URGENT: Special Report Afghanistan August 30,31, 2021
2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now (holds back) will (hold), until he be taken out of the way.
Once I grasped what was happening, it was clear this was engineered by the Communists and Deep State in America. We can all clearly see just how evil these people are and how much they hate America and the people. This is all part of their plan to destroy America. I totally believe that China is going to be the big benefactor of what just happened, and Biden and the Communists did this for payback to China for helping with the fraud of the 2020 Election.
What happened with Afghanistan was NOT incompetence, but was planned to the last detail. This is a clear case of treason. Watch as time goes on how China is benefited. Right now, the only hope is for the military to intervene and put an end to this rabid usurper in the White House. The puppet masters behind him all have to be arrested for treason.
Update articles
After Raising Over $28 Million to Rescue Afghan Christians, Glenn Beck Shares Incredible Update
Cotton: Biden ‘Kept His Promise to the Taliban’ and ‘Broke His Promise to Americans’
Old Posts
God Is Moving! Intervention in Afghanistan (Video) This is very exciting about what God is doing with Christian Afghan people in protecting them and getting the believers to safety!
Biden’s Clown Show: US Embassy Alert Page Goes Offline For Hours; Gives “404 Error” To Stranded Americans Looking For Updates On How To Safely Reach Evacuation FlightsI don’t think that anything Biden’s government do is by accident or incompetence, but rather it is planned to make this mess a total disaster for America. He and his ilk hate America and the patriots. They are agents of Communist China and are moving to pull down and destroy America as we know it.
Obama Administration Officials Are Torching Biden Over Failed Afghanistan Withdrawal (VIDEO) I don’t believe this for one second. Biden is incapable of pulling off what happened in Afghanistan. Obama was behind this, and now it time for the deep state, NWO to lay it all on Joe and have him removed from office. This way it is all on Joe and they are clear, but what do they do with Harris?
‘KILL LIST’ – Biden Regime Provided Taliban with Names of AMERICANS, Afghan Allies The US gave the Taliban a list a Americans to let them into the airport along with Afghanistan supporters!
CENTCOM Commander Reveals U.S. Intelligence-Sharing Operation with Taliban
Taliban’s Regulations For Women The Americans who are playing games and think Islam is just like any other religion are about to get a real surprise. Biden has invited to attack America, and they will.
Afghanistan’s First Woman Mayor Flees Country in Footwell of Car with Bag Over Her Head after Taliban Came for Her (VIDEO)
Afghanistan: China Warns America Not to Sanction the Taliban
China: ‘Impulsive and Irrational’ to Judge Taliban on Women’s Rights China is protecting the Taliban in every way because they are going to work together to fulfill end time prophecy and set up the road to Armageddon! God is behind all of this and he is moving people and nations like it is a chess game.
China Uses UN Human Rights Council To Attack The US, UK And Australia of ‘Using Democracy to Bring About Great Suffering’ in Afghanistan The entire world order created after WW2 is now gone, and we are entering into a New World Order. America just died.
Arabs: Biden Brings Extremism, Terrorism Back to Life This is an excellent article which gives the big picture of what Biden did for the terrorists while hurting the Arab nations.
Taliban Tells Women: Stay Home Until We Train Jihadis ‘How to Deal’ with You To advance their cause, the Hard Left monsters are allowing the Taliban to ruthlessly deal with women. It is going to be hell on earth for these women. In a moment of retribution, it would be fitting for the Communist females in America to be turned of to the Taliban for reeducation!
Biden Effect: France, UK, Italy and Germany Turn to Putin and Russia for Assistance in Afghanistan The world now is completely changed and America is being destroyed from within. The corrupt Republicans failed to stand with President Trump and now look what happened! I don’t think we can hold together as a nation because the Communists want America totally destroyed along with probably 100 million or more who are American Patriots and Christians
Biden Effect: The Taliban’s Badri 313 Unit in US Uniform and Armed with US Weapons Are “Guarding” Kabul Airport at Request of Biden Regime We are looking into an open window of what the Communist/NWO really thinks and what their goals are. You can clearly see one of their goals is the total destruction of America. I’ve about this for years and years and now it is here. They will continue to destroy America until the US Army or Marines stop them. There is no other way
Newsmax Reporter Robinson On Number of Americans Evacuated from Afghanistan: “The Number Being Thrown Out Today is 4,000” — 10,000 to 20,000 Remaining? (VIDEO) Biden and his ilk don’t know the number, nor do they care after all to them those Americans are nothing but the scum of the earth.
UK Government: ‘Biden May Have Condemned the World to Chinese Domination in Future’ The world is starting to see what Bible just did. The Communist Chinese own him and that why he sold out America to the Chinese over Afghanistan. He is a really traitor.
Afghanistan Christians TARGETED by Taliban; U.S. Exit Encourages Radical Islam (Video)
About video:”Erick Stakelbeck is joined by Reza Safa, Director of TBN Nejat, to get the inside, on-the-ground story on the dire situation faced by Afghanistan’s Christians right now. The Taliban has taken advantage of the disastrous U.S. withdrawal to threaten the country’s Christian minority. What impact will weak U.S leadership have on Christians in the Muslim world and will jihadists be emboldened to target followers of Jesus?”
In Their Last Meeting Angela Merkel Asks Putin for Help in Getting Her Out of Afghan MessI can see the effect of what Obama/Biden did as the start to breaking up NATO, and for Europe to create its own army. The Germans trust the Russians more than America and who could blame them!
