Tagged: Affordable Care Act

Trolling for War with Russia

There is more and more rhetoric from all over about war coming. Are we sleep-walking into WW3? There is little in the mainstream media about this, but NATO is talking about the Ukraine, and taking away the part that is under Russian control! This type of rhetoric is happening all of the time, but the mass of the people have no idea.
I will keep you on the cutting edge of events as they unfold.
Stay focused on the coming of the Lord Jesus no matter what happens.

University of London Panel Calls for Annihilation of Israel as Solution to Global Antisemitism

I’ve reported here on the judgment of the Lord hitting both Great Britain and Venezuela for coming against Israel. Great Britain wants Israel to create a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. What is so interesting is that London now has a Muslim mayor, while 40 percent of the city is Muslim! What the British have tried to force on Israel has happened to them! God is turning Britain over to Islam for judgment.
Venezuela supports Iran against Israel, and now look at the condition of this nation! I’ve reported how this country has descended into utter poverty and now it has mass starvation with food riots! The curse of the Lord is coming upon all the nations that come against his prophetic plan for Israel.