Tagged: Los Angeles CA schools

Why do Atheist countries lead the production of child pornography?

I’ve posted a lot of articles because so much is happening in so many areas. The world is plunging into God’s righteous judgment. One of the most serious areas is molesting children. As the Western nations harden their hearts against God many sins flood in, including child pornography and raping children.
This is man’s base nature, and it seems that without God man defaults to sins like this. It’s all part of paganism, which is exactly where America and the West are heading. Sin destroys the people and the society. Once God turns a society over to unrestrained sin, the natural course for these people is toward self-destruction under the weight of that chosen sin. This is where America is heading, as it is the natural course for a nation that rejects God. God allows sinful, reprobate-minded people into power to add to the destruction caused by sin. This is exactly what has happened with Obama as President. He was God’s judgment on America to accelerate the destruction; this destruction is God’s judgment.