Tagged: Rouhani

Australia: ‘Survivors have waited too long’: 4000 institutions named in sex abuse royal commission

In Australia, if 6500 came forward about the sex abuse, then the real number could be 50,000 or more. The reason these pedophile rings exist is that many of the abusers are in high positions of power and can block exposure and prosecution! What is it with power and sexually abusing children?
We know this is going on in America, but only through the Lord can these predator rings be cracked and the criminals brought to justice. Bringing down these pedophiles is all part of draining the DC swamp.

Hillary’s Prison Blues (White Trash in the White House)

I’ve posted two satires about Hillary that I thought were very funny and well done. Facing this election, we need some laughs.
There also is a great article about scientific research proving the accuracy of the modern Bible.
Make sure that you read the article about Russia/Syria and the coming war with Israel. Israel is preparing for it and believes it will come in about six months. Israel believes that the tactics Russia is using in Northern Syria and Israel also will be used in the South along the Golan Heights.