Tagged: al-aqsa mosque

Iran using US cash to fund unprecedented, massive military buildup

After the Civil War, the Democrats created the KKK as their military arm to advance their agenda against black people. What is rising now on the college campuses is the modern version of the KKK. Right now it appears to be lead by the Communists, with other Hard Left groups merging with it. Are they the vanguard of a new civil war?
If you’ll notice, the college administrators let them run wild and never seem to stand up to them. Members of the Democratic Party never say anything while they are exposing Democratic issues like hating President Trump. Bernie Sanders is a Communist, yet he says nothing.
I can see this movement expanding throughout the colleges, and being the foundation for a revolution. The modern Democratic KKK is rising.

Louisiana Flooding; Evacuations and Rescues Ongoing as Rivers Rise Toward Record Crests

An awesome flood has hit Louisiana with incredible destruction. These type of floods are hitting America on a regular basis. There are massive fires in the west along with severe droughts. I believe that this is all part of the slow but steady process of God’s judgment on America for its national sin.
It is very possible that the judgment might accelerate, with diseases such as the Zika virus and many other diseases overwhelming the nation.
Please keep the people of Louisiana in prayer as they need mercy, and it may cause many to turn the Lord.


I’ve posted many articles about the what happened in Orlando but from our perspective. I wanted you to see how the Hard Left reacted to it and how many of them tried to blame Christians for it!
The killer was just following Islam, because it calls for the death of those who practice homosexuality. There is no Islamic country that allows open homosexuality. The homosexuals would be killed there if they acted like they do in America. Now the dilemma is facing the Hard Left. They support both Islam and homosexuality and this incident shows the tension in doing this. At some point the Hard Leftists will have to make a choice between them, because as Islam gains in power, the Muslims will target the homosexuals.

Can a burgeoning satanic movement actually effect political change?

As America continues its slide into sin and rebellion, we see three factions of sin forming. One is the Hard Left reprobates with homosexuality leading the way, the second is Islam with Sharia law and the third is Satanism with worshiping satan. There is no political answer to this mess: the answer is spiritual. As long as the church plays religious games, the nation will continue its descent into hell, until it passes the point of no return. It is possible we already crossed that line with the Supreme Court legalization of “homosexual marriage.”
America’s descent into hell is accelerating, while at the same time America’s enemies such as Russia and China are gaining power daily. I see the Lord raising up these nations as a “rod of judgment” against America. As long as the church remains so unresponsive, wickedness has no bounds in America. This can’t continue for much longer. Some event is going to bring this to a head.

Glenn Beck Channels Mormon Prophecy in Utah for Cruz: ‘Body of the Priesthood’ Will ‘Stand Up When the Constitution Hangs by a Thread’

American presidential politics is now in the twilight zone! The Democrats have a Communist and a pathological liar running. The Republicans have a governor living in a delusion (Kasich) and Senator Cruz, who allowed the Mormon, Glenn Beck, to announce that Cruz was the “promised” coming Mormon Savior of America! This is about a “prophecy” that Joseph Smith made that Beck applied to Cruz, who claims to be an evangelical Christian! A Mormon anointing an evangelical Christian as the Mormon “savior of America?”