Sweden is a rogue state under God’s judgment
Verse of the Day
Obadiah 1:15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen (Sweden): as thou hast done (to Israel), it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.
Since last Friday when the President pointed out what a disaster the Muslims are in Sweden, the reports of this disaster now are nonstop. At first, the mainstream media (MSM) tried to attack the President and even the Swedish government attacked him, but the Swedish disaster is now out in the open for the entire world to see.
If you’ll remember, I wrote that God was going to make an example of Sweden because it was leading the European charge against Israel. Their hatred for the Jews and Israel was out in the open, while at the very same time the Muslims were pouring into Sweden! This was no coincidence; the Muslims were sent by the Lord as judgment according to his word. Sweden is now getting its reward.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you
Zechariah 14:9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
Islam/ As Sweden Has Done to Israel
Sweden is a rogue state: EXCLUSIVE Citizen Journalists’ Reports from the Front 02/22/17 I think very soon that all Jews and real Christians are going to flee from Sweden. The Hard Left and Muslims will merge and move against the Jews and real Christians.
“Sweden is a rouge [sic] state, trying to be a superpower through the UN. But the “humanitarian superpower”, as they call themselves, is a failed state today. The police have lost control over the no-go-zones, and have no resources to investigate the almost daily murders. Women have to give birth in their cars due to the distance to maternity hospitals. Fire fighters cannot fight the daily problem of burning cars, because the immigrants throwing stones at them. Ambulances are equipped with riot-gear, sexual assaults have skyrocketed.
The whole social security system will collapse within a near future due to the ambition of our politicians to become the humanitarian superpower of the world.”
Franklin Graham: ‘NFL Is Trying to Push Homosexuality Through a New Pro-Same-Sex Ad’ 02/22/17 The NFL is on the path to its destruction. There is a great divide between the owners and the fans. We are middle-America and not in favor of the homosexual agenda. We are the source of their revenue and they can be damaged.
Notice what a destructive force sin is! It even defiles something like pro-football. The NFL is not too big to be brought down. If they are promoting the homosexual agenda, I’m not watching.
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
“In a warning about the sinfulness of gay sex and the deceit in calling such acts “love,” Christian preacher Franklin Graham criticized a new Ad Council commercial filmed at the 2017 Pro Bowl and explained that the “NFL is trying to push homosexuality through” the pro-same-sex ad.
The ad, “Fans of Love/Love Has No Labels,” relies on the kiss cam at the Jan. 29 Pro Bowl to show various couples kissing each other or hugging, including two homosexual men and two lesbian women. The ad also posts screen graphics informing people that “love has no gender,” among other slogans.”
Candice Wiggins with the Liberty in 2015
Normal WNBA star: Lesbian culture broke my spirit 02/22/17 First pro-football, and now this with the WNBA! I had no idea that this was going on the WNBA. I have no interest in this sport and never watch it, so all this came as a surprise. It seems that sin is spreading throughout America and defiling even sports!
Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
“Candice Wiggins was a college star at Stanford, the third pick of the 2008 WNBA draft and a 2011 champion. And at the mountaintop of her basketball career, her sexuality marred the moment.
There is a “very, very harmful” culture running throughout the WNBA, she says, which saw her get bullied during her eight-year career because she is heterosexual.
Wiggins, who last played in the league in 2015, said she retired prematurely to leave a league that she estimated — wildly — is 98 percent lesbian, and which is played in such isolation that it weighs on the people on the court.”
Hard Left/ Transgendered – Androgynous
CNN host Chris Cuomo
CNN Host Blames “Intolerant” Father for 12-Year-Old Girl Not Wanting to See a Penis in the Locker Room 02/23/17 All of these types need to move to California and form their own country. California needs to be divided into two; the northern part can join the union, while the southern part can be its own nation.
All illegal aliens should be given the choice of being deported or going to California. So, California will be a haven for sex perverts, illegals, MS13 etc. In a very few years, California would be ungovernable and in complete chaos. The reprobate mind can only destroy. It can’t build and create. Maybe I should have titled the article, “The Face of a Reprobate!” Notice how a reprobate can be all dressed up and even look like a “pretty boy!”
