Tagged: Child Porn

Spicer: Embassy move a question of when, not if

I hope this statement is true. There is not going to be any peace deal with the PLO because they want Jerusalem, and Israel never will divide the city. In the end, it will all come down to Jerusalem, just like the prophets stated so many thousands of years ago. The Muslims’ final war will be over Jerusalem. God is going to break the back of Islam over Jerusalem and end it as a viable religion. The end time prophetic religion will be paganism and not Islam. Islam’s days are numbered.

Inside The Secret Pedophile Marketplace: Investigative report exposes secret world of dark web sex traffic

Any Christian with an imagination can picture a child he or she loves being the victim of this horrific abuse – and that should be enough to drive all of us to our knees for the victims, because this is one of the worst things that ever could happen to any child.
God created children to be innocent and to be trained in righteousness, not used in this vile way. He surely is sickened when he sees what is occurring and when he hears the cries of these little ones who are being used so terribly. Let’s do all we can to fight this, because when we stand before Him we won’t want to answer for having done nothing. Nor will we want to explain why we ignored it, after we’d learned what’s been going on.