Tagged: Western civilization

Hillary’s Prison Blues (White Trash in the White House)

I’ve posted two satires about Hillary that I thought were very funny and well done. Facing this election, we need some laughs.
There also is a great article about scientific research proving the accuracy of the modern Bible.
Make sure that you read the article about Russia/Syria and the coming war with Israel. Israel is preparing for it and believes it will come in about six months. Israel believes that the tactics Russia is using in Northern Syria and Israel also will be used in the South along the Golan Heights.

‘Beyond Tolerance’: The Delusional Ideologies of Obama, Clinton and Trudeau

Ben Stein, in the featured image quote above, is correct. We cannot declare peace when an enemy unilaterally is attacking us – it is delusional, at best, and ultimately, it is surrender. Yet that seems to be exactly what the Hard Left is doing with political correctness, surrendering to Islam, with its pretense that Islam isn’t at war with the world.
There is only one article in this post and because it’s so important, it’s reproduced in full, below. It’s focus is on how delusional Western leaders seem to be when it comes to Islam. But is it really delusion, or is it a calculated plan to destroy Christian civilization? Remember, these people have evil hearts and calculating motives. They are following an agenda which we’ve seen spelled out in the Bible for the final days, because their ultimate goal is to bring in the one-world rule of the antichrist. And Christian civilization stands in their way.