know it.Communists know it.One worlders know it… how come we don’t?….This is why we will lose…..wake up little sleepers…wakey,wakey……
I agree 100% with you.
We have treasonous and traitorous people pretending to be Americans.Yeah,they may have been born here..but they really are enemy combatants.They believe whats yours is theirs..and will take it from you by force if needed.They will,[by posse]..become a lynch mob against you if you espouse truth.They are judge,jury,executioner.That is why they need to be stopped.The police,or the ‘thin blue line’ has been for all intents..erased.Political correctness has neutered them,rendering them …as a bad joke.This is not to impune individuals..but cash and politics are the grease for their wheels…cut the budget…they are useless.Liberals hate truth and real law,so the cops have to go hide in a corner.Notice no one escapes political correctness wrath.Throw in some white guilt..and now everyone is throwing away real history for the made up one..musical groups change their names to go with the flow.This is just like how islam works.Kow tow.It never works.The spineless ones with no truth will get one to the head anyways..because they play the ‘useful idiot’.They are fodder for satan.I will bow to no homo,commie,or anyone who is not Jesus Christ..Period.I will not apollogize for my skin tint,my sense of humor,or my Savior.To all of you who hate Christ,or our country which I know is not perfect..I say pound sand.Pound it hard.Pound it often..then go to a country that most agree’s with your ideal world view..and never come back.I guarantee you will be their ‘pack animal at best,or you will be raped,tortured and killed…because though you think you are ‘one of them’…they will never see you as that…maybe because you are ‘the wrong skin color’.Christians and conservatives are not the nazi’s…you my little liberal friend are.Wake the heck up…and fellow believers…it’s late.You know what to do.
I pray live every Saturday for revival for survival on FaceBook and YouTube. Where are God’s people crying out to the Lord?
They are there…I know they are.I believe that we even as Christians think our numbers are bigger than they really are.We are a ‘remnant’.To me that means almost too small to be counted,number wise.A remnant of fabric comes to mind.Just a little ‘swatch’ so you know what it would look like if you had a real piece of it.God still uses remnants..and I’m glad we are in that group.I pray every day..sometimes I wake myself up in the middle of the night…because I’m praying in my sleep.God bless you brother John.I know this world is not our home because we are ‘pilgrims’..but we should still fight for the right and for the Godly and the good.There is a time to be meek and mild.This is not one of those times.Jesus wasn’t a doormat,neither should we be.I ‘foresee’ the potential that the NWO is watching/waiting to see how this all plays out,then try to further exploit our ‘situation’ and help us to our demise as a free nation.Red Dawn,the movie is very instructive.Though violent,I advise people to watch as much as they can stand to get a feel for what may be around the corner unless the Lord intervenes.Russia,China,N.K. all want us gone…besides the traitors in our midst.Pray hard.Jesus could come at any moment…until then..we must be on guard,at the ready.We have to be our own police.Call 911 if you want a ‘toetag’…I myself don’t have time to waste on a ‘phone call’..the enemies are at our doors…..