Verse of the Day
Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
I’ve posted many articles about the what happened in Orlando but from our perspective. I wanted you to see how the Hard Left reacted to it and how many of them tried to blame Christians for it!
The killer was just following Islam, because it calls for the death of those who practice homosexuality. There is no Islamic country that allows open homosexuality. The homosexuals would be killed there if they acted like they do in America. Now the dilemma is facing the Hard Left. They support both Islam and homosexuality and this incident shows the tension in doing this. At some point the Hard Leftists will have to make a choice between them, because as Islam gains in power, the Muslims will target the homosexuals.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Isaiah 9:6-7 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
Islam – Jihad America
RAMADAN MASSACRE IN ORLANDO 06/13/16 The Hard Left is really starting to come apart over Islam as the continued mass killings are making it impossible to defend Muslims much longer. Now, they are trying to connect what the Muslims are doing to Christians!
They are desperate to defend Islam and attack us! They will blame anyone and anything rather than Islam and the Muslims. What I’ve posted just below is the Hadith, which states to kill homosexuals.
“Muhammad makes clear that Muslims should be the executors of the wrath of Allah by killing gays. A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.” (Abu Dawud 38:4447) And: “Stone the upper and the lower, stone them both.” (Ibn Majah 3:20:2562)”
“It was the worst mass shooting ever on American soil: Omar Mateen, 29, opened fire at the Pulse, an Orlando, Florida gay nightclub, on Saturday night. Mateen murdered at least fifty people and wounded another 53.
The death count is almost certain to go higher, as many are quite gravely wounded. Mateen was a Muslim who had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and mentioned the Boston Marathon jihad killers in a 911 call just before he started shooting. Thus in the wake of the jihad massacre, it was time for the Leftist political and media elites to do what they always do first and foremost after every jihad massacre: make sure that no one thought ill of Islam.
Nonetheless, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, along with many other Leftists, tried to turn the jihad attack into a commercial for rolling back Americans’ Second Amendment rights, tweeting: “We mourn with the people of Orlando and the LGBT community as a whole on the news that -once again- we have lost precious lives to the gun.” Who knew that guns could be so diabolical and anti-gay?
Leftist responses ranged from the ominous to the absurd. Ominously, Facebook and Reddit turned to censorship to try to prevent people from thinking ill of Islam. Facebook removed the Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) page, which had been up for six years and had over 55,000 members, and Reddit began banning people who dared to mention that the killer was a Muslim.
On the absurd side, ACLU staff attorney Chase Strangio tweeted that the massacre was the fault of conservative Christians: “You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate.” Does the illustrious Strangio actually believe that Omar Mateen was incited to commit mass murder in the gay nightclub in Orlando by an “anti-queer climate” created by Christian conservatives? He probably does, since, as a Leftist, he knows that non-Muslims are always and everywhere to blame for atrocities that Muslims commit.
Not only are non-Muslims to blame for Muslim atrocities, but Muslims are their victims, even when no Muslims are killed. AFP reported that “Florida officials also invited a local Islamic leader to address the media in a bid to preempt a possible backlash against the Muslim community.” Imam Muhammad Musri of the Islamic Society of Central Florida warned against “sensationalizing” the story.”

Obama and Valerie Jarrett
Frank Gaffney on Orlando Terror Attack: Our Government Living ‘Under Sharia’ Regimen that Prevents Acknowledging Jihad Threat 06/13/16 It is obvious that Obama is in love with Islam and will not speak against it. Is he a Muslim? It’s hard to say that he is not. The actions by Obama and the US government show that we are under some form of Sharia law!
Is Obama stupid or is he following an agenda to destroy and pull down America? I’d say that he is following an agenda.
“Founder and President of the Center for Security Policy Frank Gaffney told Breitbart News Sunday’s Stephen K. Bannon that the U.S. government refuses to acknowledge the jihad threat facing America because it is “living under sharia” law.
“It is important for our government to understand this [jihad/sharia] is the animating force behind the threat we’re facing…around the world and here at home as well,” he declared. “And unless and until we can say that and we can understand it and we can operationalize our response to it, these guys will continue to kill us and all of the Middle East will succeed in destroying our country,” Gaffney said.