“CNN host Chris Cuomo had a bizarre response to a question on Twitter earlier today when he suggested that an “intolerant” father would be to blame for a 12-year-old girl not wanting to see a penis in the locker room.
Cuomo was asked, “What do you tell a 12 year old girl who doesn’t want to see a penis in the locker room?”
He responded, “I wonder if she is the problem or her overprotective and intolerant dad? teach tolerance.”
The discussion was in the context of the Trump administration withdrawing Obama-era instructions that transgender students can choose to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with and not be restricted to their biological gender.
The CNN host is clearly suggesting that the 12-year-old girl not wanting to see the penis of a transgender individual (the age of whom was not mentioned) is the fault of her parents for educating her to be intolerant of transgenders.”
Hard Left/ Islam
People march in front of Sproul Hall in Berkeley, California, to protest the appearance of Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos in February
Hundreds of campuses encourage students to turn in fellow students for offensive speech 02/23/17 This is exactly the way Muslims operate to protect Islam. They control the speech and will crush anyone who speaks against Islam.
The colleges are now hardened in the Hard Left ideology and are moving to crush anyone who would dare to tell the truth. Their minds are now melded with the Muslims. Both ideologies are ruthless, brutal and based on lies.
The reprobates used the freedoms of America to gain power and now they are moving to crush anyone who is a threat to them! It is so easy to see how Islam and the Hard Left will merge to try and bring down America. They are brothers!
Proverbs 11:11 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.
“Universities are the cradle of free speech, where ideologies and ideas clash, where academics and activists can agree, disagree, or be disagreeable. This is particularly true in the United States, where the First Amendment zealously guards against government surveillance and intrusion into free speech.
Yet at hundreds of campuses across the country, administrators encourage students to report one another, or their professors, for speech protected by the First Amendment, or even mere political disagreements. The so-called “Bias Response Teams” reviewing these (often anonymous) reports typically include police officers, student conduct administrators and public relations staff who scrutinize the speech of activists and academics.
This sounds like the stuff of Orwell, although even he might have found the name “Bias Response Team” to be over-the-top.”
Islam/ American Politics
KLEIN – New York Times in Full Panic Mode Over Reports Trump May Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization 02/23/17 President Trump – please, please, please designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization – please, please, please.
The Washington swamp can’t be fully drained without getting ride of this organization. They are huge alligators in the swamp. They are dangerous and want to create a world Islamic caliphate. They have to be treated like the criminals they are. A vast number of the Muslim organizations in America will come down along with the Brotherhood.
2 Timothy 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
“The New York Times this week continued its month-long campaign against designating the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization amid reports the Trump administration is debating the possibility of issuing an executive order making such a designation.
Declaring the Brotherhood a terrorist organization would add the U.S. to the growing list of nations to do so, including Muslim countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
The Times’ crusade culminated in the newspaper’s publication on Wednesday of an oped written from Egyptian prison by Gehad el-Haddad, the official spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood.
In the piece, Haddad whitewashed the Brotherhood as inspired by an “understanding of Islam that emphasizes the values of social justice, equality and the rule of law.”
Israel/ The Coming Middle East War
Hassan Nasrallah
Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah Warns No ‘Red Lines’ In Next War with Israel 02/22/17 There is no doubt that the coming war between Israel and Hezbollah will result in the complete destruction of Hezbollah and Lebanon. Israel has warned both that this will be the final war. I believe that when the dusk clears from this war, Lebanon will cease to be a nation and Israel will move north into Lebanon.
“During a television interview with the Iran’s state-run Islamic Republic News Agency, the terror chief repeated a previous threat of firing rockets at Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona and at a huge ammonia storage tank in Haifa. Hezbollah will not keep to any “red lines” in a future war with Israel, Nasrallah cautioned.
“In the face of Israel’s threats to destroy Lebanon’s infrastructure, we will not abide by red lines, especially regarding Haifa’s ammonia and the nuclear reactor in Dimona. Hezbollah possesses the full courage for this,” he said, according to an English translation of his comments reported by the Naharnet website.”
Islam/ Christianity
Eric Metaxas is an Evangelical speaker and bestselling author
Nigeria’s Forgotten Christians 02/23/17 What is happening in Nigeria is typical of Muslims looking to takeover a society. The fighting we now see in Sweden and other European countries is exactly what is happening in Nigeria.
