Category: world war 3

Rush Limbaugh Warns: ‘If the Media Keeps Generating This Hysteria, Somebody’s Gonna Get Killed

The social condition in America is now very serious. The Hard Left is literally doing everything possible to destroy President Trump. They loath and despise him which has resulted in a collective mind meltdown. They are very dangerous people and the media is ginning up the Leftist against the President and the government. Limbaugh is correct, the nation is on the edge of bloodshed.

Public urged to fight devious plan to ban Bible

California is getting very close to open warfare against real believers in the Lord and his word. They are not hiding wanting to go after anyone who speaks out against homosexuality. The barbarians are at the gates of the church. If the political climate doesn’t change, then very soon the reprobates are going to test the mettle of the church.

PSYCH DRUG America: More than 8 million children now on mind-altering psychiatric medication

This makes me want to vomit. Our children are now in the hands of the voodoo Babylonian health care! It is not health but psychobabble destroying their minds. At all costs get your kids out of this system. I wonder what is the percentage of home school children who “need” these drugs? I think close to zero.

Congressman Suggests Republicans are Retiring Due to Assassination Fears

This is a very interesting article linking the retirement of many Republicans due to violence generated by Hard Left Democrats. This reminds me of the KKK and how it was created to terrify black people and keep them from voting. Remember, the Democratic Party has turned into an evil political cult lusting for power and to destroy and enslave us