Tagged: UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

WORLD WAR 3: Obama’s transgender policy ‘devastating’ military

As Russia, China, North Korea and Iran prepare for war, Obama prepares our military for sin. He truly is a “man-of-sin” and does everything in his power to promote sin. How can we expect God’s blessings on our military, since it now is following the complete homosexual agenda?
If I was Putin, and it appeared that Trump was going to win the presidency, I would move against Obama in Europe. Obama is so weak that now would be the time for Putin’s best chance against the US.
Make sure that you also read the article about Iowa coming against the churches that stand for God’s word when it comes to sex. A huge showdown is brewing between the Hard Left and the Church. They are bringing the fight to us, and very soon the mettle of America’s pastors are going to be tested. I hope that huge numbers stand against the reprobates as they try and overwhelm the Church.