The Muslims in Nigeria are more advanced with the terror, but this is what the Europeans have to look forward to. This is why we have to control them in America.
Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
“Almost nobody knows what’s happening to the Christians of Nigeria — but even fewer care. Here’s why we should.
In Nigeria, which is Africa’s most populous country, Christians don’t have time to worry about culture wars. They’re too busy facing a real one instigated by their Muslim neighbors and by a government that has studiously decided to look the other way. The scope of the violence is so vast as to be almost beyond belief, so let me first give you a snapshot of what’s happening on the ground.
Things are particularly bad in the north right now. Unarmed Christian villages there are sitting ducks for Muslim Fulani tribesmen, who have been armed with weaponry provided by elements in the national military. According to The Spectator, it’s religiously motivated genocide, although outside agencies dismiss the violence as tit-for-tat.”
According to the Washington Supreme Court, when Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman declined to do the floral arrangements for a same-sex “wedding,” she violated the states anti-discrimination laws, since she allegedly discriminated based on her customer’s sexual orientation by refusing to participate in his “wedding ceremony”
It Is Absolutely Outrageous for the Government to Force Christians to Violate Their Faith 02/22/17 For a long time, the Left has bullied Christians to try and force us to accept their Godless system. I hope that we’ve turned a corner with President Trump, and we can roll back this attack!
Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
“The more you see something shocking, the less shocking it appears, and the more something outrageous happens, the less outrageous it seems to be. That is how a culture becomes desensitized, and that is how the abnormal becomes normalized. But when it comes to the government’s attack on our religious freedoms, it is our sacred duty to remain shocked and outraged. Such things cannot continue to happen in America if we are to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.
According to the Washington Supreme Court, when Christian florist Barronelle Stutzman declined to do the floral arrangements for a same-sex “wedding,” she violated the state’s anti-discrimination laws, since she allegedly discriminated based on her customer’s sexual orientation by refusing to participate in his “wedding ceremony.”
Attorney David French is correct in emphasizing how this ruling should affect us (he penned these words shortly after the verdict was announced): “If you care about the Bill of Rights, the rights of conscience or even the English language, there’s a chance that this morning you felt a disturbance in the Force—as if the Founders cried out in rage and were suddenly silenced.”
Ken Ham shares his thoughts about young creation, feb 2017
There’s a Civil War Between Creationism, Atheistic Evolution 02/23/17 Evolution is a lot like Islam, the Muslims must suppress truth which destroys Islam. It is the same with evolution. The evolutionists try and shutdown any information which disproves evolution.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
“Creationist Ken Ham says there’s a civil war happening in America against young earth creationism and that an atheistic view of evolution is permeating the world.
“What you believe about where you came from affects your whole worldview,” Ham said. “If there’s a God who created us then He owns us, then He has a right to set the rules to tell us what is right and what is wrong.”
Ham, president of Answers in Genesis and Ark Encounter , argued that despite what the current popular scientific paradigm promotes, the Bible is a record of history that God has revealed to His creation, which says that all are sinners that rebelled against God like Adam and are in need of salvation.
“It also tells us, that when God created the first man and woman, He created marriage and that marriage is to be a man and a woman. It also says a man is made in the image of God and that animals aren’t made in the image of God, only man is,” he continued. “That has great implications on abortion, for instance. When sperm fertilizes the egg you have all the information that builds a human right there, a unique combination of a father and a mother. Then you have a human being that is made in the image of God. So abortion is killing a human being made in the image of God.”2 Corinthians 13;5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
Alot of my in-laws are rabid islamapologists.They are radical don’t hold back marxist/socialists who despise Jews and Christianity,and I can see them ramp up,lockstep with everything the world promotes and God hates.This is repeated family after family,the world over.This is more than mere culture war.We have been here from inception and,like it or not,are seeing it played out for real,in our lives and generation.These reprobates would kill God if they could..but we are an easier target.Evil has truly been unleashed on a huge scale.Nation after nation are soon to fold under islam,because they refused the One true God.In [my] city,carjackings were 519 this year.No,those are not car thefts…car jackings.People have no morals or moral restraint.You just have to know…Jesus could come back any time.What would it be like if He didn’t?