Tagged: Deuteronomy 30:19

American arrested in Philippines for producing international online pedophile ring films

Yet another disgusting story about the international elite who love to use children as depraved sexual objects, and of those who are used by them to gratify their lusts. But this story at least has a ring of justice to it, because this pedophile videographer was caught and is being prosecuted. No, he isn’t a high-level, prominent purchaser, merely a low-level procurer, once again. But it is progress, nonetheless, and for that we thank God.
We need earnest prayer, both for the rescue of the victims and for justice to prevail. This is one of the most despicable crimes there is because it targets the innocent and helpless, and the knowledge that many of the elite who govern our nations or run major industries around the world are involved heavily ought to be enough for a massive outcry of citizens in every nation.

American society headed toward a breaking point

This is a great article showing how the Hard Left is creating a national crisis in America. They are taking the fight to us. They hate America and love our enemies, and in fact, they are enemies of America.
I believe that they want a clash where a number of their people are killed and wounded. They will make them martyrs and they then can use this incident to incite violence and a revolution.
In their minds, we are Fascist, white racists, etc. which means they are free from any discourse with us. Their minds are closed which means a physical confrontation is the only solution. The key now is to watch for them provoking the police, resulting in a number of them being killed. They will then use this incident to launch their revolution. This is unfolding right before your eyes.

Clinton Right Hand Woman Huma Abedin Takes the Stage at Center of Email Scandal

This lead article gives you tremendous background information on Huma and how she is linked through her family to Muslim terrorists.
Finally, there is a chance that the truth about how Huma is linked to terrorists might come to light! It looks like God is leaving no stone unturned in showing the massive corruption in the federal government.