His comments came in response to the President Barack Obama’s White House refusing to connect radical Islamic terrorism to the Jan. 12 mass shooting by Omar Mateen, 29, at a gay nightclub in Orlando, FL, that left at least 50 people dead and 53 others wounded. Mateen is a U.S. citizen of Afghan descent who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), which has claimed responsibility for the attack.
“I don’t think it’s just the media that’s living under sharia or a blasphemy regimen, it’s our government as well,” Gaffney told Breitbart News Sunday.
There is “a kind of blindness that has been dominating American policy in regard to jihad and what entails it, well, since before 9/11,” he continued.
Gaffney noted that jihad is a mainstream tenet of Islam that is considered sharia (strict Islamic law) by the Muslims who subscribe to it.”
Orlando mosque tied to case Hillary’s State Dept scrubbed 06/13/16 When you read this article, notice how when the federal agent was getting close to identifying terrorists the Obama administration had the case shut down!
Later, they would persecute the agent and try to drive him out of the government! This government in Washington is pure evil.
“When Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik massacred 14 people in San Bernardino, California, last December, newly retired Department of Homeland Security agent Philip Haney discovered that a case he developed might have prevented the attack if it had not been shut down by his agency and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
Now, Haney tells WND that the mosque where Orlando killer Omar Mir Siddique Mateen worshiped several times a week also has a tie to that case.
He noted that the FBI twice had Mateen on its radar, but closed down the investigations both times.
Mateen opened fire early Sunday morning at a “gay” nightclub in Orlando, killing at least 50 people and wounding another 53 in what is being described as the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.
DHS agent Philip Haney’s blockbuster revelations of the federal government’s appeasement of supremacist Islam are told in his new book “See Something Say Nothing.”
As a member of one of the National Targeting Center’s advanced units, Haney helped develop a case in 2011 on a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaat, as he recounts in his new book “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.”
Within a few months, the case drew the “concern” of the State Department and the DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office because the Obama administration believed it unfairly singled out Muslims. The intelligence, however, had been used to connect members of the movement to several terrorist organizations and financing at the highest levels, including for Hamas and al-Qaida.”
Co-worker: Omar Mateen homophobic, ‘unhinged’ 06/13/16 When reading this article, notice that at work Mateen was reported but nothing was done because he was a Muslim.
Americans are already willfully under a form of Sharia Law! Muslims are protected and special – which is Sharia law.
The same thing happened with the recent slaughter in California since the neighbor saw what was happening but failed to notify the police because she did not want to be seen as anti-Muslim!
So many Americans are now weak-minded and are easy pickings for the Muslims.
“A former Fort Pierce police officer who once worked with 29-year-old Omar Mateen, the assailant in an Orlando nightclub shooting that left at least 50 dead, said he was “unhinged and unstable.”
Daniel Gilroy said he worked the 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift with G4S Security at the south gate at PGA Village for several months in 2014-15. Mateen took over from him for a 3 to 11 p.m. shift.
Gilroy, a former Fort Pierce police officer, said Mateen frequently made homophobic and racial comments. Gilroy said he complained to his employer several times but it did nothing because he was Muslim. Gilroy quit after he said Mateen began stalking him via multiple text messages — 20 or 30 a day. He also sent Gilroy 13 to 15 phone messages a day, he said.”
NBC ‘Law Enforcement Expert’ Blamed Orlando Terror Shooting on Anti-Gay ‘White Hate Groups’ 06/13/16 I want you to see from this article how the Hard Left tried to pin the mass killing on “White hate groups” and never once tried to link it to Muslims!
The Hard Left simply loves Muslims and has a seething hatred for Christians. This is deep inside the reprobate mind.
“Early on Sunday before the world learned the identity and religion of the man who murdered up to 50 people in an Orlando, Florida, gay bar, a “law enforcement expert” for NBC went on the air on MSNBC and hinted that the shooter was probably a Christian and a member of a “white hate group.”
Just before 7AM as the details about the shooting were beginning to roll out, NBC analyst Jim Cavanaugh appeared to tell the MSNBC audience that the man who shot up the bar was likely a long-time patron of the club and may have been banned by management for some reason. Cavanaugh said the shooting could have been a revenge shooting.
But Cavanaugh indulged in other speculation, insisting that there are “a lot” of white, Christian, domestic terrorist types who would carry out an attack on a gay bar because “they hate diverse people.”
