Porn Use in Church Continues to Escalate

5 Responses

  1. Dan.w says:

    I believe one major reason the church is powerless,is because of the bait and switch that very few are aware of or ever noticed.Brother John nailed it a while back when saying,Christianity is about the Person of Jesus Christ and is not a religion.All world religions are false because they are ‘of the world’.True Christianity is not of this world,but outside of it.All of God,gave His all,so that we could have our sins paid for,in one fell moment,for all of eternity,bridging the impossible gap that sinful man and his fallen works could never accomplish.It is a ‘God thing’,from start to finish.As far as the porno thing go’s,those that practice it,if they are saved,WILL receive the Holy Spirit’s warning,and if that warning,or warning’s are not heeded to the point of repentance…it will not go well for them.We are near the end of ‘The time’s of the Gentile’s’…now is not the time to mock God,or ignore His warning’s.Real Christianity is ‘tuned in’…churchianity on the other hand is turned out…God bless you all,….

    • garylthmp says:

      I recently ran across an article which has an even harsher critique of the church ( ) There was one particular passage I found striking:

      …///And based on the self-righteous, proud, and utterly disconnected from reality attitudes regularly on display from most older Americans claiming a “conservative Christian” view while propping up the very System of systems that is purposefully producing the results they claim to find so disgusting, it doesn’t look like it’s gonna get much better anytime soon. It seems clearer by the day that anyone (Millennial or otherwise) living in America who wants to see actual (meaning: biblical [,k:bible&linkCode=sl2&tag=freedomoutpos-20&linkId=6d577c89dd935a855f32e71ebc8bba00 ]) freedom, liberty, prosperity, and peace take root in their lives and throughout the culture will have to fight to secure those things over the opposition of millions of self-identified conservative Christians who refuse to repent of the many systemic, anti-Christian approaches to law, economics, education and pretty much everything else as currently embraced in America and exalted in American tradition.

      The good news for any and all Americans graced by God with a zeal for biblical repentance and reformation is that He is providing incredible opportunities for the active pursuit and expansion of biblical approaches to every aspect of life even as an American System built upon anti-Christian approaches to law, economics, and education comes crashing down around us.

      Not only is God raising up a people for Himself, He is also raising up technologies and circumstances that will inevitably lead to the proliferation of true liberty, freedom, and prosperity…over the dead bodies of His enemies. No matter how hard they may try, advocates of unbiblical centralized power – through which the proliferation of unbiblical approaches to law, economics, education, art, and everything else are enabled – will be swept aside into the trash bin of God’s creation of history.

      So obvious are these opportunities becoming now that even pagan, unbelieving eyes are able to recognize and appreciate them at some level.\\\…

      Whether this is prophetic or not, breaking the old forms seemingly already is the trend worldwide…

      …///Christianity may be fading in the U.S.

      It may be dead in Europe.

      It is being eradicated in the Middle East.

      >But, as James Rutz points out in his bestselling, page-turning breakthrough book “Megashift,” is the fastest-growing faith in the world because of explosive growth in Asia and Africa.

      And it’s not a weak faith. It’s seared by the fires of tribulation and persecution. And it is sealed by miracles of prophetic dreams and visions, miraculous healings, including people being raised from the dead.

      If you’re a Christian believer who wants some shockingly good news, James Rutz’s “Megashift” is the reading prescription you’re looking for. It will increase and embolden your faith.

      It’s as if the Book of Acts is being re-lived and re-experienced by half the world’s population.

      Most news reports suggest Islam is the fastest-growing religion on Earth.

      But Rutz documents a new, or, perhaps, old form of biblically inspired evangelical Christianity that is sweeping through places like China, Africa, India and Southeast Asia.

      In “Megashift,” Rutz coins a new phrase to define this fast-growing segment of the population. He calls them “core apostolics” – or “the new saints who are at the heart of the mushrooming kingdom of God.”

      Rutz makes the point that Christianity is overlooked as the fastest-growing faith in the world because most surveys look at the traditional Protestant denominations and the Roman Catholic Church while ignoring Christian believers who have no part of either.

      He says there are 707 million “switched-on disciples” who fit into this new category and that this “church” is exploding in growth.

      “The growing core of Christianity crosses theological lines and includes 707 million born-again people who are increasing by 8 percent a year,” he says.

      So fast is this group growing that, under current trends, according to Rutz, the entire world will be composed of such believers by the year 2032.

      “There will be pockets of resistance and unforeseen breakthroughs,” writes Rutz. “Still, at the rate we’re growing now, to be comically precise, there would be more Christians than people by the autumn of 2032, about 8.2 billion.”

      According to the author, until 1960, Western evangelicals outnumbered non-Western evangelicals – mostly Latinos, blacks and Asians – by two to one. As of 2000, non-Western evangelicals outnumbered Westerners by four to one. He says by 2010, the ratio will be seven to one.

      “There are now more missionaries sent from non-Western nations than Western nations,” he writes.

      This trend, says Rutz, has been missed by Westerners because the explosive growth is elsewhere.

      Hundreds of millions of these Christians are simply not associated with the institutional churches at all. They meet in homes. They meet underground. They meet in caves. They meet, he says, in secret.

      And what is driving this movement?

      Miracles, he says.

      “Megashift” attempts to document myriad healings and other powerful answers to the sincere prayers of this new category of believer, including, believe it or not, hundreds of dramatic cases of resurrections – not near-death experiences, but real resurrections of actual corpses.

      “When I was a kid in Sunday school, I was really impressed that 3,000 people were saved on the Day of Pentecost,” he writes. “I thought, ‘Wow, that’ll never happen again!”

      But, Rutz says, it now happens around the globe every 25 minutes.

      “By tomorrow, there will be 175,000 more Christians than there are today,” he writes.

      The essence of Rutz’s book is about how Western Christians can tap into what he sees as a mighty work of God on Earth.

      “Very few people realize the nature of life on Earth is going through a major change,” he writes. “We are seeing a megashift in the basic direction of human history. Until our time, the ancient war between good and evil was hardly better than a stalemate. Now all has changed. The Creator whose epic story flows through the pages of Scripture has begun to dissolve the strongholds of evil. This new drama is being played out every hour around the globe, accompanied sometimes by mind-bending miracles.”

      Get “Megashift” for a shot of adrenalin for you (sic) faith – and some good news no one else is reporting.\\\…

      • rjnvpn says:

        I am very interested in this book and believe the miracles are real – however; my only problem is believing that people are resurrected from the dead when scripture tells us that we die once, and then the judgement. Re: Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment…”

  2. Nancy says:

    They are not listening, It will take the judgements for some to wake up!!

    Thank you, John, for playing ‘I have Jesus’ for Pastor Fred! The song may be old but the words are never old, actually I go around singing I have Jesus I have Jesus every day!!

  3. Nancy says:

    I meant ‘I need Jesus’ song!!