Tagged: Obadiah 1:15

Presbyterian Church’s unholy matrimony of BDS and anti-Semitism

I posted a very important article about the apostasy of the Presbyterian Church and real believers must come out of it. We now need a complete separation from groups like this. We cannot compromise with churches that promote error like this as the Holy Spirit long ago departed from them. It is very said to see a dentition die like this. This started with a little error a few generation back to full blown apostasy.

The U.S. just sent a carrier strike group to confront China

I think this is one of the best blog posts I ever made. It is jammed full of critical information. Make sure that you look at all the articles, especially the one about Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Moore. He does a magnificent job refuting the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing “homosexual marriage”. The progress towards World War 3 continues, and I posted several more articles about it.