“Is it just because it’s a diverse club and he hates diverse people?” Cavanaugh added.
The “law enforcement expert” next ascribed the shooting to a “white hate group.”
“You know, there’s a lot of domestic terrorists we classify that do that, they are rooted in white hate movements. So it could be that,” Cavanaugh said.”
Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque 06/13/16 Listen to this Imam calling for the death of homosexuals, and none of the Muslims rebuking him. This happened just two months ago in Orlando.
Hard Left/ Transgendered
Criticism of Transgender Agenda Will Get Virginia Students Expelled 06/10/16
This is yet more evidence that God has turned Americans over to reprobates for judgment. These are intolerant thought-fascists who will not allow dissent. This is a step toward destroying all who stand for the Lord.
These people mean business and have an agenda. The agenda is to destroy anything associated with the Lord. They simply hate God and his Word to their core; therefore, they hate us.
What will it take to get God’s people on their knees crying out to the Lord? Should we look in the tall grass for the pastors? It will do them no good to hide there, because the Hard Leftists will smoke them out.
Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
“Youths in Fairfax County, Virginia, can now be disciplined and even expelled from school for criticizing the intrusive and aggressive transgender ideology.
The transgender change in school regulations was imposed last night during a dramatic board meeting where only 12 pro-trans witnesses were invited to testify.
The board members met on Thursday night only after being informed the night before that the discipline change would be considered. No opposing voices were allowed to be heard, parents were relegated to shouting opposition from the seats and some were ejected from the meeting.
The Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook is issued to each student every year. Students are required to sign, along with their parents. Violations of the handbook are treated as discipline violations that can result in either suspension or expulsion from school.
The new regulation reads:
No student in FCPS shall … on the basis of gender identity … be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity.”
New York City Spending $265,000 To Reduce Sexual Privacy, Boost Transgender Ideology 06/13/16 This is a great article showing how the Hard Left is using transgenderism to crush the male – female identity. Real marriage fell in 2015 with little resistance from the church. There was some resistance, but in general it was very weak.
Now one year later they are attacking the male and female gender. Is there anything left to America, especially the men? God is using these sinful, delusional people to test the churches’ mettle. So far the church has failed.
Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
“The City of New York faces a $3.8 billion budget shortfall by 2019, but city hall has launched a $265,000 tax-funded ad campaign to push transgender bathrooms on the city’s residents.
The new “Look Past Pink and Blue” ads informs residents to “Use the restroom consistent with who you are,” echoing the political claim that each person’s feeling of their “gender” is more important than their anatomy or genetics. That aspect of transgender ideology will force women and men in New York to share bathrooms with people of the opposite sex.
Despite the massive shortfall, during the first week of June the city council and the mayor’s office reached an $82.1 billion budget deal which increases spending by $30 million of the last budget.
In general, progressives who favor transgenderism says the government should require every American to validate every person’s choice of created “gender identity,” even though a man who claims to be a woman is still a man by every known scientific measure of evolutionary life. In practice, this demand requires government to penalize people unless they use language and terms preferred by a political group.
For example, an Oregon law recently allowed a jury to award $60,000 t0 a transgender teacher because other teachers declined to use the teacher’s preferred pronoun, which is “they” rather than “him” or “her.” President Barack Obama backs similar rules for all 50 million kids in public K-12 schools, and New York City has also establish similar forced-speech rules. Canada is preparing a law that will punish people who argue against the transgender ideology.
The ideology’s demand that the state enforce a new right to “gender identity” also requires the state to ignore or dismantle many civic rules that evolved to help the two distinct sexes — men and boys, women and girls — meet their legally equal, but different and complementary, needs. For example, the transgender ideological demand means that single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms must opened up to people of the opposite sex, regardless of age, and without any verification of created “gender identity.”
As a result, it is now an offense in Washington State to ask a man in a woman’s bathroom if he thinks he is male or female. Similarly, Obama and gay advocacy groups have slammed a popular compromise North Carolina law, dubbed HB2, because it requires people to undergo medical procedures before they can use a bathroom reserved for the opposite sex.”
Israel Chief Rabbi Urges Rebuilding Jerusalem Temple 06/10/16 The Muslims never will allow the temple to be built as long as Islam is a viable religion.