The Dreadful Consequences of the Biden Disaster in Afghanistan This is an incredible article filled with all the information you need to know about what happened with Afghanistan.
From article:”Of all the foreign powers involved in efforts to sustain and manipulate the ongoing fighting, Pakistan is distinguished both by the sweep of its objectives and the scale of its efforts, which include…. soliciting funding for the Taliban, bankrolling Taliban operations, providing diplomatic support…, arranging training for Taliban fighters…, planning and directing offensives, providing and facilitating shipments of ammunition and fuel, and on several occasions apparently directly providing combat support.” — Human Rights Watch.
China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, and the Taliban have different worldviews, but do possess three things in common: they are enemies of the United States and the Western world, they want to see the United States humiliated and defeated, and they want to eliminate the United States from the region. The United States has been humiliated, defeated and eliminated from the region. Its enemies have won.”
U.K. Parliament Holds Joe Biden In Contempt: “Catastrophic, Shameful” – U.S. Media Missed This One What a wonderful response from the British to what traitor Biden did. I’d like the entire world to do the same.
While Afghanistan Fell, Military and CIA Focused on Diversity Literally, at the same time the Taliban was gaining complete control over Afghanistan, the US military was fully engaged in promoting homosexuality among the ranks! America was defeated while promoting sodomy, so the defeat was fitting because God is holy. It appears the US military is riddled with officers with reprobate minds. America is dying from sin.
From article:”While Biden’s brass were pledging allegiance to diversity, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi welcomed Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar to the People’s Republic of China. Yi praised the Taliban as a “a pivotal military and political force” and mocked the United States. The United States Army was busy “developing and implementing a strategic plan to advance DEI across the Total Force” as the Taliban seized the capitals of Helmand and Herat.”
China on Afghanistan: ‘The Real Winner of This Disaster Is China’
From article:”China shares a nearly 60-mile-long border with Afghanistan and has closely monitored its deteriorating security situation in recent months as the Taliban waged a military offensive to retake control of the country. Beijing expressed hope to establish an economic relationship with the Taliban on Monday when China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs offered to help fund “reconstruction” and infrastructure “development” projects in the country moving forward.
“The Taliban have repeatedly expressed their hope to develop good relations with China, and that they look forward to China’s participation in the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters on August 16.
China: World Should ‘Encourage’ Taliban Instead of ‘Exerting Pressure’
The Taliban are sitting on $1 trillion worth of minerals the world desperately needs
It’s Worse than We Thought: Taliban Seized 75,000 Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons and 200 Aircraft in Afghanistan Leftover by Biden Admin This was all planned and nothing was by accident or because of incompetence. This was treason.
Taliban murders local police chief in horrific video, seizes passports There huge numbers of reports like this pouring out of Afghanistan.
Top Democrat: It’s “Not Sensible” to Provide Stranded Americans Safe Passage to Kabul Airport (VIDEO) I can really sense We The People may have to take things into our own hands.
Taliban Infiltrate WhatsApp Groups, Threaten to “Chop Into Pieces” and “Throw Away” Female Students Who Show Up to Class Wearing Lipstick and Nail Polish Biden and the demon-dems care so much for women and children and their rights, while they just turned millions of women and children over to Muslim monsters. The wickedness of the American Deep State is now in full display for the entire world to see.
‘That’s Not True’ – Biden Throws Military Brass Under the Bus, Claims They Never Urged Him to Keep 2,500 Troops in Afghanistan to Maintain Stability (VIDEO) This is the deep state devils fighting amongst themselves. How many of the brass are really the NWO? They turned on President Trump knowing full well the election was stolen and the Communists were pulling off a coup. God now has them all in derision.
Twitter Suspends Accounts of Elected Afghan Officials — Keeps Up the Taliban Terrorist Accounts All the scum of America is being manifested for us to see. At some point, this has to break against them. We The People are not going to buckle in the face of their tyranny. At this time, we need good leadership who can organize us into force that has the will to break them wherever we find their power.
Older Posts
Biden’s Engineered Collapse of Afghanistan Hands Taliban a Major Victory (Video) I found this information by Alex Jones on what happened to be right on and shocking. I knew the fall of Afghanistan was staged with the NWO behind it, and Jones really lays out what happened. This is a huge move by the NWO following Covid-19 and the death shot. The NWO is accelerating its move to gain control of the world. The United States
Breaking: Lt. Col. Shaffer Breaks Down What Really Happened in Afghanistan (Video)
DHS: Extremists Against COVID Vaccines, Stolen Election Pose National Security Threat Ahead of 9/11 We Americans are in great danger because all that stands between NWO, Deep State, Communists bringing down the nation is us. They will use whatever force is necessary to us, to bring down America. This includes murdering millions if needed. This is happening real time. The DHS just warned that Americans against the Covid vaccines and the stolen 2020 Election pose a national security threat! The warning is in effect until November 11. Remember, these people are ruthless without mercy and they hate us as much as the Nazis did the Jews.
As these frightening events happen, please grow close to the Lord and above all keep your eyes focused on the coming of Jesus for his real believers. This will keep you from fear and depression. Soon we will be with the Savior at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! See my brochure: Looking for the Blessed Hope.
Revelation 19:9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen.Even so, come, Lord Jesus.