Tagged: Sean Spicer

Spicer: Embassy move a question of when, not if

I hope this statement is true. There is not going to be any peace deal with the PLO because they want Jerusalem, and Israel never will divide the city. In the end, it will all come down to Jerusalem, just like the prophets stated so many thousands of years ago. The Muslims’ final war will be over Jerusalem. God is going to break the back of Islam over Jerusalem and end it as a viable religion. The end time prophetic religion will be paganism and not Islam. Islam’s days are numbered.

Tillerson says North Korea poses imminent threat

The war drums really are beating now. The US might use a preemptive strike against NK. Wow this is really hot. Obama did nothing, and he left the mess to President Trump. I am going to keep you on the cutting edge of this conflict because it could trigger World War 3. This is extremely serious, and keep in mind that NK wants to take out our major cities on the West Coast. These cities are junior Sodoms.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.