Tagged: Black Pigeon Speaks YouTube channel

Porn Use in Church Continues to Escalate

I think one of the reasons, and maybe the main reason, for the powerless modern American church is the sin of pornography in the camp. How many powerless pastors have their minds soaked in pornography? This sin grieves the Holy Spirit and renders the believers powerless with a feeling of condemnation. What pornography does is create sexual idolatry in the mind which deadens one’s emotions. A person lives in a sexual fantasy land rather than in reality. In the end, it can rule a person’s life just as crack cocaine can do.
I have prayed with great results for many males and females to be set free from the bondage of this sin. If you would like prayer, please email me at [email protected], and I can arrange a time for prayer. With females I always have a female prayer partner with me.