Tagged: Philippians 4:11-12

DNC Convention 2016: Soviet Flags, Palestinian Flags – BUT FEW US FLAGS

The Hard Left is showing its true face for the world to see at the Democratic National Convention. There were Soviet and Palestinian flags flying, but until yesterday, no US flags; although eventually some photos of a US flag were publicized (possibly in response to the outcry raised over the lack of them) they were far outnumbered by the others. There also have been many photos of anti-Israel signs and burning of both Israeli and American flags.
While Trump had a huge surge in popularity at the conclusion of the Republican convention and mainstream pundits predicted the same would hold true for Hillary, this has not been the case. Between the scandals that have broken by the WikiLeaks release of 20,000 Democratic emails, the near riots by Sanders supporters who felt cheated, the removal of party Chairwoman Debbie Wassernman, the documentary about Clinton foundation cash and the growing distrust of Hillary, the Democratic party seems to be coming apart.
Remember 2012, when Democrats at their convention voted to remove all mention of God from their platform? Could this be coming back to haunt them? They won’t see any connection because of the blindness of the reprobate mind, but God’s word does refer to just such repercussions.