Tagged: islamophobia

NATO ready to respond to ‘assertive Russia’

The war rhetoric continues as NATO states that its military is ready to respond to Russia. Some event will spark this war and there will be no turning back. This will be World War 3 but not Armageddon. It will set the stage for Armageddon but is not it. The antichrist is going to come from this war and then set the stage for Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
If this is true, the coming of Jesus, the groom coming for His Church, the bride, must be very soon. We are running out of time because world events can’t stay like this forever. Some event will trigger this war.

Transgender Promoting Council Asks Children Aged 4 To Choose ‘Gender Identity’

I’ve posted a frightening article where the reprobates are trying to turn children as young as four into transgenders! There is no end to the corruption of the youth. There seems to be no protection of the young as satan has direct access to them through schools, TV and the media.
We need to protect our children and grandchildren at all costs because the entire system in now in the hands of satan. It is sad to watch a nation go under as America is now doing, but the church has lost the fire in its belly for prayer and revival, and has just turned the nation over to satan for destruction. It is as if the church surrendered to satan through the reprobate minds in charge without a fight.
No matter what the rest of church does, I fully intend to stand for the Lord and His word until the end. With God’s grace and power, I never will roll over and play spiritually dead, and I hope all the readers of this blog have the same attitude.

UNESCO: Jews Have No Connection to the Temple Mount

I’ve posted some tremendous articles; make sure you read them. The one about Michael Savage calling for a Christian revival to save the West is amazing. He is a Jew but yet he sees that only a foundation in the Lord can save America and Europe! WHERE ARE THE PREACHERS CRYING OUT TO THE LORD AND LEADING THE PEOPLE!!! Another article is about the foundation of the name Europa which is used by the European Union, and how it is pure Satanism. I found this super interesting; no wonder Europe is in the condition it is.

Planned Parenthood, ACLU Sue Indiana Over Law Banning Abortions of Down Syndrome Babies

I’ve posted several articles about the reprobate mind and just how dangerous it is because society to starting to act on this mind. Everyone is now in danger, when they legally kill the young, and now are moving to kill the old and sick. There is no end to the killing that the reprobate mind can perpetrate on society. We are really heading into perilous times as 60 million babies have been “legally” murdered and now they are targeting the elderly and sick.