Tagged: Rothschild banker Emmanuel Macron

American arrested in Philippines for producing international online pedophile ring films

Yet another disgusting story about the international elite who love to use children as depraved sexual objects, and of those who are used by them to gratify their lusts. But this story at least has a ring of justice to it, because this pedophile videographer was caught and is being prosecuted. No, he isn’t a high-level, prominent purchaser, merely a low-level procurer, once again. But it is progress, nonetheless, and for that we thank God.
We need earnest prayer, both for the rescue of the victims and for justice to prevail. This is one of the most despicable crimes there is because it targets the innocent and helpless, and the knowledge that many of the elite who govern our nations or run major industries around the world are involved heavily ought to be enough for a massive outcry of citizens in every nation.