Tagged: Isaiah 3:16-24

The Left’s Ultimate Plan Revealed

I recently posted an article concerning a woman who wrote in the Huffington Post about preventing white males from voting for 20 years. The lead article is a great analysis of that previous article. If you are a white male, I highly suggest that you read this article.
The bottom line is that the Hard Left, and especially the feminists, blame the white males for every problem in the last 500 years! It is really more than white males. I believe they associate Christianity with the white males. The root of their hatred is Christianity.
To show how stupid this thinking is, Islam has terrorized the world up until about 1820 and is now at it again, but that does not matter to the Hard Left. The Japanese inflicted incredible destruction in Asia but that did not matter. The Chinese through Communism murdered 100 million of their own people. Recently in Rwanda, two groups fought and in one month 1,000,000 were murdered. Every group has a sin nature and can inflict great damage, but for some reason with the Hard Left it is the dreaded white male. There is no doubt that the Hard Left and especially the feminists, both male and female, are a direct danger to white males. They are openly at war with us.