Tagged: Salafist Islam

FGM-Linked Muslim Sect Given First Chance to Lay Flowers at London Attack Vigil

What a disgrace that the female genital mutilation (FGM) Muslim cult can openly function in Great Britain! The more we learn, the more we find out how far gone Great Britain is. The reason it is so important to watch what is happening in GB is that the Hard Left has the same plans for America.

It’s Not Just Times Square—Altars to Baal Will Be Built Around the World

We’re rapidly moving toward history’s conclusion, and these reconstructions of the Arch of the Temple of Baal in over a thousand cities worldwide is proof of that. Classic paganism (that is Luciferianism) is raising its head and leaving no doubt about what the end-time world religion will be. This isn’t a monument to a destroyed world archaeological treasure – it’s a symbolic gesture on an international level. These are gateways to the worship of Lucifer rising across the globe, and for the elite who are behind this, that’s the whole point.
It is past time for the Church to fall on its collective face in repentance and then to rise up, call for revival and take action!