Tagged: Zechariah 10:5

Researcher: Cologne Attacks Show German Men Have Forgotten How To Fight

I think that the Hard Left mindset also has seeped into the minds of many American men without them knowing it. Real men stand and protect their wives, families and values, but something has happened.
Huge numbers of men seem to be weakened and have lost what it means to be a real man in God’s eyes. We cannot allow our females to be molested in the ladies’ rooms or locker rooms. It is cowardliness on our part. We cannot let the delusion of the reprobate mind force the women into combat when they are not qualified. We must stand up for the females against this attack or we are no longer real men, but more like the effeminate “men” of the Hard Left.
It is either take a stand now or really surrender to them. They are not going to stop advancing their agenda until we stop them. If you don’t stand now, they will be right in your face with another attack until either you surrender like the Europeans have done, or stand against them in the name of Jesus.