Tagged: Joel 3:2


This article shows how the US is now on a course to divide, just like it did during the first Civil War. California and New York are leading the way in the division. They have created their own immigration policy and now are doing the same with climate change. The problem is that the vast number of Americans support the President’s immigration policy and are against the Paris Accords.

Spicer: Embassy move a question of when, not if

I hope this statement is true. There is not going to be any peace deal with the PLO because they want Jerusalem, and Israel never will divide the city. In the end, it will all come down to Jerusalem, just like the prophets stated so many thousands of years ago. The Muslims’ final war will be over Jerusalem. God is going to break the back of Islam over Jerusalem and end it as a viable religion. The end time prophetic religion will be paganism and not Islam. Islam’s days are numbered.

Lutheran, Episcopal and United Church of Christ Clergy: “We Stand With Planned Parenthood” Abortion Biz

There is nothing like abortion and homosexuality to bring out the Hard Left apostates within the “Church.” They are truly the tares among the wheat. What a shock is in store for these apostates when they stand before the Lord Jesus on Judgment Day! They stand in pulpits and justify killing the of babies in the womb and promote homosexuality as a virtue!

Trump Prepares Executive Orders to Reduce Funds for UN Bodies Giving Palestinians Full Membership

The wonders of President Trump never cease. It is about time that the UN is confronted for its attacks on Israel and for promoting a Palestinian state. This is so wonderful, to see real truth spoken at the UN, the EU and to the Muslims. They all hate the truth, especially about Israel, so this is going to be a battle.
We truly are living through history, because the world is never going to be the same.