Tagged: Justice Department

The Left’s Latest Desperate Tactic – Smear Trump As ‘Mentally Ill’

The latest attack on President Trump is that he is mentally ill and should be removed from office! They are suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome.) They are mentally ill, and that is caused by sin taking over their minds. The establishment is desperate because the President is destroying their corrupt system. They might try something that would push us into a Constitutional crisis.
They no longer can hide in their delusion and look at how they react! Remember, these are dangerous people who will resort to violence. It appears that the Lord is using President Trump to break them. He forges ahead and they wilt before the pressure.

Threat from Russian and Chinese warplanes mounts

Although there have not been any huge developments toward WW3, the unmistakable trend continues. Russia, China and North Korea continue to increase their armaments and now NATO is moving its military close to the Russian border. China has become very aggressive in expanding its military into the South China Sea, which has many nations upset. The rhetoric is still at a high level so war is coming, but it will be in God’s timing for judgment. I think the war is going to start in connection with some event by the nations trying to divide Jerusalem or Israel.
There will be no permanent peace until the Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace, returns and establishes his kingdom on earth. This is called praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

Trump: Israel should keep building in Judea and Samaria

Now that Donald Trump is the Republican candidate for president, I want to watch him closely. We all know what Clinton represents, so there is not much sense in reporting on her.
With Trump there are three main issues, abortion, the homosexual agenda and Israel. There are other issues that are important to the nation, but these three are what triggers God’s judgment on a nation.
Initially, Trump said something about Israel that did not sit well with me. Lately, he has been saying all the right things. I hope that he fully supports Israel and stops this crazy two-state solution, which every president since George H.W. Bush has pushed on Israel.