My take is that Islam is going to be crushed in the coming war. In the aftermath, Israel will be free to build the temple and this will set the stage for the end time events leading to the Day of the Lord and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ with his bride, the Church.
“The Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, David Lau, said he would like to see the Jewish temple rebuilt on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
To build it, there was no need to remove any of the Muslim shrines on the Temple Mount, where there was plenty of room for “Jews, Christians, Muslims, everyone,” he told the Knesset Channel on Tuesday.
“I can’t tell you exactly what was in the temple, but the truth is that when you see the prophets, the writings, the sayings of the sages, you understand that whoever went there came back full of inspiration, emotion, joy and satisfaction, so I yearn for those days,” he added.
The most important site in Judaism because two temples stood there in biblical and post-biblical times, the Temple Mount today houses Islam’s third-holiest shrine, the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
It sits at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over sovereignty and land, and what Palestinians perceive as a danger that Jews will rebuild it has fueled much of the terrorism against Israelis over the past eight months.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to maintain the status quo that prohibits Jewish prayer at the site, and has ordered members of Knesset not to approach the Mount, a move contested by Jewish zealots bent to building a third temple.”
World War 3
Nervous Baltics on war footing as NATO tries to deter Russia 06/13/16 While our eyes are focused on Muslim terrorism in America, the pressure for WW3 is building in Europe. It is really easy to see that God may use Russia to judge both decadent Europe and America.
“Leaders in the Baltic countries and Poland fear the force NATO plans to deploy on their territory is too small and symbolic to deter an attack by Russia, whose 2014 annexation of Crimea is fresh in the memories of the former Soviet-bloc states.
They will this week press other ministers of the western military alliance to help them build an air defense system against Russian aircraft and missiles. But that would be a highly sensitive step, likely to be condemned by Moscow as yet more evidence of a NATO strategy threatening its borders.
Asked about the likelihood of Russian aggression in the Baltics, Lithuania’s Defense Minister Juozas Olekas told Reuters: “We cannot exclude it … They might exercise on the borders and then switch to invasion in hours.”
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia see themselves on the front line in any potential conflict with Moscow and say they are putting their armies on a war footing, meaning they can be mobilized almost immediately.
NATO defense ministers are set to agree this week on a new multinational force of 4,000 troops for the Baltics and Poland.
The United States, Germany and Britain are set to lead battalions of about 1,000 troops each. Canada may lead a fourth.”
Psalm 11:5 The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
Brother John:
I was watching a documentary, “Israel, Islam and Armageddon” by Dave Hunt when my husband came in a told me about the mass shooting in Florida. My first thought? “Oh my, how many of those dead were prepared to meet Jesus? Several friends emailed me shortly after that and asked if I thought those dead and wounded were saved. Since the majority were homosexual I couldn’t say. I don’t know what is in any ones heart I can’t say, but I do know that both the murderer and the dead will meet the Most Holy God of Israel and the books will be opened. How sad. No one is talking about life after death.
You are right about the hard left. All they can do is make excuses and blame others for this horrible shooting. They will have to stand before our Savior too. They have no idea what is in store for them.
Thanks for sharing this and God bless you.
I believe we have been given over to the evil we refused to call as such.Hell is on earth as perversion is the new normal.I witnessed to an elderly friend as the JW’s are after her to commit to them.Many times in the past,as now,I plainly explained to this dear person,the difference between religion,and relationship.Religion will damn a person to Hell,because it has no power to save,and on some level,it appeals to pride and the flesh.Jesus,who is God,paid it all,we need to find out what He say’s about life,death,eternity,and how to get to spend it with Him.We must take Him at His word about our sin,and our need to exchange it for His righteousness.We can meet Christ as lawyer,and settle out of court,or as judge,which at that point will be too late.Now is the accepted time to ask Jesus to save you.He paid it all….for you….for me.Eternity is far too long a time to be wrong.Trust Him now. P.S. thanks for the soapbox,brother John.
lol, God bless you.
God bless you as well my friend.The ‘left’ and all God haters will continue their backpedalling,and protect islam at al l costs.They have no ‘rock’ to hang onto,so their reasoning,if you could call it that…is based on shifting sand.We are their targets,and scapegoats…They hate us like they hated our Lord.