Tagged: “right-wing extremists”

Babies may have been born alive for body parts harvesting: Congressional report

More news on Planned Parenthood, the scandal that’s never resolved. It’s even worse than before, though it seemed that couldn’t be possible when the original videos were released last year. America keeps falling deeper and deeper into sin and not only is the blood of the unborn on our collective hands, but now we’re learning that babies who are born alive also are sacrificial victims of the greed behind all of this. It’s apparent that the culture as a whole values wealth more than life itself. Money and power have become the gods that too many now worship.
This is a symptom of the sickness and perversion that’s overtaking the nation and it surely will be a severe judgment upon us when it finally comes. We have the blood of the innocents on our hands. Yet for the most part, Planned Parenthood still is being funded, and the only person to be indicted is the filmmaker who broke the story. Despite the reports coming out of Congress on the horrors, politicians still routinely speak about how even limiting abortion will somehow diminish the”rights” of women. Who are they kidding with such talk? What will be diminished is profits.