Category: History

Massachusetts House Passes Bill Legally Abolishing Biological Sex

As America morally collapses the children will take the brunt. The older people are grounded in truth and can withstand the reprobates’ lies; however, the children are being exposed to things we never dreamed of! Are we going to leave our children in satan’s school, to have their minds’ warped and to be devoured by his agents?
How much longer before the Hard Left is so unified that they will begin to actively treat us like the Nazis did the Jews? They are like hybrid Nazi/French Revolutionists, and full of hatred for God or anyone who believes in Him. The light and freedom of America is fast coming to end.
Where is God’s church? There is no choice but revival for survival and NOW!

Switzerland’s occult ritual to mark opening of world’s longest rail tunnel

Europe is in complete rebellion against the Lord. The Europeans, in general, reject the Lord and anything to do with his word. It would be unthinkable for them to hold a major ceremony honoring Jesus Christ, or one full of Christian symbolism. What they did was hold a huge ceremony for the opening a tunnel in Switzerland, and it was full of pagan symbolism. It seems that the Europeans will embrace anything except what is associated with the God of the Bible.
Make sure that you see the articles about this and all the pictures showing just how outright pagan it was.

Lesbian Adopted Mother Backed in US Supreme Court Ruling

Many are fixed on watching the presidential primary politics and have hope for the nation through politics. The core of America is rotten with sin, as the homosexual agenda advances with very little resistance from the church. With the core so rotten and wicked, there is no real hope with politics: how can there be!