Tagged: West Virginia

More Natural Disasters: Earthquake Threats, Oppressive Heat, Fires and Record Floods

There seems to be disaster upon disaster shaking America. Massive fires, heat and drought in the West with warnings of mega earthquakes in the West and Midwest. Now record flooding in West Virginia, along with a tornado outbreak. This is all occurring during “Gay Pride Month” as proclaimed by Obama.
I have the feeling that America is going to see disaster upon disaster as the nation goes deeper into rebellion against God’s Word and advances the homosexual agenda. America seems in open and complete rebellion against the Lord; therefore, we will suffer the judgment.
Please read the following verse from Hosea and notice how this sounds just like America today. Is God getting ready to spew the Americans off the land because of the wickedness of the people?
Where is the church while this spiritual battle is raging?

‘Make America Mexico Again’: We Warned You About America-Hating Mobs

There is a dangerous and growing group in America that hates the nation and its people, and wants to destroy both. They are a potpourri of Hard Left groups that have one goal and that is to destroy America. One of these goals is to physically divide America by uniting parts, such as California or the Southwest, with Mexico. This is called Aztlán or reconquista and I watched them attacking the recent Donald Trump meeting in California. If you see the Mexican Flag flying at a protest, then most likely the are reconquistas. They refer to America as Aztlan, the land of the Aztecs. These are but a sample of the people that are at work to destroy America.
The danger is that as Obama pursues dividing Israel, God might turn America over the reconquistas for judgment, to match what America is doing to Israel. America is now under severe judgment by the Lord with a weak and powerless church which refuses to intercede before God. There are great social, political and economic dangers dead ahead, along with the possibility of war with Russia and/or China.