Tagged: mass immigration to continue

Incredible Evidence of Dead Sea Coming to Life as Foretold in Ezekiel 47:9

This information about the Dead Sea is an amazing development. It’s not just that it’s the fulfillment of an incredible prophecy which is beginning, but that the prophecy refers to what will occur during the messianic era, that is, during the thousand year reign of Christ. What does that tell us about where we are on God’s timeline, if something which was inconceivable for thousands of years is beginning to come to pass?
God’s word will be fulfilled just as the prophets spoke it, but the fact that it’s occurring now is what’s so dramatic and exciting. Recently these sinkholes have been causing scientists concern because they’re the result of the diminishing water levels in the Dead Sea. If you do a search, you’ll find plenty of articles about how troubling this has been because the water taken for agricultural use has resulted in these lower water levels, and there has been concern about what that could mean for the long term.
But while scientists panic, God has everything under control, and unknown to them this “troubling development” has been part of his plan to bring about an amazing fulfillment of his word. This should be a sign not only to the Jews, but to the entire world about how trustworthy his word is – and how close we are to the return and reign of the Messiah!